View Full Version : Ooooliiiveeeer -- are u on line?

10-29-2001, 08:29 PM
Mommy left the puter up! Typin like peeples is hard to do, I purrfer sniffin. Anywho I can send you messages now. Are u on the puter two u be-u-tifle boy? :D


10-31-2001, 05:21 PM
Hey Oliver, Livvy has a new set of photos on line. Here is one sample.


12-06-2001, 04:53 AM
My dear Livvy. I made mommy search all over for a letter from my Livvy love. She's not too smart I guess, cuz we neber found this :( Please forgive me LIVvy. Must be like Romeo and Jewliet. Cuz I sent you an invitation for Thanksgiving dinner with me, and you didn't get it either! Mommy says I can spend lots a time wif you on the puter today when she gets home. Pleeeeeeeeez Livvy don't give me the paw. I promise I will make it up to you. I love you so! And Livvy, your pic, waiting for me at the door, crushed my wittle heart :( I will write you later beautiful Livvy. Love, your boyfriend (I hope) Oliver.

12-06-2001, 12:25 PM
You guys are so cute!! :)

12-06-2001, 12:42 PM
Oh Oliver, my Oliver!

It's wonderful to hear you haven't forgotten me! I never forgot you even when fates and bad 'puters separated us for MONTHS! So glad to get your message, finally.

One worry. Mommy told her daddy (Gwampa) about our deep and abiding passion and Gwampa thinks our love will only last if we got lots and lots in common. Being cats and drop-dead gorgeous isn't enough in common, he says. So:

I love naps!

I love food!

I love sniffing stuff!

I love to sit in the window and watch stuff. Birdies is especially what I love to watch.

I love to play with toys and nibble on the feathers when I catch 'em.

Sometimes I love to dig in sand and dig and dig and dig. Sometimes not.

I love to climb to the top of the cat tree and just hang out.

What stuff do you love? Do we gots enough in common for our passion to last?

12-06-2001, 04:12 PM
Livvy, Beautiful Livvy....Is that really you?? Oh, Livvy, you can't know how happy I am to read I still have a chance with you! My whittle heart is thumping in my chest! I think of you always, and mom even printed your picture that sits by my favorite window perch. All day, I sit and drool and daydream, hoping that someday we can meet. And tell Gwampa, Livvy, that besides being gorgeous, we have lots in common! Let me tell you...

I love all living creatures, and want to be friends with everyone!! 2 and 4 legged

I love to eat, and am not picky at all! And, I am very willing to share my food with anyone, especially you.

I love napping, especially with the doggies, my kitty brother Mr. B, my guinea pig brother Squeekers, and mommy of course. I especially love to sleep flat on my back with my feet in the air.

I love window sill and porch sitting, where I love to chase and capture creepy crawlies and flying friends and watch the birdies at the feeder

I love to come running when you call me and will sit by your side forever

I love warm laundry, especially in the dryer, sitting in the refrigerator hunting for snacks, as well as napping in most bowls, baskets, paper bags, sinks and even pots!!

I love sticking my head under the faucet as I'm drinking

Feathered toys are my favorite!!!
And most of all,

Do you think your Gwampa will give the paws up on our passion??? I promise to be faithful and true, and never EVER even look at another girl. Not even if she's Siamese!!
Please let me know what your family thinks. I can email them references from my vet and neighbor friends if you like!
I wuv you Livvy, hopefully, Oliver


[ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-06-2001, 05:15 PM
Oh my handsome, darling Oliver,

We are soulmates! I love to lay on my back with my little paws up in the air, too. [It's nifty and sometimes you get extra tummy rubs that way, too!]

I try to climb in the refrigerator for impromtu inspection tours, too. Mommy usually catches me before it gets good, though! :(

Warm towels from the dryer are soooo great.

My waterbowl has pump with a waterfall and it's kind of like drinking from a faucet. I haven't figured out how to get on the cabinet to get to the sink yet, but I'm working on it.

I love catching flies and other little guys, too! There are still stories being told of my expertise from my old forever home...

When I want rubbies from Mommy and cuddle in her arms and it gets really neat with nose rubbies and cheek rubbies and root of tail rubbies, I get real excited and drool a bit. :o [Mommy says I am her cuddly, furry dribble-glass of love, whatever that means.]

Do you love me enough to hear the worst about me?

Ahem, here goes --

1) I am 'Catta Non Grata' at a groomers shop in my old home town. My photo is posted as an undesirable. :o [My story is, she looked just like a mad, evil drowner-of-cats and with that tub and all it was only self-defense for me to bite her. :( ]
I'm USUALLY very sweet.

