View Full Version : urinary incontinence and scalding warts

07-21-2004, 12:50 AM
My female lab mix which is 5 years old, has had incontinence for about 3 years, she is on Proin 50 but doesn't really help her what do you recommend? also she has like growths or warts from the urine on her genital area, I try to dry it with a cloth and apply an antiobiotic cream, do you have any suggestions? Thanks in advance for your reply.

07-21-2004, 04:30 PM
I am not sure exactly what Proin is but I had a female cocker with incontinance (she was 8 at the time) and my vet had us try a a few different drugs to help with the problem. Seamed like niether helped with her problem so then my vet did some blood tests on her hormone levels which came back slightly irregular so Lucy went on some kind of hormonal therapy drug and that seamed to work tremendously. I don't recall what the drug was cuz it was like 6 years ago... but whatever it was it worked. I know is was for sure some type of hormonal replacement. Before we found the cure Lucy was mainly wetting herself while sleeping or just laying down resting. Her whole side would be completely soaked. After a few weeks of taking the drug it almost completely stopped. So maybe they can test her hormone levels. Just a thought. She seams to be fairly young still for the problem to be age related.

As far as the growths or warts... I am not sure about that. I wonder if maybe she could have them inside her urinary tract too and that could be causing a problem as to the incontinance. Seams if it were from the urine itself it would be more of like a irritation instead of growth type warts. But I really dont know... just my opinion.

Help you find something that will work.
Take Care,

07-21-2004, 05:00 PM
The other medical option, aside from Proin is DES, or diethylstilbesterol, a hormone. It's a little more "risky" than Proin, requiring regular blood chemistry monitoring, but quite effective. My Cody has been on Proin 50 for years and until recently, it was working great. After months of frequent episodes of leaking large amts., as you say, waking up to a totally soaked side/backside, she was started on DES, at a reduced dosage. They start the dog off on a loading dose, then reduce it to 1 pill twice weekly. Luckily, 1 dose weekly in combo. with the Proin, has done the trick:) At that dosage, there is minimal chance of bone marrow depression, though we still do blood work every 3 months.

I'm not familiar with urinary/reproductive tract warts in doggies, but they are common in women and the only cure is surgical removal. Often cryosurgery, or removing them with "cold," is an easy and effective mode of removal. I'd talk about some other options further with your vet:) They can get nasty and infected if not removed, especially considering the area.

Hope this helps a bit...hugs to your pupper! And please check back with us and tell us how she's doing:)

07-21-2004, 05:51 PM
You say Cody recently started taking DES? That's what our vet put Angus on & it doesn't seem to be working. How long did it take to work for Cody?

Angus was also on Proin and it didn't help him either.

I hope you find a solution for the wetting problem. As as for the warts I would talk to the vet about them.

07-22-2004, 11:02 AM
phenylpropanolamine is also an incontinent drug.

I'm not sure about the warts, but for the urine burn you can use desatin (sp?) the diaper rash medicine.