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07-30-2004, 02:54 PM
I thought I'd join in the fun....

Prelude to.....SMACK!!! (a love tap)

Its' a bird, a plane....no! It's a cat...or is it a bat??:eek:


07-30-2004, 03:37 PM
Aww, look at those beautiful girls (and so healthy)!!!! I just love their markings!
How old are they now?

07-30-2004, 03:57 PM
Let's see...They are going on 16-17 weeks now. My girls are getting so big! I can't believe how fast they grow!:) They are totally in that crazed tennager state right now....I don't think they ever sleep!!! Pitter patter of feet all night!

07-30-2004, 04:15 PM
LOL!!!! I miss that, I think.:rolleyes:

Jazz was about 14 weeks old when we got her but she was so sick that it was months before she was very active and she was still very calm then. Scout was in the 9-12 month range when we got her last year and she's very reserved anyways.

Ripley was my wild child and I guess 12 years is long enough to make me look back on it a little more fondly.

You guys are really making me want a kitten again. Not good!

07-30-2004, 04:22 PM
Cute kitties. I like their names. :D

07-30-2004, 06:43 PM
Oh my, those are absolutely two adorable little girls.
What cute pictures.
Thanks for sharing.:)

07-30-2004, 07:54 PM
Those are cute girls and cute pictures!! Equus-have you ever told us how you came up with those names??? From South Carolina?:D

07-31-2004, 07:33 AM
AWWWWWE!! What cuties! They put a huge smile on my face! I love them at this age! They crack you up with almost everything they do! Kissies to the cuties!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

07-31-2004, 08:38 AM
WEE love those Terrific Little Torties,and love thier tortitude! They,are going to be Amazing Cats!

07-31-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
Those are cute girls and cute pictures!! Equus-have you ever told us how you came up with those names??? From South Carolina?:D


Well, they were both shelter rescues...and were very sick...they weren't eating, were totally flea infested and had to be put on 2 antibiotics, eye oint. and treatment for ear mites. I really didn't think Reno (the calico/torti) was gonna make it. Anyway, I couldn't think of good names so I was calling them Lucky #1 and Lucky #2........then it just dawned on me to call them Vegas and Reno....my little lucky girls!

Both healthy and happy now!!:D

07-31-2004, 03:58 PM
Such cute little girls you have! They are absolutely adorable! :)