2) Although I'm usually very sweet, sometimes my fur-brother Cassy gets WAY irritating. We wrassle out our aggressions and switch back to playing again very quickly, but while we're at it -- wowwy! My 'nom du WWF-Feline division' is the "Wild Whiskered Wahine in the Furry Bikini". Is this too shocking for you? :o

You are my Romeo,
Jeweliette Livvy

:o Uh, oh -- I forgotted what your mommy does for a living. She's not going to like me any more since I became Catta Non Grata!

Torn asunder just like Romeo and Juilliet! I'm going under the bed to recuperate from this horrible set-back. Parting IS such sweet sorrow, you hunky guy!


[ December 06, 2001: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

12-06-2001, 05:19 PM

Oh! I forgot to say we both love baskets, too!

My knight-in-furry-armor, Oliver!

Your Olivia/Livvy

12-07-2001, 05:21 PM
Farewell this weekend, my precious fur-boy and Romeo,

Mommy's locking up the puter for the weekend, so I'll have nothing but your photos and my memories (and hairball formula kibble) to sustain me until Monday. I'll miss your handsome face.

Purrs, headbumps, and sighs,
your Olivia/Jeweliette

12-07-2001, 05:34 PM
Oh no Livvy!!! My mom was just finishing making my din-din and then I was going to write you :( I wanted to share a few private thoughts with you. And let you know that there is nothing my beautiful Livvy could ever do to make me love her less. I guess I'll have to wait till Monday to share my feelings. I wuv you Livvy, my little Jewel-iette! Please think of me. Dreaming is better. I will hold the image of your beautiful furry face in my heart ALL WEEKEND! Till then, my love, Good Night and Sleep Tight! I'm sending you tons of love, purrrrs, and headbutts right back to you. Love, Your Romeo, Olivvvvver P.S. I'm on hairball formula too :D

[ December 07, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-10-2001, 04:14 PM
Oh Oliver,

To think we missed exchanging deathless "Meows" by minutes! It's almost enough to make me get philosophical or something. Aside from missing you BITTERly, I had a good weekend. I saw lots of birdies, played on the patio, let the sun warm my pelt, sniffied lots of plants (nibbled one when Mom wasn't watching! ;) ) ate kibble and treats (cold cuts, yum), cuddled lots, and tried new litter.

In between nose-rubbies and tootsie- rubbies I made mommy tell me over and over all about your letters and emails. I still get shivvery. You is 'Da CAT!'

Keep healthy, my knight-in-furry-armor AND my dream guy! You are SO versatile! Meerowr.


[ December 10, 2001: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

12-12-2001, 06:16 PM

When your mommy isn't looking, scope out her e-mail. I replied to your message earlier this evening on her account, you sweet-talking wonder guy! We must get our own accounts. Trying to work through hoomans is a pain! They're always claiming they gotta work when everybody knows love makes the world go round, not work! Faugh!!!

A poem, a poem! I'm gonna get a poem and then SWOON! (And it's hard to sweep a girl offa FOUR feet, you handsome Romeo, you!)

Your adoring Livvy!

12-13-2001, 04:50 PM
For you Livvy, my love. Forgive me should you find my words inadequate. My love for you is so abiding, so deep, words can not adequately convey how I adore my beautiful Olivia.

Oh, Livvy dear, my love divine
It is for you alone I pine
At night I lay me down to sleep
But sleep comes not, for you I weep

Your haughty pout, your eyes of gold
These cherished treasures do I hold
Deep in my heart, until the time
My heart soars free and you are mine

Oh precious Liv, sweet Jewel-iette
My treasured gift from Heaven sent
A path of starlight shines above
To light your way to me, my love

Fear not my love, I pledge this night
Upon a star so high and bright
That till the day our wish comes true
Forever will I worship you

Love, your Romeo, Oliiiiiiivvvvvver. I wuv you Livvy. :)

[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

12-13-2001, 05:21 PM
My poet, my dream-boat, my wuv!

I have no words to describe my delight at your poem. When Mommy get through taking this dictation, I'm going to have her repeat it to me again and again and again while I gets cheek rubbies and root of tail rubbies. Yum.

You 'Da CAT', my Romeo and knight. I am so tingly I can't even eat kibble right now. You've knocked me off my paws. Remain healthy, you wonder-boy. May the sun kiss your pelt and ears till I can come take over.

