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View Full Version : Sometimes I feel overwhelmed here

07-22-2004, 04:28 PM
I feel lost sometimes when there are so many threads I want to look and reply to - especially like today, when it is getting late and I really must go to bed. Does anyone else get this way? ... Guess I will have to read the replies, if any, tommorow! :)


07-22-2004, 04:51 PM
Absolutely, I say to myself I must only spend like 2hrs max on PT, I do have other things I should be doing, and if there are some really good threads, I just have to stay and reply, sometimes 4 hrs later I leave, happy but dismayed I never got anything done today. Ah the joys of PT, and I really will have it no other way.

07-22-2004, 04:54 PM
:o I thought it was just me...

07-22-2004, 04:56 PM
I feel that way too, there's a lot I miss. :(

07-22-2004, 05:14 PM
All the time!
Especially lately while spending more time with the pups.

07-22-2004, 05:16 PM
Oh Chris, I feel your pain! I try and get to all the congrats, health threads, new pictures, especially the ones that have gotten bumped down. So many new pics and video threads lately and it's getting so hard to catch up, but I try. I hope everyone knows that even if I haven't posted...yet...I will:) I love seeing all the pics and reading about everyone's family, furry or human!

07-22-2004, 05:43 PM

Me too!
The main time for me to check out PT is usually at work, but it has been CHAOS lately here, and my Boss has become the boss from hell ............... so I do miss stuff.

To those of you I miss ...... I am sorry!
I am trying to catch up ................ just will be very slowly.

You know, sometimes if I start a thread that I think others might like, I PM them ......... that way they see it, and don't have to search .....

Love to you and Bob
OH, and darlin Ebby!

07-22-2004, 05:46 PM
I stay on here until 4:00 in the am I feel so good that I didn't miss anything

07-22-2004, 06:15 PM
I feel I've been missing a lot lately too. I used to make sure I didn't miss a single thread, but its starting to get hard with so many other things to do, and with so many new posts these days. I like it when people post more though.........it gets boring when everything's quiet. ;)

07-22-2004, 06:18 PM
Yes, I do! And I feel guilty that I don't leave enough replies!

07-22-2004, 06:32 PM
Yes, I do too! I can never feel like I have kept up, and really feel I have neglected folks and actually miss them myself when I do not keep up!:rolleyes:

07-22-2004, 07:39 PM
I have the same problem too.
I feel bad that I do not post on all the
threads, but I do always try to read the dog health section.

07-22-2004, 08:35 PM
I hate when I miss any threads, but sometimes there are so many it's hard not to.

07-22-2004, 08:42 PM
Me too!

If I miss anyone's thread... I'm very, very sorry. I love you all. :D It generally depends on how I'm feeling; so if I don't reply to your thread, you know I've at least looked at it. :)

07-22-2004, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by GoldenRetrLuver
Me too!

If I miss anyone's thread... I'm very, very sorry. I love you all. :D It generally depends on how I'm feeling; so if I don't reply to your thread, you know I've at least looked at it. :)

Me too, alot of times I mean to reply, but it does depend on my mood, because I don't want to seem sad/mad or whatever in my replies!

07-22-2004, 09:24 PM
I understand very much too. Sometimes I can only stop by and browse posts during the breaks while I'm working and it's a choice of view/read all the new posts or reply to a couple of posts and it's tough because I like to put a bit of thought and time into my replies. I also like to reply to DOTD if I can, but gosh if I spent as much time as I'd like every day reading and replying I'd never get much done! ;)

I sometimes even feel kinda bad posting more pictures or videos when there are already so many out there. Of course I enjoy replies and comments as much as the next person, but I do truly hope no one ever feels obligated to reply or guilty if they don't :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-22-2004, 10:45 PM
I know exactly what you mean Chris, and I only try and keep up with the Cat side and General! There's no way I'd have time to devote to the dog side and the pet side, as much as I'd like to, it just can't happen.

This week I feel like I'm neglecting everyone becaue I just haven't been able to reply as much as I'd like to. I try to keep up with reading everything, but replying takes much more time. I feel bad when people post adorable pics and I can't reply, especially if there aren't that many replies to the thread to begin with.

