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06-29-2004, 02:06 PM
I think I just broke my digital camera.
I know it probably sounds silly to you all, but I can't stop crying.

The dogs and I were playing and they bashed into it. Part of the lens will not open or close on it's own, and it will not focus.

This is a pointless thread, i know, but I just want my dad to get home so he can fix it or so he can take it somewhere to be fixed.

It's probaby my fault.. the other day my dad was talkinf about getting a new digital camera. He was showing my ads in the paper for some fuji's on sale. I told him I liked mine and that it was fine, not to spend money on another. I feel sick to my stomach.

I want my camera :( :( :( :( :( :(

06-29-2004, 02:08 PM
Is now a good time to bring that up? I would be lost without mine. I honestly don't know what I did without it. I was going to get a new one(with video) soon but if I get that truck, can't do it. So, it's not really pointless because we all love our digi cams!

06-29-2004, 02:10 PM
I want MY camera though. =(

I just got a packge in the mial and I was taking pictures of them playing with new toys..... UGH. I wish my parents weren't gone.

06-29-2004, 02:14 PM
Oh Kay, it's not silly. I'd be upset too if my camera was broken.

I hope it's fixable! *hugs*

06-29-2004, 02:27 PM
I am almost possitive that it can be fixed, Kay. Hakuna Mutata!

That has happened many times with my camera. Is there a space between the "seal" on the top of the camera? (Sorry, it is hard to explain.) Mine actually almost came in two peices when I dropped it on the cement. I dropped it again, (on accident, of course) and it went back together.

I'm very bummed, too. My camera isn't working. :(

Yesterday, I was giving Chubby a bath, and he got a little bit of water on it. Personally, I think it is quite pathetic that it won't work because it wasn't that much water. We called Kodak this morning and they want us to send it in for maintanance. Now I am camera-less.

When my camera first started to not work (yesterday), the lens wouldn't close all the way and it was zoomed in. It would not zoom back out.

Now, when I turn it on an error screen comes on. (Error E41, See Users Guide) There is nothing about it in the user's guide.

What happens when you turn your camera on? You said that it would not focus. Is the shoot button stuck down or is there something else wrong?

Like I said before, I am sure it can be fixed. You may want to get a digital camera and have your camera you have now fixed. That is what we are planning to do!

Good luck. :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-29-2004, 03:15 PM
Are your parents gone already for the 4th holiday? If so, there's no way you can wait until they get back! Take it to a camera store and explain what happened and everything and it's possible they can just "snap" things back into place. And if you play the "poor innocent little girl whose mommy and daddy are out of town and you're just lost without your camera" routine, they might just do it for free if it's nothing extensive. ;) Otherwise I don't know what you're going to do until they get back. I know how you love your camera. So have you ever counted exactly how many pics you have on your computer already? ;)

Good luck! :)

06-29-2004, 03:40 PM
Is it camera loss week or something? I can't find our camera after moving and I'm SO lost without it. I want to take pictures of our new house.......several PT'ers want to see it, and I want to take pictures of Kiwi, the bird we're looking after while my friend's gone on vacation. I want to take pics of Popcorn and Muffin in our new house. I want to take pics of the nectrins on our tree in the backyard before they ripen and we eat them. I want to take pics of SO many new things, but I can't find the camera. I'm close to tears too.........I just want that camera! Waaaaaah! :(

06-29-2004, 03:41 PM
My camera has been carger-less for about six months :(. Sony wants $50 for the stupid charger...

UGH I hate being camraless too...:(

I'll cry with you!

06-29-2004, 03:42 PM
Not pointless at all, Kay, I know how important your camera is to you. :( I too would be more than upset if it happened to me.
Hope you get it fixed real soon.

06-29-2004, 03:48 PM
Oh no, not your camera:( I do hope it can be fixed. I know how lost you'd be without it.
I think Deb had a great idea. Try it...it just might work:)

06-29-2004, 04:30 PM
Kay, I know you have to lost without your camera! I hope you can get it fixed. When will your parents be home?

This is not a pointless thread, it is very important!


06-29-2004, 06:04 PM
I'm heartbroken that mine is at the camera hospital... can you send your there too? I feel your pain. :(

06-29-2004, 06:35 PM
Mine is broke too, and I don't see much "light at the end of the tunnel" on getting if fixed or getting a new one right now... So, I'm stuck without a camera..

I cried when mine broke too (even though its not that great of a camera), so I know how you feel. :(

Hopefully you will be able to get it fixed.

06-29-2004, 06:51 PM
My dad just tried fooling around with it.... he didn't do anything different then what I did.:rolleyes:

He said we could get a new one... but really that's only because they plan on going to Michigan without me.

06-30-2004, 09:05 AM
Oh, KayAnn itīs so sad... I dont think itīs silly to be upset when your camera is broken...I think that camera was like your best friend, because you were taking so many pics with it.. I hope it will be able to fix!