View Full Version : Rocky going to the vet tomarrow.

07-22-2004, 06:04 PM
I decided to let the vet clean Rocky's teeth tomarrow.

I was also thinking since Rocky has to be put
under, maybe he could have his tummy tacked
to prevent possible tortion. (his sire died young of bloat)

My vet said he never tacked as a preventive measure and
was going to research the surgery, and call up another vet. He will get back to me tomarrow when I bring
in Rocky.

Either way, please keep Rocky in your thoughts. :)

07-22-2004, 06:33 PM
Oh, I sure will Karen!!! Wow, I had never heard of that procedure being performed in dogs! Is it a type of stomach stapling? Please keep us updated! I'll be thinking of you both...sending my love and lots of hugs to you Rocky!!!:) Sandra, Cody and Star:)

07-22-2004, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by KYS
please keep Rocky in your thoughts. :)

You better believe I will Karen! That big brute of yours is one of my favs, wouldn't want anything to happen to him!
Let us know how things go.


07-22-2004, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by KYS
I was also thinking since Rocky has to be put
under, maybe he could have his tummy tacked
to prevent possible tortion. (his sire died young of bloat)

Karen, just recently I was telling someone how I worry about bloat since standard poodles are on the 'high risk' list. They told me it would have been a good idea to have Bella's tummy tacked when I had her spayed. I had never heard of that before.

Rocky will be in everyone's thoughts and prayers tomorrow. My hubby is having major dental work tomorrow too. I think he wishes he was being put under. :rolleyes:

Rocky you are even going to be more handsome (is that possible?) with your fresh cleaned pearly whites!

07-23-2004, 11:38 AM
Sitting on our hands and paws, waiting for an update...Check in when you can guys:)

07-23-2004, 12:36 PM
I had no idea that they would even consider surgery like that, Karen! Learn something new, everyday!!!! :o

Please let us know about Rocky when you can. He is in my prayers.


07-23-2004, 06:59 PM
Just got Rocky home from teeth cleaning only.
He is a bit wobley from the anethesia.

His teeth look sooo pretty!
And even his breath is sweet!

Last night my family pretty much talk me out of
the tacking.

Sandra/Pam, I think some of the old time vets are not that familiar with tacking accept maybe when the dog bloats, including my vet.
In the last couple of years I have heard some
Akita people having their Akita's tacked when bloat or
even when being spayed.
Tacking doesn't prevent bloat, but stops the tummy
from twisting.
(one of the vets on our Akita list last year had her female akita pup tacked when being spayed as a preventative.)

As promised my vet did call up and speak to a Vet surgeon who said tacking was and can be done.
My vet said it was up to me, and stated unless
Rocky had prior problems that would make him prone
to bloat (not just his sire having bloat) than
he might never have bloat and suggested I might
not want to put him through the elective surgery.
So needless to say I just did the cleaning.
When I do get my next Akita, not for a few years. :)
I will seriously look into tacking when she is being spayed. I am sure more and more vets will be more familiar about tacking certain breeds in future years when that time
comes. :)

Rocky now has sweet breath too!!!!

07-23-2004, 09:21 PM
Rocky I know you are probably worn out from your Big Day at the white coats but I just wanted to let you know that we were all thinking about you today. My hubby's procedure (surgical prep for a dental implant) went well too so now we can all relax. Have a good night's sleep tonight Rocky and tomorrow you can flash your big smile! ;)

Karen, thanks for the info on the tacking. We will just all keep our fingers cross that no Pet Talk pupster ever has to deal with bloat!

07-24-2004, 09:27 AM
Very interesting to learn about that procedure. Probably your vet was right about the risk vs. reward aspect of an elective surgery. I think when they have their teeth cleaned, the anesthetic is just a light one and undergoing the knife with the needed anestesia for that would be quite a different undertaking.

Hey, Rocky, how about smiling with those gleaming teethes so mom can snap a pictures. :D

07-24-2004, 01:57 PM
I'd love to see those sparkling, pearly whites, Rocky!:D Thanks for the info. about the tacking Karen. My vet's young, under 40 and stuided at Tufts, so I'll bet he knows about it, but I never asked! I'm sure it's a life saver for animals prone to bloat. But all things considered, I think you made the right decision with Rocky, Karen though I understand your concern; such a scary condition! Give that beautiful boy with the sweet breath a hug and kiss for me!:)

07-24-2004, 06:47 PM
Glad to hear that Rocky is home and feeling alright. I can just about smell that sweet breath:D

Hugs and kisses to you big boy!