I'm glad to see I'm not alone here. :)

07-24-2004, 03:16 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone. I feel a lot better knowing I am not alone! :)

07-24-2004, 03:22 PM
Feeling that way right now, Chris!:D So many new threads to catch up on! Having dogs, cats and guinea pigs, it's so hard to get to all the important catagories of all three, not to mentin the "General" catagory! I really hope to spend more time in the Cats section! My Mr. B and Oliver don't get the attention they deserve:)

07-25-2004, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by tatsxxx11
...My Mr. B and Oliver don't get the attention they deserve...

Or the adoration, and love, and ear nibblies...

Jus sayin,


P.S. I WUV yous Oliiiiveeer!

07-25-2004, 05:13 AM
Oh wow!! This is me also. I feel like I am so far behind. I also feel guilty for not posting more. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way.

Jessica, I don't think you should feel bad about posting pictures and videos. I know I only speak for myself but I LOVE all the pictures. Everyones! I just love being able to see everyone's babies. This is one of my favorite things about pet talk.

Hmmm, maybe we shouldn't feel so overwhelmed and guilty. Maybe we should just enjoy Pet Talk and post when we can.

I Love Pet Talk

Robin :)

07-25-2004, 08:21 AM
Chris, I, too, feel as though I don't contribute as much as I should, to this forum. I look at some of the threads and hardly have enough time to get through a couple and then something else calls to me....i.e. cleaning, other plans, my pets, homework in general...and I read...watch a little TV....music... I just don't set aside that much time for PetTalk.

Also, and I must say that this is MY opinion and not meant to be a condeming comment: I think there are many silly postings going on here and it floods the forum with posts that have no relationship to PetTalk. These folks need to either PM each other or go to another forum. That is my opinion - and I know that it is an open forum....BUT it is called PETTALK!

I think Pettalk serves a different purporse for some people. This forum has lost some of it's earlier members for obvious reasons.

I try to post when I have the time and think that what I might add, might be of some importance.

Here's to you ChrisH, for bringing up such a subject about this forum......one of my favorite forums...

I love all of the pets here, Ebby and Bob are two of my favorites....I have my favorites, just like everyone else does, I am sure. Malone is one of my favorite doggies...... and HH and Eddie....Filou and T.......and Mr. Magoo. Need I go on?

Here is is quality and NOT quantity!

07-25-2004, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont
Also, and I must say that this is MY opinion and not meant to be a condeming comment: I think there are many silly postings going on here and it floods the forum with posts that have no relationship to PetTalk.

Are you speaking about here in the general section? I have always felt this section was a part to talk about anything that didn't necessarily have to do with our pets because all the other topics cover pets as thoroughly as is possible in my opinion. I always thought the General under the Other heading is just a general chatting ground about anything and everything. As far as the dog general, cat general, pet general, etc. topics, pretty much all the posts that I see are about pets. If you only want to read about pets, why not just stick to the pet forums and skip general? Unless I'm misunderstanding. And I'm not taking offense (I don't think), but just a bit confused if you are feeling like the topics in General should all be about pets when that is already covered elsewhere.

That said, occasionally even here it does seem a little overcluttered with posts, such as a certain person who was very obviously recently just trying to get a higher post count ;), But that was already addressed by many others in a different thread.

Anyway, I know for myself if I am limited on time and just want to catch up on the pet-related things, I stick to those forums.

07-25-2004, 08:46 AM
Originally posted by K9soul
Are you speaking about here in the general section? I have always felt this section was a part to talk about anything that didn't necessarily have to do with our pets because all the other topics cover pets as thoroughly as is possible in my opinion.

