View Full Version : Winston and Wallace visit the Vet

06-21-2004, 06:57 AM
So, here's the story. A few weeks ago I noticed baby Wallace had a little bald spot behind one ear. When I took him in at 16wks for his rabies shot, I asked the vet about it. He mentioned ringworm, to which I said "huh?" and then "ewww!" He tried a blacklight on it which apparently didn't get much of a reaction. They ran a culture which came back negative. Yeah! Then on Thursday I was scritching Winston and felt a scab on his back. Now, there had been a small scab there for a little while where Wallace had scratched him. It felt bigger, and when I parted the hair to look at it, I found a small bald spot. I was freaking out thinking that the test must have been wrong and that they both had ringworm now. Rushed them both in on Friday. Winston, who is the best behaved kitty ever, totally freaked in the carrier. I have no idea why. I put one arm behind my seat and pet him through the door to calm him down. When I got to the office, which is only 10 minutes from the house, he had scraped the hair and skin of his nose and was bleeding! :eek: So, the vet looks at the icky spot on his back, tries the blacklight, again no reaction. The vet still doesn't think it's ringworm, it isn't presenting like ringworm and there aren't multiple patches. They think it's more likely that it's some other type of fungus or infection from their kitty claws where they are scratching each other. Anyway, now I have these prescription things that look like Stridex pads. They are anti-fungul, anti-bacterial, anti-everything. I get to rub the icky spot twice a day. The vet says it should clear it up within 10 days and if not, back we go. It's a good thing I love them as much as I do! I'll try to get a picture of Winston's messed up nose when I get home tonight.

06-21-2004, 07:46 AM
Aww poor Winston. I'm sorry about his freaked out trip to the vet. Good thing you got some pads for him though, hopefully that'll really work and he'll get better soon! I hope there wont be any need to make more trips to the vet. Kiss his nose for me. Good luck with everything.

06-21-2004, 09:07 AM
We hope that our Pals Wallace , and Winston , will be All Right , andwill be The Healthy Cats , that they were meant , to be!