View Full Version : trayi52's and Grovers Home...

06-20-2004, 01:34 PM
Welcome to my home, as you know I live sort of down in the boonies. Lots of trees, nothing fancy.

Here is the front of my home, lots of trees,:
Bird nest at the front door, these little guys come every year, and raise their young here. Mario tore down their nest this year, and they had to rebuild their nest. So they are kind of mad at Mario!
This is the stairs in the entrance hall when you first come in the front door, the rooms upstairs are just used for storage, so we will not go up there:
Look to your left and this is the hall that leads to the bedrooms and bathroom:

06-20-2004, 01:46 PM
Lets go in the living room:
This is one corner of the living room, see my carosel horse:
My corner:
My Santas:
Our fireplace:
I would show you my husbands corner, but it is always piled up with his stuff, so lets looks at my rabbit collection, the seat they are on is something my daughters husband built for me for mothers day one year:
Now on to the Kitchen in the next post.

06-20-2004, 01:59 PM
Heres my kitchen:
More of my kitchen:
My old wood cookstove:
A cabinet my husband built several years ago:
Look out the kitchen door, and you see Mario's house and his little jungle:
More in next post.

06-20-2004, 02:07 PM
Go out the kitchen door into the hall, and see a very small half bath:
Master bath:
Master Bedroom:
Door leading to master bath:
This is a desk Jimmy, my husband built:

06-20-2004, 02:11 PM
Door leading back into hall:

I'm not going to show you my daughters bedroom, it is quite a mess!

I want to repaint the bedroom, bathrooms and halls. But anyway that is all.

06-20-2004, 02:15 PM
Willie, Your place is adorable! Very homey and cozy looking. I love the kitchen cabinets. I'd die for so many cabinets with cute scalloping on them. I have really crappy ones which someday will be gone. How did Mario reach that swallow nest? :eek: No wonder they dive bomb him naughty, naughty, monkey! :D :D :D I had to laugh at the frying pan/rolling pin collections...bet Jimmy's always on his best behaviour huh? :D :) ;) :p

06-20-2004, 02:16 PM
I totally agree! And I really envy you for the size of your kitchen!!! Love the old stove, that's wonderful!


06-20-2004, 02:23 PM
LOL, and Jimmy made a lot of those rolling pins, and the fry pans are his collection!

Oh by the way this is the road that leads out to the highway.

06-20-2004, 02:32 PM
A home in the country with lots of trees, bird's nests and home-built furniture?? What's not to love?!

OOH, I love your HUGE kitchen and wonderful wood floors!

Your place looks like the kind of place I would be very comfy in!

Great house! Thanks for sharing!

06-20-2004, 02:34 PM
Willie, what a wonderful woodsy place to live! I love it. The cabin walls in the living room and your big bright kitchen! I love your old stove and the rolling pin collection too!
How nice to have a pretty bird and soon to be babies greet you when you come in the front door. That's wonderful. I bet Mario really likes his house in the jungle.
Thank you for the tour! These tours are nice because it really makes you feel like you get to know each other better.

I better hurry and get to mine!!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/wink.gif

06-20-2004, 02:35 PM

Boy, what a sky!!!! Looks like a storm is coming up!


06-20-2004, 03:19 PM
What I wouldn't give for a big kitchen like that! I like your big tub too!
I had to smile at the Santa's and bunnies. I have quite a collection of both myself! I have more collections than places to display them so the Santas and Snowmen only come out for a month every year. I need a huge display shelf for all my collectibles. This holiday season I will photograph and post my Santa's.

06-20-2004, 03:45 PM
Willie, thanks for the tour of your beautiful home. I also love your big kitchen.:)

06-20-2004, 03:57 PM
Thank you for inviting us in Willie:) I don't think I have ever seen a kitchen with so many cabinets! I also LOVE the cobalt blue counter tops. I will have to show hubby the beautiful handmade furniture - that desk is especially beautiful I think. Omegosh and hardwood floors! We only had one set of military quarters with hardwood floor and that was in Louisiana - special officers unit and we had them for only 6 months and then moved again but LOVED them. ah!!! Looks like you have hardwood throughout?? You have a very cozy and warm home, Willie.
Thank you again for having us!!!:D

06-20-2004, 04:09 PM
Jimmy, my husband made a lot of the furniture in our house. He made the coffee table and Inn tables, which I didn't show, they looks like antiques, from the grandkids playing on them. Maybe, I'll take pictures of them later on. He is good at making furniture. Things he made like what I put the rolling pin on, he made that. He is very handy when he wants to be!