Yes, I wonder about this, too - I like to sometimes come here to General just to post about silly things (like my cockroach adventure) and just anything, which I think is a great place to post because it is all friendly and fun - but sometimes the silliness does spill over into the Pet forums too.
I am guilty of this I know:o

This thread has been very good and interesting. It is good discussion. I gues PT is many things to many people. For me, it is the ONLY forum I go to and so it serves many purposes. I am relieved to read that others also feel a bit overwhelmed at times - when they are unable to post as much as they would like to. If I am in a bad mood or somthing - I tend to not post very much and then feel bad becauseI feel like I am neglecting folks. But then - I am usiually pleasantly surprised with a note from somebody saying where are you??:) So, I get busy and try to post more! I hate to not comment on the many folks who share stories and pictures - but especially in Cat General, (where I *live*:D) - I almost always read every single post!! I have recently come to General to expand a bit. I tried DogHouse a few times and I like the bar:) but prefer to stay out of the "discussions" because I end up getting :mad: -not good!

07-25-2004, 08:51 AM
I guess what I was trying to point out is that I think there are folks posting, it seems to me, out of complete boredom and flooding the forum with idle chatter. I know what the general section is for, and that I too use it from time to time..... I think some folks need to find other forums to disuss topics that better suit their needs. When I open Pettalk and see that there are hundreds of new posts, I feel overwhelmed and don't even bother. When I further investigate, I often see silly topics.... and ones that would probably find a better place in another forum.... I certainly know how to sort down topics etc. But thanks for the advice.

07-25-2004, 08:54 AM
Sallyanne - I think part of the problem right now is summer vacation and an invasion of trolls - could that explain it??:rolleyes:

07-25-2004, 09:28 AM
I know I haven't posted in awhile, and haven't done much reading of posts. But my reason, I have been feeling so down, and depressed, I just have not felt like posting. I just feel so sad, one of my problems I guess, ME!

I usually love reading the posts, and looking at all the pictures of all the pets. But lately, I have just felt like I had nothing to contribute that would be worth reading. Even thought about leaving Pet Talk for that reason. Anywho, I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed!

This is a very good thread.


07-25-2004, 09:35 AM
Oh Willie please don't ever leave! I have missed seeing your posts and feel so bad that you are not feeling so well these days. (((hugs))) It is hard to keep up and I admit that I don't always do such a good job either. I tend to go to "View Today's Active Threads" when I come to Pet Talk and I know I miss some very good posts when I do that because they become "buried." Occasionally someone will PM me with something they feel I have missed so that I can respond. Please cheer up Willie! We love you! It's good to see you back at the computer!

07-25-2004, 10:59 AM
Chris, I too feel a bit overwhelmed sometimes, when I log on. So many are joining PT all the time, and there are lots of new threads. At some point, it's just impossible to keep up, so I choose to open the threads in the cat Forums first, and then see if there's anything else interesting - when I have the time.

I do feel a little guilty if I don't reply to certain posts, but if I don't have the time, so be it. I think most people understand. :)

What I find irritating is sifting though all the threads which are posted out of boredom, with no real content! They just make it all slower.

John is different from me, he doesn't feel guilty about not replying to posts, unless they are his own threads. ..... See, I even had to post this for him ;)

07-25-2004, 03:57 PM
I try to get on here atleast everyday, but i've been so busy. It's been awhile since i've posted here.

Pet talk, it's an obsession.:p

07-25-2004, 10:23 PM
Well, I feel bad now. I never realized that random posts out of boredom bothered people. I guess that I didn't think about it because so many other people do it. I'll try a little harder to not post random stuff.

07-26-2004, 12:56 AM

Don't you stop with your random posts!!!!! Don't make me come over there ..................!!! :D


07-26-2004, 01:08 AM
I agree with you whole-heartedly... I wish I could chat on here for days on end.. It just can't be done with all those other tiny things that need to get done! What a shame we share! :D

07-26-2004, 09:21 AM
I don't think Chris meant here on General did you Chris? This place seems to be a pretty much random posting place where anything goes. That is my impression anyway. The Cat, Dog and Pet boards tend to get a bit cluttered sometimes and I will try to be more careful about THAT. Here - it can still be fun and say what you want, yes?:D :p

07-26-2004, 11:06 AM
I don't think Chris meant here on General did you Chris? Not General in particular, no. I also take a look at Dog General and Cat General, but usually begin with Todays Active Threads ...
Maybe it would be better if I began with the Cat & Dog threads instead, then I wouldn't miss all the lovely pictures and news ...
Ah, but then, by the time I finished, I would miss the other things, prayers needed, birthdays, congratulations, etc. And then are the other interesting threads, like, right now, the California BBQ ... ack!

