View Full Version : do you have ferrets?? i do!

06-21-2004, 12:31 AM
i have two. theivs and cuties at the same time. i wish they could drop one. the theiving! well ones a black sable female a yr and 6months her name is Teencie. the other is a grl to. shes a champagne, 6 months old.she was actually a twin. a twin brother exactly the same, looking! i couldn't get him too though, not enough money or room.lol.:( oh well... their plunny to keep up with. so i'm happy and so r they!:D i don't have any pics yet, no digital camara.lol.:( soon we'll be gettin one yey!!!!!:p so i'll post um when i can!

do you have ferts?
if not what do you think of them?
what r they like?colour?age?
what do they like to do?
got n e pics???????

06-21-2004, 12:50 AM
LOL, I have the same problem with my ferret! She is such a thief, everything she steals, she takes it under my husbands chair!

I don't know what color she you would call her, just the normal coloring I guess, but here is a picture of Baby.

She is really good with the cats and the dogs. She love my Rottweiler, Dana, and Dana loves her. They sort of grew up together, so they really like each other.

I can' wait to see pictures of your ferrets!


06-21-2004, 04:31 PM
I had a ferret, but she went to Rainbow bridge at age 6. She was a great girl, her name was Yeager.

06-21-2004, 05:08 PM
Yes we do His name is Bam...after the skateboarder. He is 2 months. We love him so mucH!

06-21-2004, 05:34 PM
I have two male ferrets, around the age of 6 months. They have stolen 6 of my tooth brushes, and numerous other things- that I still can not find :p :rolleyes:
They are both sweeties, though. I love them to death. Breadon gets into EVERYTHING, he is the trouble maker. Dawson is the more laid back of the two- though, he still gets himself into trouble. Everytime I let them out in the morning, he just has to run to the water bowl and dunk his head in it :D They keep the family full of laughs- they are such hams.

I'll get pictures of them sometime soon, onto the PC.


06-22-2004, 03:56 AM
Have your ferrets been de-scented? I don't think I could stand the smell otherwise. They are so adorable, and I have often thought of having one... but the smell worries me. I'd love to know more about the adorable little critters!;)

Rio and Me
06-22-2004, 07:33 AM
I have one called Tia she's about 1 1/2yrs old Albino.
She's a blast to own there so cute

06-22-2004, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
LOL, I have the same problem with my ferret! She is such a thief, everything she steals, she takes it under my husbands chair!

I don't know what color she you would call her, just the normal coloring I guess, but here is a picture of Baby.

She is really good with the cats and the dogs. She love my Rottweiler, Dana, and Dana loves her. They sort of grew up together, so they really like each other.

I can' wait to see pictures of your ferrets!


Looks to me like a chocolate sable.

06-22-2004, 09:00 AM
These pics are fairly recent, their color is a bit darker when they have their winter coats, they are also a little slimmer in the summer time.

Chaos, 2 yr. male, chocolate mitt bib (in summer he turns to a cinnamon):

Maniac, 1 yr. male, dark sable (used to be a black sable):

Spurr the Avenger, 1 yr. male, DEW (dark eyed white) or technical a marked DEW cause he has a greyish tail & a couple grey hairs throughout his back. He used to be a reverse skunk, all white w/ a grey stripe down his back.


06-22-2004, 12:26 PM
Aww, sounds adorable!! Can't wait to see pics.

And any animal in the rodent family steals stuff right out from under your nose. :p Rats, ferrets, mice, hamsters, etc. Let 'em loose, and things will never be the same again.

06-22-2004, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by buckner
Aww, sounds adorable!! Can't wait to see pics.

And any animal in the rodent family steals stuff right out from under your nose. :p Rats, ferrets, mice, hamsters, etc. Let 'em loose, and things will never be the same again.

Ferrets are NOT even closely related to rodents. They have no cecum, therefore are unable to digest anything besides meat. They are 100% carnivors!