I would like to show my entrance hall more clearly, but right now it is in a little bit of a mess. I have been spring cleaning for the past month, so that is yet to be cleaned.

My other hall, has a hole down next to the floor, where my daughter got mad at her fiancee, and kicked a hole there! Oh well, our house is pretty much lived in, seems we always have somebody living with us!


06-20-2004, 04:28 PM
Willie... I LOVE your home! That master bath is to die for! Your kitchen is a dream!!!! The wood floors throughout your house are absolutely beautiful! I love that antique wood stove, and all of the other little touches you have everywhere. What a wonderfully cozy and happy home!

06-20-2004, 04:58 PM
Thanks Willie for sharing your home with us, it was great, I am a woody person and love the wood look in your lovely home, that kitchen is a kitchen to die for,if you saw how little mine was you would understand my complete envey.

Hey girl put the jug on, I am jetting over in my private jet for a cuppa, English breakfast please.:) :D

06-20-2004, 05:03 PM
What a nice home, Willie! I love the big kitchen (mine is so tiny) and I wish my cabinets were WHITE like yours!!! I love the pretty wallpaper in your dining area too!

Oh, the cabin feel with those log walls is so cozy too ... bet you love that in the winter time! ;)

I noticed the rolling pins also ... I love all of the neat and authentic country touches you have!

Great tour! ;)

06-20-2004, 08:26 PM
Thank you all, I like it, but just for an older couple like my husband and myself, I would really like something a bit smaller!

Carole you come on over and we'll do coffee and the english breakfast!


06-20-2004, 08:37 PM
Willie I love your country home! I feel like I can just *hear* the peace and quiet! Your husband and son-in-law are extremely clever and handy. Those hand-made pieces will be handed down from generation to generation I am sure. :) Oh I would die for all of the cabinet space you have in that kitchen! I have enjoyed 'visiting' with you! Where were the critters when you were taking these pictures? I would love to see more of them, especially Mario! :)

06-20-2004, 08:47 PM
Mario was out in those trees, he loves them! He thinks he has his own personal jungle there. We have talked about cutting some of the trees, but I really don't think Mario would like that too well. Jimmy done cut one of his trees down, and he really threw a fit about that! He love his trees!

The cats were asleep somewhere, and the dogs, the same thing. I really have a lazy bunch!


06-20-2004, 09:23 PM
-Pouts- I want to come over for REAL.

Thanks for the virtual tour, Willie! :D

06-20-2004, 09:26 PM
Thanks Kay, you are very welcome to come! You, Simba, and Nala would love all the places here to take pictures. We have two ponds on the place. Well and our "jungle", LOL, I think I love your place the best though!


06-20-2004, 11:30 PM
Willie, I love your house! Everybody is right, that big kitchen is wonderful and I love your wood floors!!! I didn't realize that Mario had his own little jungle like that - beautiful!!!

Thank you for the tour!

06-20-2004, 11:37 PM
You said boonies! I THOUGHT I only heard that in Utah!

You have a georgeous area to live in!! Lucky! :) I'd kill to have that around here. :)

06-21-2004, 02:44 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
Thanks Kay, you are very welcome to come! You, Simba, and Nala would love all the places here to take pictures. We have two ponds on the place. Well and our "jungle", LOL, I think I love your place the best though!


I think i'll come when I come pick up all of my furkids, of course, you won't be there ( :( ) when I have to do so, but i'm sure Mario can give me a tour around the place, right? ;):p

06-21-2004, 08:04 AM
Willie thank you so much for inviting me in. What I would not give to have a big kitchen. I love the detail of the woodwork on the top of the cabinets. Your old cook stove brings back memories of when I was a child and would go to my aunts farmhouse and she had this big beautiful stove and she used to make me toast on the top of it.....oh those were the good old days.

Mario looks like he has an oasis to play in.

Thank you again for the wonderful hospitality. I really enjoyed myself.

06-21-2004, 09:03 AM
The Found cats and Cat Angel Army have another place , that theywill visit , and hopefully soon, as they arelaays going to The Staes , and prefer The Smaller Towns , than your Cities!Wonderful Home!

06-21-2004, 11:13 AM
Love your home. Love the carousal horsie and the collection of Santa's :)You have a fantastic kitchen with great space.

