View Full Version : Any suggestions on an achy tooth?

07-26-2004, 04:35 PM
I've only had one cavity in my life, and that stupid filling fell out. The dentist can't get me in for a few days and it hurts. I hope they'll fix it when I'm pregnant. I can't drink anything. Is there anything that I can do to ease the pain?

07-26-2004, 04:56 PM
Hmmm, I'm not sure, maybe take an advil or something. I remember one time I had a cavity, but the dentist wouldn't fill it because he said it would fall out soon. A year later, it was still in and hurt soooo bad. I hate dentists:rolleyes:

Miss Meow
07-26-2004, 05:30 PM
I swish warm water with aspirin around my mouth and then swallow - it helps the localised pain. Can you take aspirin if you're pregnant?

07-26-2004, 06:12 PM
Ambusol (or the drug-store version of it). It's that numby stuff the dentists use.

07-26-2004, 06:30 PM
Ice usually works for me. I have some little gel ice packs and I just hold it up to my cheek and it does make a difference.

Also, where is the pain? If its one of the first molars on the upper jaw, it could actually be a sinus infection. I have one tooth that KILLS me when I have a sinus infection. This is a common time of year for that sort of thing. You'd need a dose of antibiotics to cure that - could you see if the doctor could get you in sooner than the dentist if the pain is in the upper molar just to make sure its not a sinus infection?

07-26-2004, 07:31 PM
I sure hope you get in soon to the Dentist Tonya, toothache is one of the hellish pains ever, I am not sure if heat or ice is best, try both, maybe a nice warm wheatpack, not too hot, I get lots of neurelgia pain in my face and that is what I do, if it were sinus problems that would help too.

GOOD LUCK, and I hope you donot have to suffer much longer. Thinking of you.:)

07-26-2004, 08:57 PM
It's that raw root feeling. I'm not letting anything cold come near me! Cold stuff hurts so bad! I'm positive that my filling came out. I can feel it and it's the exact tooth that they filled. I'm going to swish the aspirin around in my mouth and do the ambesol. Thank you. :D

07-26-2004, 10:28 PM
Tonya, if your filling fell out, then the nerve is probably exposed to the air and that is why it is so painful.
This happened to me also and I couldn't see my dentist for a few days. My dentist told my to get a cotton ball and take a piece of it, just enough to pack the tooth with and this will stop the air from getting to the nerve. I did it and by the next day I had no more pain.
Good luck in whatever you decide to do, cause nothing is worse than a throbbing toothache.

07-26-2004, 10:51 PM
You should try to see your dentist asap. I've undergone dental surgery last May because of my bothersome wisdom tooth. The pain is unbearable. My dentist have applied Eugenol inside the cavity then press with cotton ball. Premedication with antibiotics is also needed.

Advil works well. Since you are pregnant, you have to consult for proper drug prescription.

Hope it all goes well.:)

07-27-2004, 11:19 AM
Tonya, check with your OB/GYN before doing anything, especially the aspirin. Even if you don't swallow, your mouth will still absorb it. I don't think you can take aspirin while you're pregnant. (at least that's what I've been told.) I was told I could take ibuprofin (sp?) but not in the third trimester and Tylenol through the whole pregnancy. Good luck and, remember, the pain is only temporary.

07-27-2004, 11:34 AM
Tonya, there is a toothpaste called Sensidyne (at least I think that is the spelling).

However, if it is the root causing the problem this will not be enough.

Good luck, I recall thinking having my head removed would be fine with me after my last toothache bout.

07-27-2004, 11:40 AM
My sister used some kind of wax stuff to fill her tooth until the dentist could get her in either the dentist gave it to her or she got it at a drug store I can't remember but it helped:)

07-27-2004, 01:47 PM
I called my dentist and let them know I am pregnant. They said that they will not work on me without a doctor's clearance. I called my doctor, and she said she will not give a doctor's clearance without knowing what they are doing to me. So, I called my dentist back, and they said they will not look at me to decide what they are doing to me until they have a doctors clearance. So, I called my doctor back and told her that they won't look at me to let her know what they are doing until she clears me. And she said to call them back and tell them she won't clear me until she knows what they are going to do to me. Yay.

07-27-2004, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I called my dentist and let them know I am pregnant. They said that they will not work on me without a doctor's clearance. I called my doctor, and she said she will not give a doctor's clearance without knowing what they are doing to me. So, I called my dentist back, and they said they will not look at me to decide what they are doing to me until they have a doctors clearance. So, I called my doctor back and told her that they won't look at me to let her know what they are doing until she clears me. And she said to call them back and tell them she won't clear me until she knows what they are going to do to me. Yay.

AGH! I'd have the two offices talk to each other directly -- what a run-around!

07-27-2004, 01:59 PM
Go to the drug store and look for a temporary filling repair kit.
It has a clay like putty you can jam into the space until you get the dentist and the doctor to agree....

Oil of cloves works well too.....

07-27-2004, 05:01 PM
Thank you. Mike brought me home some temporary repair kit. It's got some putty stuff you pack in the tooth. I'm not sure if it works yet, I just put it in.

07-27-2004, 07:17 PM
It didn't work. :( When Mike applied it, he said not only did my filling fall out, but my tooth is cracked, so that is probably why.

On the upside, got the paperwork straightened out. They can fix it on Thursday. They are only using xylocaine (sp?) and tylenol though. So it'll be a painful fix.

Sorry to bore you all with my tooth woes. lol. You were such great sports! Thank you.

Miss Meow
07-27-2004, 07:24 PM
Tonya, does the crack in your tooth go down to the gumline? If so, it might be an abcess forming. Ouch. I can feel your pain :(

07-27-2004, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Tonya
I called my dentist and let them know I am pregnant. They said that they will not work on me without a doctor's clearance. I called my doctor, and she said she will not give a doctor's clearance without knowing what they are doing to me. So, I called my dentist back, and they said they will not look at me to decide what they are doing to me until they have a doctors clearance. So, I called my doctor back and told her that they won't look at me to let her know what they are doing until she clears me. And she said to call them back and tell them she won't clear me until she knows what they are going to do to me. Yay.

Oh my gosh! I just had to read this out loud to my stepdaughter. I know it's not funny - but the way you wrote it is just absolutely cracking me up.

I'm glad you finally got the dentist to agree to see you.

I've never had a toothache, so I don't know what you're going through - but do you think that some orthodontic wax would work? You could put it in there to cover the nerve until the dentist sees you, maybe?

07-27-2004, 08:01 PM
I'm just drinking room temp drinks through a straw and hardly eating. That seems to work...don't eat and don't drink, and I am fine. :D I can't tell if the crack is up to my gum line, I can't see it. I wanted Mike to just leave me alone because he was hurting me...I didn't care for him to elaborate. lol...

07-29-2004, 09:56 PM
Not like everyone wants to closely follow Tonya's tooth escapade...haha...But I just thought I'd let you know that the reason why that temporary filling stuff didn't work is because I'd put it on the wrong tooth. I felt kind of stupid. haha.

07-29-2004, 10:00 PM
Thank you for the laugh!!! Sounds like something I'd do!

One time I went to the dentist swearing my left upper jaw hurt.... the cavity was on the lower left! Oh well, all I knew was that it hurt - don't ask me to pinpoint the exact location of the pain!

07-29-2004, 10:09 PM
Well, I hope it works on the right tooth. Don't worry though, tooth pain can be hard to track down sometimes even though it is your own mouth. I know this from experience.:eek:

I am with catnapper, thanks for the laugh however.;)

I hope it works, tooth pain is some of the worst to deal with. IMHO.