Your Livvy

12-13-2001, 05:39 PM
Oh Livvy, Knowing that my words pleased you have lightened my load and my heart is rejoicing. Sleep well, my Livvy love. I will dream of you dancing amongst the stars and shall awake with a song in my heart. How I would love to serenade you with my meowsssss and purrrrrrrrs and chortles. Some day my sweet! I have a big day tomorrow. :( I will share the gruesome details after my return my love. Think of me! Till then, I remain your devoted servant. Your Romeo, Oooooolivvvvvver!

12-13-2001, 05:42 PM
My darling,

Does it involve ... gulp ... white coats? I will hold you in my thoughts, prayers, and dreams till you let me know you are home safe and sound. May your kibbles be crunchy, your water sweet and pure, and your dreams comforting is the wish of your own ...


12-13-2001, 05:53 PM
Worry not my Jewel-iette! Nothing your knight in furry armor can't handle! ;) Still, it does involve "instruments!" :D Don't let a single, itty-bitty, scary thought cause you to fret! I will write you upon my return! Good night, my love, my Livvy! I have to gaze at your beautiful picture just one more time before bed! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

12-13-2001, 06:24 PM
don't mind me interupting your sweet little convo! thats sooo cute! LOL! very cute! the whole "romeo and juliet" hm..hopfully a better ending tho ;]

12-13-2001, 06:53 PM
Dear Sleipner,

:o ;) It does feel like the fates are as hard on Oliver and me as they were on the original Romeo and Juliet. Fortunately, cats seem far more pragmatic than humans, maybe? Althought the many miles that separate us, evil electrons that whisk our love letters into ether, and schedule slip-ups have wounded my darling knight-in-furry-armor and me dreadfully, crunchy kibble, power naps, feather toys and lovies from our mommies keep us from self-destructing so far.

About my Oliver -- have you seen his adorable face in photos? Doesn't his manly good looks curl your toes and make your heart go pitty-pat? Don't you want to murmur "Purr-rowr" in those adorable pointy ears?

Perhaps in future years Oliver and Olivia may go down in history as a successful love story to off-set the Romeo and Juliet/Abelard and Heloise/Paris and Helen love tragedies ... Or maybe not. Lots of humans can't identify with fuzzy four-footers ... Still, I'm wildly optimistic and I can still dream of my 'Da CAT' dreamboat in furry armor!

[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

12-14-2001, 12:55 PM
You two sillies......hope you get to tie the knot soon!! :p You are both too cute, Oliver and Olivia!!!!! :D

12-14-2001, 04:43 PM
Oliver, my beloved,

Are you home safe and sound? Are you alright, my darling knight-in-furry-armor, my Romeo?

Your worried fur-darling

12-14-2001, 05:45 PM
Oh, my precious fur-darling Olivia..I'm back! What a day my love. Firstly, may I be frank? Seems I've suffered an upset tum-tum the past few days. Well, the other night while mom was taking the long nap, I had the worst case of the dia-poopies. As you know my love, I AM a fluffy wonder. When mommy arose, she found that I had left little messy poopy prints EVERYWHERE I had planted my precious backend :eek: And Olivia, while I love to splish and splash in the sink and shower occasionally at my leisure, a total dunking was not what I would have preferred to remedy the matter. Mom thought differently however, so off to the fur parlor I went in my porta-prison this afternoon. Mom was not witness to the trauma. I was soaped and hosed and dunked and brushed and dried and fluffed to perfection. I took it like the manly beast I am and didn't lift a paw in protest. And Livvy, the lady even took the buzzers to my buttsky and off went my pantaloons!! :o But, if I do say so myself, my furry bundle of perfection, I do smell devine. If only you were here to breathe in deeply my seductive scent!! I have taken to my bed for a snooze and a little telly, as the ordeal was rather tiring. I will doze away the hours, dreaming of you meowing my name, until the hour we speak again. Is it too much to hope that we may speak this weekend? The thought of a day absent your dulcet tones is almost more than I can bear. Till I hear from you again, stay safe my darling Livvy, my sparkling Jewel-iette. I am sending you bushels of sweet ears nibbles, neck bites and paw cuddles to comfort you this night. Love, your knight in furry armor, your Romeo, your devoted servant Ooooliiiiiiver!

[ December 14, 2001: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

4 feline house
12-14-2001, 05:57 PM
I think the two of you could write Harlequin Romances. I think this has been the most enjoyable thread ever! Thank you, Oliver and Olivia, for sharing your love letters with us!

12-14-2001, 06:01 PM
My darling fur-angel,

Rest well, my Romeo. If there is any influence in my loving wishes, you will. Car ridies, porta-prisons, forced baffies, and clippies on the rumpies! What you have suffered, my darling! And with an upset tummy. {{{Headbumpies to my darling}}}

Perhaps in dreams we can scamper in starry flower gardens together this weekend, darling.

