View Full Version : Do you think they know?

08-21-2001, 01:37 PM
Yesterday afternoon I came home early from work because I felt really sick to my stomach. :( About 5:00, I felt REALLY bad, to the point that I called my hubby to come home becuase I couldn't get out of bed. Noah stayed with me in bed and had his paws on my left shoulder. He kept looking at me, licking my shoulder and quietly meowing as if to say "Are you OK??". It was so cute!!

Do you think they know when we feel icky?

P.S. I feel A LOT better now!

08-21-2001, 02:13 PM
I am positive that dogs know such things, whether by some change in our behavior, some chemical scent we give off, or whatever. They are, as some folks often point out, pack animals, and will care for pack members - you!

08-21-2001, 03:12 PM
I agree that cats seem to know when you're not feeling well and want to offer some comfort. Our first cat Valentine (aka Bugby) wasn't much for getting in my lap at all (he preferred my husbands' company). The day I had four wisdom teeth removed, however, he jumped into my lap and purred and stayed there the entire day. On another occasion, my husband was in the bed with the flu and Bugby stayed with him the entire time, lying as close to him as possible and scarcely even going to the litter box. :rolleyes:

4 feline house
08-21-2001, 09:01 PM
I've never known if it's becasue they can tell if I'm sick......or if I'm just warm from fever!

08-22-2001, 11:19 AM
I do believe they know. 19 years ago, my mother got cancer and she had to have chemo once a month. Every time she would spend the best part of the week being ill in bed. One of our cats wuold spend the whole time lying beside her, she would leave the bed only to use the litter. Every time any member of our family was ill she would just curl up beside us. Just over 2 years ago my mother had a relapse and had to come to live with me. Maya has become really attached to her and would not leave her side. My mother tends to overdo things but every afternoon forces my mother to go and have a rest, she becomes a real pest if she does not go and lie down. As soon as she does she calms down. My mother says that both times managed to cope with her treatments because of the cats.

08-22-2001, 11:22 AM

That is so sweet, Maya is a wonderful kitty and a wonderful soul!! I am so glad your mom has her when she is feeling ill.

Thank you for sharing!

08-29-2001, 01:03 PM
Thay know. After I pet my cat when I'm sick or even happy I always feel even better.

08-30-2001, 09:14 PM
I can relate to your experience, Gio. Lily's Dad underwent six chemotherapy treatments and she was such a good nurse-cat throughout the entire time . . . she seemed to sense his bad days and was always by his side in bed to offer any comfort he might need. She has always been a lovely lady with impeccable manners, and this was just the icing on the cake. She came to our doorstep only a few years ago at a ripe old age, and how I wish she could share her life history with us. Cats are truly remarkable creatures.