View Full Version : I must whine!

06-23-2004, 10:23 PM

Im so sunburt! I went to the pool and as the result got terribly burned. And I guess it didn't help when I layed out in the sun for an hour. and I must have fell asleep, because it didn't feel like a hour.

My face, back, arms, stomach, and legs are all burnt like crazy! My legs are the worst. They feel like i'm being pinched. My arms hurt soo bad too. I rubbed aleo vera St. Ives lotion on me, and that just made it feel worse! My mom said it would make it better.

It's the end of the WORLD! :( I just want to scream, and make the pain go away.

06-23-2004, 10:24 PM
If you have any aloe try that, it usually works well. And remember the sunscreen next time!

06-23-2004, 10:31 PM
Sunscreen, baby, sunscreen! Cool baths, Solarcaine (if you can stand the smell), and time are all that will help, in my experience. Been there - though I burn too easily to have ever laid out in the sun on purpose. Ouch!

06-23-2004, 10:43 PM
The reason the St. Ives stuff didn't work is because it's lotion.. you don't want to put anythink like that on there, as it keeps the heat in. I would take a cool bath, spray some solarcaine with aloe in it all over ya (it doen'st smell as bad and it REALLY helps) take tylenol or ibuprophen for the pain and sleep! I also burn very easily - these are the tricks that I've learned help me! Hope you feel better.