You is 'Da CAT!'

"Purr-rowr" from your loving ...

12-14-2001, 06:21 PM
Thank you Aunty Leah.

All who bear witness to the blush of love are warmed in it's glow. Love, Oliver

12-14-2001, 06:38 PM
Dear Livvy...

"Good night, good night! parting is such
sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow"

Wm. Shakespeare

12-17-2001, 05:59 PM
Oh, darling Oliver,

I thought up lots and lots of loving stuff to say to you. :) But Mommy got tummy troubles and didn't turn on the puter allll weekend and now I forgot it all :( except that you are wonderful. :D

I guess that't the most important, anyway. I had a lovely dream where we were both on my patio climbing in the plants and playing tag, and hide and seek, and laying side by side with the sun kissing our furry tummies. Such a lovely dream to share with you.

Hope your upset tummy is doing better now. Are you up to frisking around the house, yet?

Your loving

12-18-2001, 06:02 AM
I agree with Leah. This is the sweetest story! I feel like an intruder reading these private thoughts. :)

12-19-2001, 08:10 PM

Is you okay? Mommy tooked some pikurs of me this weekend but who knows when she'll get em posted. She had uckey tummy, too, so we didn't do much but take naps this weekend. Eat kibble, take naps, watch rain. Wow, we had a way good weekend. :D How was yours? Hope it was good, too. I like it when you are happy, too. We seem closer then.

Pretty boy, don't send me e-mail for a while. Mommy's puter gots tummy trouble too, and at work the puter pepls putted a lock on it so she can't 'get there from here'. Whatever that means?

I need to go look out the window at birdies now. Hope you are happy and healthy and loving your Livvy.

To my knight in furry armor,

12-20-2001, 02:02 PM
Dear Livvy Love, Mom couldn't get onto Pet Talk for 2 days!! Something about a major disconnect in our state. I was heartsick, wondering if my precious Jeweliette was thinking I forgot her :( Of course, I missed you so. Your words play like sweet melodies upon my heart. And a day without you is like a day without catniip. Mom has a lot of catching up to do, wrapping my Chrissmy presents of course, but I'll be back to write you later. Till then, I'll be dreaming of sharing that fleecey perch with you, gazing out at the birdies and critters. Hope your mommy feels better soon. And we have to discuss our Chrissmy plans Olivia my love! :D Love, your knight in furry armor, your Romeo, Oliiiiiivvvvvvver! Licks and kisses and ear nibbles to you sweet Livvy. OH! Have Mom paste those pics. SOMEWHERE soon! You are leaving me panting and breathless!

12-20-2001, 05:13 PM
My furry delight,

I know you are more constant than the stars (although a smitzy dab too interested in Siamese glamour girls, ahem) so I feared your typing paws got hurty thinking up one of your fabulous love letters or poem. So glad that you are back on line and not hurtied in your precious paws.

Mommy is blocked from her e-mail for now and having a little troubles getting online. Those jealous electrons may be attempting to sever us, but our hearts are intertwined and dance among the stars when we nap.

Speaking of which, I'm going to nap right now and perhaps meets you in the stars. As gorgeous as we are, a bit more of beauty sleep never hurts.

You is loved, you fuzzy delight.

12-21-2001, 01:43 PM
My precious Romeo,

Did you ever think about how a plush window seat is sort of a balcony in reverse? I was meditating on this early this morning and decided to practice the balcony scene in anticipation of our being together someday.

"Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo, my darling fluffy fur-gallant." (Mommy is not an artiste, she doesn't think much of my interpretation, of throwing oneself into a role, or loud rehersals at three in the morning.) I adore you from the tip of your precious nose to the end of your fluffy tail, but I right now need to retreat under the bed to recouperate after Mommy's rude interruption. Bear with me, my darling and delight, while I refresh my shattered nerves with a sustained pout.

I told a robin outside my window yesterday how wonderful you were. You would have blushed at the praise. :o

Happy holidays, my treasure.

[ December 21, 2001: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

12-27-2001, 03:29 PM
Hope your Christmas celebrations were marvelous, darling furry delight.

Mommy wouldn't turn on the computer for me so I couldn't write my heart-throb and tell him how much he was missed. There was lots and lots and lots of humans around and some were a lot closer to my size than Mom's. They had high-pitched voices and grabby fingers and I retreated under the bed. I'll be glad when this madness is over. (But the ice cream snackies were good.)

