View Full Version : some good news and some bad news..

06-22-2004, 05:21 PM
the good news first..

WE FOUND SCRIBBLES! :D I thought for sure he did not make it because he is older and I had neither heard nor seen any signs of him in just about 3 weeks now. but a few hours ago my mom cvought site of scribbles in the living room! lol we trapped him behind the tv stand and we were able to catch him! so doodles is now VERY happy his brother is home, and scribbles ran straight for the food dish lol doodles went alsmot into a state of depression from being alone like that(doodles has had a companian gerbil with him his whole life since birth so all of a sudden all alone for just about 3 weeks did a number on him)

and the bad news...

Missy may have ovarian cysts(sp?) we knew she was going to have health problems long before we got her, the pet store bred her twice before she was 6 months old, and she had 2 little here(not on purpose we did not know friskit was a male the first time, the second time is my moms fault entirly) but basicly she had had 4 litters before she was a year old, and even at the stor when my mom first saw her missy was huddling not looking so good in the cornor of the cage, my mom took her away from that store and missy is now just about 3 years old. but she is starting to loose her hair on the sides and loose a lot of weight. and according to our research those are the symptoms of ovarian cysts problem is what to do about it, everywhere we look says somthing totally different for example one site said spay, and another said just leave it. :confused:

06-23-2004, 04:10 PM

06-24-2004, 04:26 PM

My Peanuts
06-24-2004, 04:40 PM
I'm glad you found Scribbles. Three weeks is a long time to be missing! As for Missy, I would take her to the vet or call and see what they say. Books and the Internet contradict themselves a lot. Good luck and keep us posted.