Felicia's Mom
06-21-2004, 12:59 PM
Beautiful! I especially love your hardwood floors!

06-21-2004, 01:34 PM
I think you have a very nice house. It looks so pretty and so cozy!! I love the vibrant colors and all the wood too.

06-21-2004, 01:36 PM
You have such a beautiful home! It looks very cosy! I love your blue kitchen too, it looks so big:p

Thanks for the tour!:)

06-21-2004, 02:36 PM
Oh, your trees! The floors! Those lovely scallops!

What a wonderful visit, thanks so much for having us in!!

Miss Meow
06-21-2004, 06:14 PM
I love your floorboards and huge kitchen - I want!

Thanks for the tour :)

06-22-2004, 09:03 AM
What a cool house! I love the wood floors and the blue kitchen countertops!!

06-22-2004, 02:46 PM
Thank you all, I still have so much I want to do to my house. I want to repaint the walls in our bedroom, both halls and the bathrooms. I definitely need to get my daughter old room cleaned up. She doesn't even sleep there anymore, she usually sleeps on the couch, which brings me to another thing I need, A New Couch!! She only goes in her room, and changes clothes, and ends up leaving all her clothes in the floor.

Lindsey is hardly ever here, so she don't help with the house anymore. She stays at her fiancee's house more than she does here. Dern, she used to be so good about cleaning house too!

I told her that I have took the house back over, so she better not be making messes!

Again, thanks to all of you for your wonderful comments and coming into my home! You are welcome anytime.


06-22-2004, 05:13 PM
Ah Willie how I would love to take you up for real on that offer, but I could not leave my furbabies, I would miss them too much, hey you should have my little house, I much need a bigger one, mine is especially built just for two, and there are four of us and two furbabies, well only three at the moment, but my son has to live in a caravan on the section , so he can have his privacy, as not to share with his 11 yr old sister., oh to have some cupboard space would be nice, still little it maybe , but it is mine.:)

06-22-2004, 05:56 PM
Willie, I just adore your home, especially your kitchen. It is absolutely to die for. I love your carousal horse, the furniture, your santas, the hardwood floors are priceless and Mario' jungle.
Oh and that bathtub. It must be nice to just sit in a nice bubble bath and relax.

Thank you Willie for the tour.

06-22-2004, 06:12 PM
I adore your kitchen!! :D:D thanks for the tour.

06-22-2004, 09:30 PM
See now you did it! I have to come up there now, to steal Mario and now to steal your old stove!!!! :D ;) It would go so well with my old pots, meat grinder, dough box etc etc. As my husband put's it "I love old stuff" LOL

Your home has that country feel that I love and your wood walls floors, I want them. I'm coming to see you soon. ;) ;) LOOK OUT!! LOL:p

06-27-2004, 03:50 AM
wonderful house! wonderful tour!!

carla and mike
06-27-2004, 04:47 AM
What a beautiful home.
I love woodsy areas.That's why we're moving to Maine.lol
Me and my husband both love your kitchen and the trees are so pretty where you are.You seem to have a very happy relaxed home.I love all your fixtures in your home.I bet it took a long while to find all of them.Thanks for sharing your home with us.Carla

06-27-2004, 05:31 AM
A big big kitchen and a handy man- what else can you wish for your home:D

And I would love to look at that sky daily:D

06-29-2004, 08:43 AM
Oh man, I am so jealous of your kitchen. I wish I had that many cabinets:D
And your carosel horse is great!

I had a lovely time, thanks for the tour of your home:)

06-29-2004, 10:43 AM
Thank you, I do like my cabinets. They just need a good paint job!Fact is my whole house needs a paint job. My yard needs mowed too! Dern Lawnmower is tore up and in the shop.

LOL, Jimmy said he was going to fix it to where the horses can come in and be our lawn mowers! I know they will clean up the yard!

I finally got him on cleaning up my porch too. He had some furniture on it, and I finally got some of off, and put it in the back of his truck, so he had to carry it to the dump! Almost got it though. When I get it finished I will post pictures of it too.

I have just been amazed at how everybody's house is so beautiful inside and outside! And how organized everybody is! I am the most unorganized person in the world!! I think I need a good lesson on how to stay organized. I keep telling my husband, I just can't help it, I am a slob!!:eek:

Thank you for all your kind comments!
