View Full Version : new kitty lost already..

10-29-2001, 11:56 AM
I went to the Humane Society yesterday and picked up the sweetest little girl we named Catya. Giving up Jake was just so sad and I fell in love with her immediately. She's also a grey tabby, just over a year old. I am curenlty staying with my parents but she seemed to take to me right away. Well - today my mom went to take the garbage out and left the door open - that was about 2 hours ago and she is definitely missing. I cannot tell you how devastated I am. We didn't even have her for a whole day!! is there any hope that she may find her way back?

10-29-2001, 02:10 PM
Oh, I'm so sorry! I hope you find Catya soon. Keep us posted.

10-29-2001, 02:41 PM
Oh dear! How very unfortunate and upseting. But we did have 2 happy endings to escapes this weekend. I hope so that we may hear of another happy reunion very soon. We'll be thinking about you both, and saying prayers.

10-30-2001, 07:34 AM
Well - I have some great news - Catya was found safe and sound inside the house. Turns out she was just hiding for a few hours and she sent my poor mom into a panic!! All's well,yeyyyy...... :rolleyes:

10-30-2001, 07:48 AM
Whew!!!! I sure am glad you got her back. I know your mom and everyone will be much more careful!!! :D :D

10-30-2001, 09:56 AM
Thank goodness!!!!

10-30-2001, 11:05 AM
Oh, thank goodness! Please give that little girl a big kiss for me! :D

10-30-2001, 04:42 PM
Oh, that's great news! I've been through that scenario. Searched endlessly throughout the house, for hours, finally convinced there had to have been an escape, only to find them emerge from a cupboard or closet. Hiding in plain sight! I'm so happy for you!!!!! Hugs to sweet Catya.

10-30-2001, 06:17 PM
Hee Hee ... that's happened to me so MANY times that the one time I actually HAD a lost kitty ... I didn't believe it!

(She turned up within a few hours.)

10-30-2001, 10:07 PM
That happened to me when I was about 9. My cat Smoky was missing. I made up a poster and made 50 copies, put them up all over the neighborhood (on bike) ... got home to find out she'd been hiding under my parents bed :rolleyes: OY!! all that work! But it would have been worth the trouble if she really was missing. The feeling of losing a cat is a very horrible one, second in strength only to the feeling you get when you find them again.

So glad yours turned up safe and sound! Have fun with your new family member! :)

10-30-2001, 10:34 PM
And of course there is the lost kitty - who is up on the garage roof watching you look for her. For hours, as you call her name, she just sits up there and watches... And then finally cries as if she can't get down.

Oh, yes! Kitties can be ornery critters! :)

I wish I had a nickel for every time that happened! :mad: :D :mad: :D

[ October 30, 2001: Message edited by: TheAntiPam ]