Hope you have survived the holidays with fur and valor intact my precious. I tried to be brave, so sorry that little grabby fingers are my breaking point. :( :o :rolleyes:

01-06-2002, 04:33 PM
Livvy, my precious, purrrring bundle of flowing fur, how I've missed you! My days have been long and my nights have been lonely with only the memory of your last words to comfort me. (And a little tuna) Like you, these human holidays have sent me running in retreat to my window perch to ponder your lovliness. I do love the humans, but how can a lovesick furfool find some solace and a quiet place to lick his love wounds with such commotion going on?? As you say, especially annoying were the creeping, crawling humans who like to tug at the very symbol of my manliness, my tail!! I did manage to retain my composure and regain my dignity with plummage intact. Later I entertained the human gathering by climbing to the very tippy-top of the tree. Mommy brought me back to earth before I could claim it as my own. I was immediately and quite unceremoniously dismissed from the festivities. No matter, more time to practice my balcony scene. Livvy, your Jeweliette knows no rival. Woe for the day I may kneel before my Jeweliette on bended paw to profess my never ending love. Yes my beloved, sharing a furry window perch for two with my beloved is more than I might dare ever hope for. Until then, I will practice, practice, practice. Livvy, did the humans shower you with treats and treasures my vixen?? I have stashed away much of my Christmas booty to keep safe until the day when, together, we might share some dried shrimp treats and a bowl of "kitty" milk. And Livvy, my bestest treasure gift was a crystal kitty angel to hang on the tree. We named her Olivia. Mommy says that it is a special way for me to remember you at Christmas time. Lovely thought. But no need...I told her that your beauty is forever emblazoned upon my heart with a fiery torch that shall never be extinquished. Ahhhhhhh, my sweet. Mealtime beckons me as the mere mention of your name leaves me ravenous for you my Jeweliette. May the night blanket you in warmth and safety until your sweet musings once again dance before my eyes. Nite, nite my princess, my love, my Jeweliette. Gentle neck bites, ear nibbies and love licks to you my sparkling gem. Love, your Knight in furry armor, Romeo de Olivier

[ January 06, 2002: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: tatsxxx11 ]

01-07-2002, 01:56 PM
Oh Oliver,

My Romeo! Your eloquence makes my heart flutter! I feel swoony, my love wonder. I am thrilled to hear from you and to also hear that your heart still remembers your loving Jeweliette.

You got a crystal cat angel on your sparkle tree to remember me by? Oooh! You is sweeping me offa all four paws again you sweet knight in furry armor! I need to go tell Mommy to get me a crystal angel we can call Oliver, the Wonder Love-bug, the Romeo of fur-dom, my four-pawed hunka-hunk a-burnin-wuv!!!

I knew you were remarkable, but did not dream how atheletic and filled with daring-do you were. All the way to the tippy-top of the sparkly tree. Wow, what a guy! My furry delight and hero! We visited a house with a sparkly tree, but Mommy didn't trust us with one. :( I think she knows us too good. ;)

Olivia, your own...

P.S. I got lots of treats from Santa Claws that I am saving to treasure with you, my love wonder, but my brother keeps finding them. :mad: Do you mind if our crinkle balls that we will bat together are slightly tooth marked? I dream of you, my wonderboy! My Pouncies are Ocean Fish flavored. YUM! Won't we have fun? :D You are loved from the tippy of your precious nose to the endmost fluff on your manly tail. Purr-roorrarr! You is my treasured Cat!

[ January 07, 2002: Message edited by: AmberLee ]

01-15-2002, 03:28 PM
Dear Oliver!

Ooooohhh, swoonies! Mommy gave me your message that you WUV me and if we were not separated by a continent (and cruel fate) I could licky the yogurt off of your whiskers. My little heart is going pitty-pat so hard I just betcha you can hear it.

I am told you were a NAUGHTY cat (so hope it had nothing to do with slinky Siamese sirens) and are in durence (sp?) vile. :eek: Hope you are freed soon so that we can both dream of one another as we drowze atop window-sills, sighing love croons across a nation.

I am keeping my health up tolerably (although I miss you dreadfully). Kibble, water, dreams of thou. Also getting lots of exercise recently. Mommy's got a weird torture device called a cat's toothbrush and she actually gets halfway under the bed before she gives up chasing me with it.

I WUV you, too, my hunka hunka burnin furball.

01-30-2002, 06:18 PM
My handsome, fluffy love,

Are you off pro-ba-tion yet? I hear you have been a nawty kitty, but I'm sure your heart is pure and mine. I had something important to say to you. I'll whisper it to a birdie: hope you hear it soon.

Your faithful, furry Jewel-iette!