View Full Version : Indoor/Outdoor kitties!!!

06-21-2004, 12:53 PM
Emily, Eliot and Dylan have now become indoor/outdoor kitties!! Well, at least they *think* that they have. I showed you our enclosed patio before...here it is:
They love it out there with the windows open and all the screens. They can bird watch, chase bugs and spiders, get sun and fresh air. But, these hotter days are coming and we have started running the A/C which means we have to close the sliding glass door. The cats have been howling at the door and begging to go "outside"!! Our utility room also leads to the patio, so yesterday we went to PetsMart and bought a kitty door and hubby installed it. It took awhile to get them to use the thing (except for Dylan who barged right through!), but now all three can happily come and go as they please:D Here is Eliot!!
It can also be locked closed but we have not had to do that as the patio outside door is also locked. The little door looks tiny, but *plush* Dylan has no problem at all:D

*edit: have been duly chastized for not using proper PT furminology!!:p :cool: :D Now corrected!!

06-21-2004, 01:03 PM
Debbie it's not nice to call Eliot a wide load...I think he would prefer "Pleasantly Plump" :eek: ;)

I wish I had a porch or some kind of screened room but I guess I will have to wait until we do another addition on the house.

I am kittysitting my mom's babies this week and they have a beautiful screened porch...so needless to say I have let them have run of the porch and most of the time they have stayed out there for the night:D :D and left me alone to get my beauty sleep...as we all know I need as much as I can get. ;)

06-21-2004, 01:06 PM
Awesome set up!! My kitties are VERY jealous. :)

06-21-2004, 01:23 PM
What a nice surprise for the kitties! Julie tells me she is quite envious and wants one of those porches. She will have to be patient and wait for our walks on the leash.
Once our Missouri steam bath weather kicks in she will be glad she is an A/C housecat and will be happy to sit on her box by the window.

06-21-2004, 01:34 PM
I'm sure Dylan's "wide load" is all fur! Now I want a pic of Dylan squeezing through that kitty door! :p

06-21-2004, 01:59 PM
Wow that is such a good idea, they've been having some great days lately obviously! Glad they got the hang of the kitty door.. I hate the heat!..

06-21-2004, 02:10 PM
You have the ideal situation as far as having indoor cats yet letting them experience the outside fun kitties love! They are so lucky, says Oreo and Wilber :).

06-21-2004, 07:55 PM
I LOVE this idea! It makes everybody happy! My hope is that we can screen in our deck and I wanted to put in a cat door so they could come and go!
The kitties must be in heaven!!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-22-2004, 09:14 AM

06-22-2004, 09:18 AM
Your kitties are so lucky! Mine would love a cat tree and a kitty door but it's just not going to happen while we're still renting an apartment - no room for a tree, can't cut into the doors, can't let the kitties outside :( Oh well!!!!!

06-23-2004, 12:06 PM
One down side! The kitties prefer to stay OUTSIDE!! The first night, we had no kitties in our bed and it was hard to sleep. Hubby was dejected the next morning, calling for his princess Emily and she ignored him:rolleyes:
So, now, the little door gets locked at dusk:D

06-23-2004, 01:03 PM
Aww that is sooo cute! Furry kids are like regular kids I guess, always wanting to stay outside after dark ;)

06-23-2004, 01:07 PM
I wish I had a sunroom for Olivia. How come we don't have those here? Are they an east coast/central thing???

Those cats sure look happy! :)

06-23-2004, 01:20 PM
What a wonderful setup you have!!! I am so jealous of your screened porch! Do the kitties not try to climb the screens? :eek:
We also installed a screen door with a kitty door at the bottom, so ours can go in and out to the cat-fenced backyard. They love it ... but the stupid flies have learned how to "use the kitty door" too!!! :rolleyes: There's always a hitch in every plan it seems!:rolleyes:

06-23-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by kimlovescats
Do the kitties not try to climb the screens?

we just discovered this little habit - holes and tears...
sooooo..thankfully the windows all have sliding glass panels which are now cracked enough to allow lots of air but not big enough to let a kitty body in!!!:rolleyes:

06-23-2004, 05:25 PM
Nawtee kitties!! My parents cats liked to slide down the screens with claws extended...not that they were trying to get out they just thought it was "funny" :rolleyes:

06-23-2004, 05:26 PM
Miss Halo sympathizes with the snug fit through the kitty door. Halo has, ummmm, typically female "figure flaws" and has to twist her "womanly" hips and thighs to the side when she goes through door. Pepper and Cammie fly through the door.

06-23-2004, 07:24 PM
Why not just save yourself some money and let the cats outside!?!?!

06-24-2004, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by CalicoLuver
Why not just save yourself some money and let the cats outside!?!?!
Outside often is not a safe place for cats. You'll find that many of us here would never allow our cats out to face the dangers of cars, dogs and other bad things.

Years ago I let my oldest cat, Ripley, out and he was shot by someone with a bow and arrow. I vowed then to never let my cats out again.

Debbie - I love your new setup!!! Sorry to hear the kitties are absent at bedtime though. I'm sure that will pass and they'll be back to snuggle with you soon.

Killearn Kitties
06-24-2004, 05:45 AM
Lucky cats!! What an excellent idea.

I sympathise with your husband being dejected. I feel that way too if I wake up in the morning without a cat on my bed. :)