06-23-2004, 04:08 PM
if any one needs anything like info on ferrets(fuzz butts), my experiences with my two.etc. email me at [email protected]

first let me say FERRETS R NOT RODENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes me really steamed:mad: when people confuse them. ferrets are related to minks,skunks, weasels (etc.). they arn't even related to black footed ferrets, weird huh.;) rodents arn't in my house! well... a hamster but thats my little sisters.:rolleyes:

my ferts- i got my first ferret for my 13th b-day. i had wanted one for a year and did reaserch untill then.i got her fom pet co. teencie weensie is her name, shes about a year and a half now. about a pound or so. hint hint,teencie!:p i wanted her to have a
playmate but couldn't uford it at 13. so i reaserched for a year on havin two ferts. and bought my own second one. i looked for shelters but their wern't any in my area. so i retuned to pet co. i got my little butt, named mocha latte, shes the champagne. shes about 6 monthes now and is heavier that my first baby. they are marshall ferts, tattos in ears. desnted.and so cute!:D i've had a white snauzer since i was 6 and he is the biggest baby. he LOVE them. they curl up next to him. so precious.

i suggest if you are thinking abot getting a fuzzy, because you see them in the petstore. do LOTS of reaserch, and first look in shelters. the y need homes. i asked at pet co what happens to the ones who don't get picked, he said te already have garunteed homes. so go to the shelters! almost all ferrets are
descented. so don't worry about that.;) they really are a joy. but some people aren't for ferrets.

ferret definition#1: cute-anything a ferret does tha a dog would get in trouble for.:)

i'm here to help. if you have a list of qustions, bring them on! just email me!:D


06-23-2004, 04:08 PM
if any one needs anything like info on ferrets(fuzz butts), my experiences with my two.etc. email me at [email protected]

first let me say FERRETS R NOT RODENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes me really steamed:mad: when people confuse them. ferrets are related to minks,skunks, weasels (etc.). they arn't even related to black footed ferrets, weird huh.;) rodents arn't in my house! well... a hamster but thats my little sisters.:rolleyes:

my ferts- i got my first ferret for my 13th b-day. i had wanted one for a year and did reaserch untill then.i got her fom pet co. teencie weensie is her name, shes about a year and a half now. about a pound or so. hint hint,teencie!:p i wanted her to have a
playmate but couldn't uford it at 13. so i reaserched for a year on havin two ferts. and bought my own second one. i looked for shelters but their wern't any in my area. so i retuned to pet co. i got my little butt, named mocha latte, shes the champagne. shes about 6 monthes now and is heavier that my first baby. they are marshall ferts, tattos in ears. desnted.and so cute!:D i've had a white snauzer since i was 6 and he is the biggest baby. he LOVE them. they curl up next to him. so precious.

i suggest if you are thinking abot getting a fuzzy, because you see them in the petstore. do LOTS of reaserch, and first look in shelters. the y need homes. i asked at pet co what happens to the ones who don't get picked, he said te already have garunteed homes. so go to the shelters! almost all ferrets are
descented. so don't worry about that.;) they really are a joy. but some people aren't for ferrets.

ferret definition#1: cute-anything a ferret does tha a dog would get in trouble for.:)

i'm here to help. if you have a list of qustions, bring them on! just email me!:D

what do you

06-23-2004, 04:08 PM
if any one needs anything like info on ferrets(fuzz butts), my experiences with my two.etc. email me at [email protected]

first let me say FERRETS R NOT RODENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes me really steamed:mad: when people confuse them. ferrets are related to minks,skunks, weasels (etc.). they arn't even related to black footed ferrets, weird huh.;) rodents arn't in my house! well... a hamster but thats my little sisters.:rolleyes:

my ferts- i got my first ferret for my 13th b-day. i had wanted one for a year and did reaserch untill then.i got her fom pet co. teencie weensie is her name, shes about a year and a half now. about a pound or so. hint hint,teencie!:p i wanted her to have a
playmate but couldn't uford it at 13. so i reaserched for a year on havin two ferts. and bought my own second one. i looked for shelters but their wern't any in my area. so i retuned to pet co. i got my little butt, named mocha latte, shes the champagne. shes about 6 monthes now and is heavier that my first baby. they are marshall ferts, tattos in ears. desnted.and so cute!:D i've had a white snauzer since i was 6 and he is the biggest baby. he LOVE them. they curl up next to him. so precious.

i suggest if you are thinking abot getting a fuzzy, because you see them in the petstore. do LOTS of reaserch, and first look in shelters. the y need homes. i asked at pet co what happens to the ones who don't get picked, he said te already have garunteed homes. so go to the shelters! almost all ferrets are
descented. so don't worry about that.;) they really are a joy. but some people aren't for ferrets.

