View Full Version : What r scabies???????????help!!!

06-26-2004, 05:58 AM
my snauzer is white and they have a lil dryer skin right.he has fleas horridly. but hes a bit betta. but we noticed he has white flaces of nasy crust on his legs. he had a bath today, but its the same.

what r scabies?
how do they get it?
how can you tell if your dog has them?
how to treat it?
what can happen to him???

any help is much needed! thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-26-2004, 07:03 PM
what you posted... why would you believe your dog has sarcoptic mange?

A little bit betta won't cut it for flea infestations. Quite possibly the dog has an allergic reaction to the flea bites by now. First you need to get rid of the fleas. Go to the Vet and ask for Capstar. Time to shampoo your carpets. You can then try something like Program until all fleas are gone from dog and house. After that a monthly treatment with frontline.

P.S. Color of hair has no relationship to oil content of a dog's skin.

06-26-2004, 08:17 PM
well we are going to use flea bombs when all of us (animal too) are out for the day. but we don't have anywhere to go for 6 hours yet. but i know about fleas. we've flea shampooed him, flea meds down his back,flea spray, but he broke out. nothing works! NOTHING!!! and actually dogs with white hair do tend to 1: get sunburned easily, 2:dryer skin. and schnauzers have dryer skin as it is. so yes color has very much to do with. just as thickness, or texture.

i don't really think he has scabies. its ma mum. she is kinda a lil over re-acting :eek: well its his legs, and around his bum. its extremely flakey and dry and the flakes arn't brown scabs, but white. white dry in his fur, and i dunno if its in his fur cause he does scratch a lot. A LOT! need some info ppl.

how do dogs get it? my mini schnauzer is an inside dog, and gos ouside only to potty, and on walks.:D

06-28-2004, 12:36 PM
Brewer's yeast will work for his skin and coat. It will take a few days to get in their system but it will perform miracles. I have 3 of my dogs on it and their skin is great.
You can buy it at walmart or buy it at GNC in powder form. Give it atleast 3 days to really start telling a difference. Watch to make sure he is not allergic to yeast. Hope this helps!!! It has me!!!;)