View Full Version : My cat won't quit talking!?!

09-11-2001, 11:54 AM
I have a combo kitty--siamese and himalyan, the shorter hair version. She walks around all day talking(sounds more like a WHINE) drives me crazy!! But to give her affection I let her sit on my lap, AND all she wants to do is BITE me! I've been told that is a sign of affection..I cannot figure this out, and would be soooooo grateful if someone would help me deal with this issue. SK

09-11-2001, 11:56 PM
Sheri - my calico, Patches (Rainbow Bridge) talked to me constantly. And yes, it can drive you crazy. I suggest that you talk to her - after you are sure nothing is wrong and she is trying to tell you something.
Talk to her about anything - what you are doing, how you feel, where you are going
and when you are going to return.

Many cats are talkers - and very social.
The biting if it isn't too hard, is affection she is trying to give you. Sounds as though she loves you very much and wants to tell you all about it.

09-12-2001, 09:50 AM
Bushes talks to me all the time. Kind of a whine/meow thing. She likes it when I talk back to her. We must be having a conversation in her mind. When she started this, I was positive something was wrong and rushed her to the vet. No problems. She's just a big mouth! :D

09-12-2001, 12:32 PM
In the book "Autobiography of a Cat" there is a very fun passage about a human talking in cat sounds, and what the cat thinks the human is saying. Their conversation went something like "Male Cat Smell!" followed by "Stink Fish Breath". Both useful comments, but not necessarily appropriate! ;) ;)

So, talk to your cat - just realize you probably need to work on your vocabulary!

Former User
09-13-2001, 07:56 AM
Our humans think we are so cute when we talk, we only talk when we want food (see our humans preparing it for us, to make them go faster :D ) or when we want them to stroke us. We don't know what our humans think when they answer us, it's not like we understand, right? Esp. when they say we can't have food... now what's that huh? ;)

09-17-2001, 06:37 PM
My kitty yells at me when I come home. Mao Mao Mao Mao... where have you been, feed me, Mao Mao Mao Mao... I want to go on the balcony... Mao Mao Mao Mao... stupid human!

10-04-2001, 11:35 AM
My Rainbow Bridge baby, Charlie was very chatty. We had endless conversations and he even talked to Grandma on the phone! LOL!
Elvis and Danny do talk a little, but not nearly as much as Charlie did. Elvis will meow sometimes when I am in another room. When I answer, "What is it, sweetheart?", he will come running to me. It's almost like he's saying, where are you, Momma?

10-04-2001, 11:45 AM
LOL! My girl Weezie is a BIG TALKER. We have conversations all the time ... Whatever kind of meow she makes, I try to mimic it back to her. She loves it!

She also talks on the phone with grandma (my Mom) and one of my best friends.

Weezie will also call her sister Thelma from the other room. Thelma usually comes running! Too cute! :D

10-04-2001, 12:05 PM
LOL, Dianne! My Mom always asks to talk to her grandchildren when we are on the phone! She also tells me stories about my sister, Lilly (her pet turtle). LOL, my Dad thinks we're loopy! ;)

10-04-2001, 12:37 PM
Hi Thelma!

I don't think that's loopy at all! (But then again, I'm the one who sings the Bounty paper-towel jingle to my "babies" ...)

My Mom was sooooo proud of herself the day her "grandbaby" Thelma sat on her lap for a snuggle. (I didn't have the heart to point out to her that I had been vacationing for a week ... and Mom had been promoted to "food lady" in my absence. LOL!)

Have a great day,

Former User
10-04-2001, 12:53 PM
Casper has started to talk more and more to us, and he seems to have an urge to make out a point when he has to go to the litterbox. He keeps meowing a bit and the rushes to the litterbox. And especially in the mornings he likes to speak, sometimes there's no-one else in the room and he keeps 'moaning' to his toy or something. Then without a reason he just runs off as fast as he can, meowing at the same time. That boy is one weird cat :D but we love him so very much, just like Kitty.

10-04-2001, 01:29 PM
Thanks everyone!!! I never understood why she talks in this purr like WHINE when just walking thru a room..It's irritating if you don't take the time to understand....and thanks to this site--you all have been great! Now she (gidgy) is just MEAN---I meen--MEEAAN to the baby kitty. Can't seperate them(wich was a suggestion) I am baffled!The new baby kitten was abandoned when her mother was killed outside--she is pure White..and I love the name CASPER!!!! thanks..we now have a name--Let's see if we can just ALL be friends...hee-hee sheri