View Full Version : puppy bellies.

07-12-2004, 06:59 AM
Um, ok i have a 13 week old lab retriever name Oscar. Anyways hes got a puppy belly. No matter how much excersize i give him, Its still there. For the past 2 weeks ive been taking him to a dog park and we would walk for and hour straight. And also run with other dogs. Its still there. When can I expect it to go away. Oh btw, he doesnt really look like that anymore, hes older, but still a pup. But hes got more a man face now. I love it:D. Anyways getting off topic. Back to the problem. When will it go away.

07-12-2004, 12:51 PM
Fellow Lab parent here:) How old is Oscar? My Star, who is now 5, had the biggest belly as a puppy! She looked like she swallowed a balloon! But both the breeder and vet said that was normal for a growing puppy. She didn't eat more than the recommended amt. and was a VERY active little pup! She's a svelte 62 lbs. now and no "belly" in sight:D I think she was around 4 months before she lost her baby fat! If you're feeding Oscar the right amt. of the proper food and he's getting good exercise, I'd try not to worry, Dad;) Of course, every once in a while they do get a little gas:D If you're really concerned, you might want to check with your vet, just to ease your mind:) Oscar sure is a cutey! Now, here's my baby Star and her BIG belly!:D:D:D


07-16-2004, 06:41 AM
baby belly! that is one of my favorite things about puppies! you should cherish it while oscar has it! he is still very young so you can expect it to be around for a bit longer. by about 4 or 5 (maybe even 6) months the pup should start looking more adult in stature -- bye bye belly!

ps -- i don't think it warrants trying to "exercise it off" -- an hour long walk for a 13 week old? whoa. this is just one of those great puppy features that, in my opinion, disappears all too soon.