ferret definition#1: cute-anything a ferret does tha a dog would get in trouble for.:)

i'm here to help. if you have a list of qustions, bring them on! just email me!:D

what do

06-23-2004, 04:08 PM
if any one needs anything like info on ferrets(fuzz butts), my experiences with my two.etc. email me at [email protected]

first let me say FERRETS R NOT RODENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes me really steamed:mad: when people confuse them. ferrets are related to minks,skunks, weasels (etc.). they arn't even related to black footed ferrets, weird huh.;) rodents arn't in my house! well... a hamster but thats my little sisters.:rolleyes:

my ferts- i got my first ferret for my 13th b-day. i had wanted one for a year and did reaserch untill then.i got her fom pet co. teencie weensie is her name, shes about a year and a half now. about a pound or so. hint hint,teencie!:p i wanted her to have a
playmate but couldn't uford it at 13. so i reaserched for a year on havin two ferts. and bought my own second one. i looked for shelters but their wern't any in my area. so i retuned to pet co. i got my little butt, named mocha latte, shes the champagne. shes about 6 monthes now and is heavier that my first baby. they are marshall ferts, tattos in ears. desnted.and so cute!:D i've had a white snauzer since i was 6 and he is the biggest baby. he LOVE them. they curl up next to him. so precious.

i suggest if you are thinking abot getting a fuzzy, because you see them in the petstore. do LOTS of reaserch, and first look in shelters. the y need homes. i asked at pet co what happens to the ones who don't get picked, he said te already have garunteed homes. so go to the shelters! almost all ferrets are
descented. so don't worry about that.;) they really are a joy. but some people aren't for ferrets.

ferret definition#1: cute-anything a ferret does tha a dog would get in trouble for.:)

i'm here to help. if you have a list of qustions, bring them on! just email me!:D

what do you and

06-23-2004, 04:08 PM
if any one needs anything like info on ferrets(fuzz butts), my experiences with my two.etc. email me at [email protected]

first let me say FERRETS R NOT RODENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that makes me really steamed:mad: when people confuse them. ferrets are related to minks,skunks, weasels (etc.). they arn't even related to black footed ferrets, weird huh.;) rodents arn't in my house! well... a hamster but thats my little sisters.:rolleyes:

my ferts- i got my first ferret for my 13th b-day. i had wanted one for a year and did reaserch untill then.i got her fom pet co. teencie weensie is her name, shes about a year and a half now. about a pound or so. hint hint,teencie!:p i wanted her to have a
playmate but couldn't uford it at 13. so i reaserched for a year on havin two ferts. and bought my own second one. i looked for shelters but their wern't any in my area. so i retuned to pet co. i got my little butt, named mocha latte, shes the champagne. shes about 6 monthes now and is heavier that my first baby. they are marshall ferts, tattos in ears. desnted.and so cute!:D i've had a white snauzer since i was 6 and he is the biggest baby. he LOVE them. they curl up next to him. so precious.

i suggest if you are thinking abot getting a fuzzy, because you see them in the petstore. do LOTS of reaserch, and first look in shelters. the y need homes. i asked at pet co what happens to the ones who don't get picked, he said te already have garunteed homes. so go to the shelters! almost all ferrets are
descented. so don't worry about that.;) they really are a joy. but some people aren't for ferrets.

ferret definition#1: cute-anything a ferret does tha a dog would get in trouble for.:)

i'm here to help. if you have a list of qustions, bring them on! just email me!:D

what do you and your ferrets like to do?:confused:

06-23-2004, 05:58 PM
I dont have ferrets, but I'd LOOOOOOVE to have one (or maybe some:D).. well, hope some day....:rolleyes:

06-24-2004, 04:26 AM
No ferrets here. I think they're illegal to own in California..

06-24-2004, 12:05 PM
PINK_GIGGLES90: actually ferrets are not even related to skunks at all. And they are related to black footed ferrets, ferrets are a descendant from the black footed ferrets.

Both ferrets and skunks used to be classified as belonging to the family Mustelidae, but recent evidence has suggested that skunks began to evolve far earlier than had at first been believed. As a result, skunks are now considered sufficiently different to justify having their own family. Skunks are now generally classified as Mephitidae and so are no longer members of the mustelid family.

BCBLONDIE, yes as of current ferrets are illegal in CA, hopefully that will change soon, we are constantly working on that! If you have any ?'s contact ferrets anonymous at:
They are a GREAT organization for ressidents in CA that own or want or own ferrets, or to just help legalize them.