View Full Version : jojo

06-29-2004, 03:46 AM
indeed life is good for a wonderful dog like yourself....and so charming in your pretty blue scarf! congratulations to the dotd!!!

06-29-2004, 07:12 AM
Well look at you with your new do! I bet you got that cute "summer clip" at petsmart didn't you? I think that's where all the fashionable doggies go;)

I know how hot it gets in the Carolina's gotta keep yourself cool!
My parents live about 30 miles from you, next time I'm down that way maybe I'll look you up:D

I hope you enjoy your day as our honorable

And your right...Life is good!

06-29-2004, 07:51 AM
Jojo, what a sweetie to greet me this morning! It sounds like you have wonderful friends, skin and furry alike! Maybe you'll get to go for a ride today, and see your friend Charlie with your sister :). I'd love to see you in your fluffy winter coat, I bet you are as cute as can be. Of course you are cute no matter what your hairstyle is, and very special to your family :). Life is good, for them and for you! Congratulations to our sweetest Dog of the Day!

06-29-2004, 08:11 AM

What a handsome boy you are. You look so pretty with your blue scarf around your neck. I bet it does get hot where you live. So glad that you have a family that loves you very much. Glad you made DOTD. I got to see what a handsome fellow you are.
Have a great day.:) :) :)

06-29-2004, 08:16 AM
What a sweet, smiling face you have, Mr. JoJo. You're just a huggable little boy and I just love your summer 'do.

Have a wonderful day cutie pie and maybe Dad will give you some extra lap time today!

06-29-2004, 01:00 PM
Oh JoJo!!! What a handsome doggie you are, looking so dashing in your bright, blue scarf!!! I must say, your summer doo is tres chic:D How touching it was to read how very loved and adored you are by your forever family and your many human and furry friends, JoJo:) And you love them back just as much, don't you sweetheart? I'd love to see you wrapped around your Daddy's shoulders:) What a precious pupper you are sweet JoJo! Your family is truly blessed to have you as their best friend and devoted companion! JoJo, I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating your much deserved Dog of the Day honors with your humans, best bud Charlie the horse and all of your adoring friends and fans:) Congratulations to you precious JoJo!!! You're the best!:D

06-29-2004, 01:33 PM
What a beauutiful dog you are Jojo!! I love your buzz cut - real cool cutie! You have such a sweet face - who could resist? Congrats for being Our Adoooorable Dog of the Day! :) :D :)

06-29-2004, 01:46 PM
I thank you all, on Jojo's behalf, for your kind words. He actually has 2 sisters now. Besides Maggie, his Flat-Coated Retriever sister, we adopted Ginger, a black German Shepherd, about 6 months ago from a severe neglect situation. She's now 9 months old and quite a handful!! She does adore her older brother, though.

Jojo's been a real blessing; he had a real tough start in life. He's the only one left from his litter. They were all severely malnourished and were being bred to be bait dogs for fighting. The resilency of these creatures never ceases to astound me. He is an amazing dog who has given me infinitely more than I could ever give him.

06-29-2004, 01:54 PM
I thank you all, on Jojo's behalf, for your kind words. He actually has 2 sisters now. Besides Maggie, his Flat-Coated Retriever sister, we adopted Ginger, a black German Shepherd, about 6 months ago from a severe neglect situation. She's now 9 months old and quite a handful!! She does adore her older brother, though.

Jojo's been a real blessing; he had a real tough start in life. He's the only one left from his litter. They were all severely malnourished and were being bred to be bait dogs for fighting. The resilency of these creatures never ceases to astound me. He is an amazing dog who has given me infinitely more than I could ever give him.

06-29-2004, 01:55 PM
Hi and WELCOME to PetTalk Jojo's dad!:D Please tell us more about Jojo and feel free to share some more pics with us!
Jojo is such a handsome boy, he looks so cute in his new summer slip:D
Congratulations on being our DOTD Jojo!:D

06-29-2004, 02:37 PM
I'm a bit of a board neophyte. How would I post pictures of my pooches?

BTW, Jojo also has 2 feline sisters, Jasmine and Cleo. Jasmine is "his" kitty. If either of the other dogs tries to chase Jasmine, Jojo will growl and defend her. They also sleep next to one another on a regular basis.

06-29-2004, 05:57 PM
How nice to hear from you Jojo's Dad!!! You're truly an angel, welcoming dear Ginger into your home! Bless your heart for rescuing such a deserving doggie!!! And what a happy, loving home she found her way to! You surely must have your hands full with Jojo, Ginger and Maggie...and kitties Chloe and Jasmine:D How sweet that Jojo is so protective of them:) What a great fur crew you've got there!

As for posting pics, since you're a self proclaimed neophyte, the easiest way would be to post them as attachments. Click on Pet Talk and then click on Dog General. Click on "New Thread" in the upper right hand corner. Post the title of your thread and then enter any written text you'd like to write. Near the bottom of the screen, below where you're entering your text, you'll see a prompt that says "Attach File" Just click "Browse" and you'll be able to attach any pics you have on your computer! They'll automatically be entered into your thread. Just hit "submit" and that should do it! Hope to see more pics of your fabulous furfamily!:) Hugs to Jojo, Maggie, Ginger, Chloe and Jasmine!:)

06-29-2004, 06:55 PM

Just look at that tongue!!!!!
You look magnificent with your new "do" too!!

Welcome JoJo's Dad!!!

06-29-2004, 07:37 PM
You are such a cutie! I love that you defend "Your" Kitty, that must be quite a sight! Enjoy your day, sweetie!

06-29-2004, 11:08 PM
I must say, Sandra, you reminded me of Phred's Thread with all your instructions! :D :D ;) Hey! Look who's commenting!! :rolleyes:

I concur, Jojo's Dad.. what a very handsome lad you have there! I love his spotted tongue..it's almost the same as my GSD mix's! Hmm.. maybe a doggie cyber friendship will develop..they do have a lot in common and my Logan certainly does seem to like the boy doggies a lot! Tho, she does like to be "queen".

Congratulations and thank you for adopting your pets and bringing them into a happy, healthy, loving home! As I always say..we save each other! You too, sound like one heck of a good guy!