View Full Version : Swollen under eye

07-25-2004, 08:00 AM
My older dog woke up this morning with a large lump under her eye. She a Jack Russel and rather small, so the swelling appears to be right ove the mouth. THe lump is quite large. Any idea if a swollen gland would swell there or if a sinus problem could have this effect? For all I know it could be a tooth absess. Any experience with this before?



07-26-2004, 12:26 PM
Gosh it could be many things.
Might even be a bug bite.

I suggest talking to the vet and see if he
wants her to come in or not.

07-26-2004, 03:35 PM
It's hard to tell what it could be without seeing it.

I doubt it would be a swollen gland. The most common would be a tooth abcess, but it could also be a sinus problem, a bug bite, some kind of eye problem, the list can go on.
I would take her the vet if it still there.