07-26-2004, 11:12 AM
I did not know there was a feature for "today's active threads"??
My routine is always the same. First Cat General where I read EVERYTHING. That will normally alert me if I need to stop in at health or memorial. Then if there is time, I come to General and read whatever sounds interesting or fun. If I am feeling really brave or grumpy - then I go to the DogHouse and maybe stop in the bar:D
I NEVER miss a day at PT though - NEVER!!! I may not comment like I want to, and do feel bad and overwhelmed on those days, but I still read.

07-26-2004, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by RobiLee

Hmmm, maybe we shouldn't feel so overwhelmed and guilty. Maybe we should just enjoy Pet Talk and post when we can.
I Love Pet Talk
Robin :)

Well said, Robin!
I come to PT, as little as I do, to enjoy it, not out of a sense of obligation.
I don't read as many posts as I would like or answer as much as I used to. In my case, the volunteer work I do for Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue takes over my life. Right now, because of the Annual Fund Appeal has generated such an extraordinary response, I have done over 700 "thank you" cards for donations in the last month. So, if my choice is to talk about pets or do something to help the rescue dogs, the choice is made without even thinking about it.
I'm sorry for all the birthdays and congratulations that I've missed. On the other hand, I'm very happy to know that what I do will help many dogs have a second chance for a better life.:)
If a pup needs prayers or somebody needs advice about something I know, I try to make time to post. Otherwise, the dogs come first.;)
I love all your beautiful pets, even if I don't tell you about it all the time.

07-26-2004, 05:14 PM
I hope none of my threads bother anyone. Sometimes I get bored and think of something interesting to share with everyone. I generally get a lot of replies with them, so I'm not sure if these are that are bothering everyone.... if they are, please let me know.

I'm not sure if this is related but it's something that's been on my mind.

I often feel weird going into the cat section. I feel as if i'm not welcomed there. I guess it's just because I don't own a cat, and i'm a dog person. It seems the only way to get replies there is to post something that some might not agree with, such as the thread about me wanting to adopt a cat. Even when Caeleigh and Orion were here.. I took TONS of pictures to share with everyone, but I ended up not getting many replies, so I decided not to share them all. I used to try and post in every active section and reply to lots of people...but since not getting many replies from Caeleigh & Orion, it's sort of pushed me away. I do often read over there, but it feel weird even reading. It's like it's a whole other forum. :(
I love when I see "cat people" post in my threads in dog general... It makes me glad to see that a few take the time to respond to the dog side.
And I don't mean to say this to hurt anyone, i'm just saying it because it's how i've been feeling lately. =\

07-26-2004, 07:26 PM
Personally I don't find anyone's postings boring, some might be somewhat trivial in comparison to others, but its up to the individual to read them or not.

When PT becomes such a big part of your life, it just becomes natural to share things with everyone, even if they are not that interesting, or as some see it boring, and that is what I love about this place, no-one should be made to feel bad about posting, this is a place filled with love, fun and sharing, if you are feeling down, on a high, want questions answered, or even just plain bored, there is always someone who wants to know and listen, just MO for what its worth. What one person finds boring another might not.

I just wanted to add after a days thoughts, I think PT would not be so successful and interesting if it were just about Pets, for me I love to hear about other people's lives and what is going on in them, like for instance, about kims daughter, about Cali's sheep farm, just two examples, as much as i enjoy hearing all about Pets, I also get immense enjoyment of getting to know the people who own these pets as well.

PS kay don't feel weird about posting in the cat section, your contribution is so welcome, so come on over anytime, myself I hardly ever go to the dog section, I must be more adventurous and do so from now on lol.

