View Full Version : If this is to much, just say so!

Laura's Babies
07-05-2004, 05:53 PM
I couldn't help it! I had to do it! If this is to much Princess, just say so and I will stop! I promise, I will slow down....maybe? . But on the HOPE that her owners will show up tomorrow, I wanted to have something to give them to let them know she WAS loved and CARED for and was more than another face in a crowd. I wanted them to know I saw her for the very special girl she is because she is a very special girl. I made one for them and one for the shelter book. I have the copy on my computer so I can make me one when I get more photo paper..

Just remember, I had a most excellent subject and that is the real beauty of this one..


Please, when you say your prayers tonight, ask that her Mommie comes to get her tomorrow!

07-05-2004, 05:59 PM
Laura's Babies,

I like it. I do hope mom does come to get her and good luck.

07-05-2004, 08:05 PM
I will definitely say a prayer for her tonight.

And there's no such thing as to much Princess.

07-05-2004, 08:08 PM
That is very beautiful!!!

I hope her owners come looking for her tomorrow! Fingers and paws crossed!

07-05-2004, 09:33 PM
Laura, your threads, posts, pictures, beautiful tributes are never too much, so don't worry about it. Just do what you do best. Being the caring, loving, sweet, considerate person that you are and keep it up.:D

That is another beautiful tribute to precious Princess but have I missed out on something. Did someone call and inquire about her?

07-05-2004, 09:36 PM
Too much Princess:confused: I don't think so!!:D You can never post too much of anything Laura - I love everything you post:) Besides, you really need to post extra because you are gone too much!!

07-05-2004, 09:56 PM
How could that possibly be "too much"???? Laura it is beautiful ... and I am praying for a happy ending for sweet Princess!;)

Laura's Babies
07-06-2004, 07:13 AM
rg, I put the shelter's number on all the posters I put out and the shelter was closed Saturday, Sunday and yesterday so I don't know if anyone called yet or not. I am HOPING someone will call or come by today. You can tell she is use to a lot of attention, cuddeling and kisses so I know whoever she belongs to, HAS to be looking for her. Their arms have to be aching for her..

I don't think I could put my personal number on the posters and I am sure they would have to go through the shelter to get her back so that means we had to wait till it opened back up today...

07-06-2004, 07:42 AM
Too much??? You have got to be kidding!!! Don't you dare stop posting those beautiful cards and pictures of Angel or any of the babies!!!
We have all been so hung up on that gorgeous girl that I almost forgot about precious Midnight. How is she doing?

I'm praying and praying that you find Angels purrents today. Please keep us posted.

07-06-2004, 09:11 AM
As I have my own Princess,that tribute to her,has a lot of meaning, and we will say a Prayer,for your little RB Cat! And I will ask,the Found Cat Angels,to help her become adjusted,and to be her Cat Angel Friends!

Laura's Babies
07-06-2004, 03:14 PM
CCL, Midnight is doing so good that I am going to get her an appointment to get spayed real soon.. She is just a lap cat that is so sweet and I think she is over trying to get out to look for her baby. She is settled and happy and I will post picks soon..