View Full Version : SO frusrated with Imagestation...somebody PLEASE HELP

06-24-2004, 10:55 AM
I've been trying to post pictures for days!
I no longer have Navigator, which simply had the right-click option of "copy image location". I can now only use Explorer which does not have this option at all.
I have tried everything (I think) and I simply not able to attach an image.....
Can anyone help...pretty please?
Thank you!

06-24-2004, 10:57 AM
Go to www.photobucket.com. They arent as anoying as Imagestation and you can have more files :)!!! The linking works better too!

06-24-2004, 10:58 AM
What she said! Its more user friendly, and I've found its faster to upload the pictures.

06-24-2004, 11:36 AM
It works - thank you ladies!!
You are absolutely right - Photobucket is much more user friendly!!
I just posted Mishka's whiskers in the above post!! Woo hoo!

06-24-2004, 11:53 AM
Well I was going to suggest Photobucke too but no need now.:)

Yeah, we are going to see more Mishka pictures!!

Cinder & Smoke
06-24-2004, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by aguu

I no longer have Navigator, which simply had
the right-click option of "copy image location". I can now only use Explorer which does
not have this option at all.

Explorer isn't THAT hard - just a couple more *steps* to do! :p

Go to the Picture you want to post

RIGHT-CLICK "ON" the picture
.. You'll get a drop-down box with multiple choices

Mouse over & highlight the Properties choice

LEFT-CLICK on "Properties"

Another Drop-Down Box will appear with the picture's
"Properties" listed
.. You want to use the Address: (URL) information

Mouse to the BEGINNING of the htt p://... stuff -
LEFT-CLICK & HOLD DOWN the mouse button -
and mouse-over ALL the address - usuall takes up TWO Lines -
it will change color as you mouse-over it...

After you have ALL the address HighLighted - now
"release" the mouse button...

Your Browser now has the Picture's ADDRESS (URL)
"memorized" -
and you can re-open the PT Posting Window

Select the PT "IMG" clicker button,
You'll get a drop-down data box
Point in the data box window and
RIGHT-CLICK to see another drop-down box -
Scroll down to highlight "Paste"
LEFT-CLICK on "Paste" and the picture address will appear

Finally - click on "OK" and you're DONE!


/s/ Phred

06-25-2004, 09:11 AM
Photobucket is definitely easier to load TO.

Can I please have some simple instructions to load FROM?


Cinder & Smoke
06-25-2004, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by mruffruff

Can I please have some simple instructions to load FROM?

*FROM* Imagestation or PhotoBucket **TO** a Pet Talk Post
is what was covered in the Cinder & Smoke post just above yours.
The steps are for someone using the Internet Explorer browsers.

The entire "Posting Pictures on Pet Talk, class 101"
Picture Posting TUTORIAL is located HERE >>>

"Posting Pictures on Pet Talk, class 101" (http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406)

The "Tutorial" covers both NetScape and Internet Explorer browsers.

/s/ Phred

06-25-2004, 11:39 AM
Thanks, Phred.

I've been doing this for a while but thought maybe there was a change. Or maybe I'm just having a senior moment. They're coming more often:D