07-27-2004, 08:48 AM
I go in the queue where everyone stands.... feeling a little guilty sometimes because I don't answer all the threads I'd like. I try to follow Cat General and Health, and to answer the COTD thread. But when I was away like this weekend I am lost:(

However I am trying hard not to feel guilty when I don't answer- and on the other hand not to think it is a personal thing if someone doesn't answer my threads-because I know it isn't in both cases:D

07-27-2004, 09:57 AM
I don't have the time I used to have at Pet Talk. I pop in and out during the day and evening, when I can. I think the posts that I have missed out on, mostly, are all the wonderful photographs that you folks take of your pets. I rarely can click on a linked album, and sometimes I don't even open the threads that I know have tons of pictures because I simply don't have time. Kay, I'm sure I missed your precious Cat pictures for that very same reason.

I'm with you all, it can be overwhelming at times, and I am a member or manager of several other forums, some that I only visit every two weeks or so as time allows. I choose to do what Robin, SAS, Alicia and others suggested, I'm not going to let it get the best of me, and I'm going to join in when I can and try not to feel guilty about it! It doesn't mean that I don't care, it means that I'm away doing other things like work, spending time with my family (including the pets), working in my yard, etc. These are things that I enjoy along with my time here! :)


07-27-2004, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Kfamr
I often feel weird going into the cat section. I feel as if i'm not welcomed there. I guess it's just because I don't own a cat, and i'm a dog person. It seems the only way to get replies there is to post something that some might not agree with, such as the thread about me wanting to adopt a cat. Even when Caeleigh and Orion were here.. I took TONS of pictures to share with everyone, but I ended up not getting many replies, so I decided not to share them all. I used to try and post in every active section and reply to lots of people...but since not getting many replies from Caeleigh & Orion, it's sort of pushed me away. I do often read over there, but it feel weird even reading. It's like it's a whole other forum. :(
I love when I see "cat people" post in my threads in dog general... It makes me glad to see that a few take the time to respond to the dog side.
And I don't mean to say this to hurt anyone, i'm just saying it because it's how i've been feeling lately. =\

Kay, of course you're welcome on the cat side:) LOL I always go over to the dog side, simply because I love dogs. I just post in other people's picture threads though. At first when I started going over there it felt so weird and I felt so out of place because I didn't have a dog. But now I think I'm ok.

I always feel that I don't have enough time to be on PT. I would love to have the time everyday to visit most of the forums and post in the POTD threads though.

07-27-2004, 01:10 PM
I sometimes feel overwhelmed by the number of threads I want to read. And I understand what Sasvermont meant by "trivial" posts. I'm sure she meant the ones that are very pointless and relate to only one other person, such as "Susy, did I see you on forum X last night?" This is where a PM would be better.

I try to read all of the posts in dog, cat and general. That doesn't leave much time to post-----if I want to keep my job! I try to post on subjects where my experience can help or where someone else's can help me. I don't have time or ability to view the videos but try to catch the pictures.

If I start a thread and don't get a lot of replies, I don't feel too bad. Not everyone will have something to say about what interests me.

I consider this a place to learn about a lot of things, not just pets; To commiserate with people I consider friends; To rejoice in their triumphs; To give or get a laugh.

I could spend all day, every day here on PetTalk. Unfortunately life gets in the way.


07-28-2004, 06:57 AM
i agree w/carole.....this is a wonderful place and we should understand that what is interesting to one is not a "big thing" to another....and realizing that we are all different we should appreciate that fact of difference. i do not have a lot to say.....sometimes just hmmmmm, meaning "giving it some thought"......but i enjoy it all anyway. i am feeling bad about some of the comments here.....i think that is why some people i know just "lurk".....its something to think about.....hmmmmmm

Killearn Kitties
07-28-2004, 09:26 AM
I know just what you mean Carole. The fact is that no matter how much time I would like to spend here, I simply don't have any more time.

I would hate to think I missed something really important to someone. I always try to check all the Cat forums for important news and General, but some days there can be more than a page of new posts on Cat General alone and, with the best will in the world, I just don't have that kind of time. Sometimes I don't post on threads simply because I don't have anything to say that someone else has not already said. If it's a case of someone needing moral support though, I try to post something, even if it has been said already.