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06-19-2004, 06:49 AM
I need help with an issue with Bastet.

I got very ill a few months ago (blood clot in my leg that nearly killed me). Ever since then Bastet has never left my side. While this is lovely she does get underfoot quite a bit especially in the kitchen. She now howls at the bathroom door and scratches it when I am trying to shower. I live in a rental so I don't want her damaging anything but it would be nice occasionally having a shower without her watching me (gets a bit weird when she starts licking the water off my legs ...)

I know she is very protective of me but this is a little on the insane side. Any suggestions?

06-19-2004, 08:37 AM
I know what you mean , as Precious , JJJ3 do that too , and they meeeeow when I shower! They must think that I am drowning! I am not sure what you can do , when a Cat Loves You , Too Much!

06-19-2004, 09:25 AM
Gary is right this is a case of loving you too much or Over Attachment.

Luckily I have just been reading my course book on this very subject.

The paper suggests encouraging your cat to be more independant & befriend others by......

1) Encouraging your cat to spend more time outdoors, hence spend time with other cats & people. (not for your american cat)

2) Getting someone else in the house to take over feeding & grooming activities.

3) Restricting the cats movement so that she doesn't spend all her time with you. i.e. Sometimes you being in a different room without her.

4) Provide a feline companion, so your cat is not dependant on you for company.

Basically she sees you as her only companion and she is too dependant on you and can't /won't stand on her own feet.

It is a case of being cruel to be kind, she needs to cope on her own when you can't be with her. Or this can lead to further behavioural problems further down the line.

Good Luck

Ps. I am so sorry to hear you had been so ill, I must of missed that thread. {{{hugs}]} glad you are feeling better.

06-19-2004, 06:14 PM

06-19-2004, 07:01 PM
Thanks so much. I do try to let her out on the balcony to watch the birds and to go out for a couple hours a day (even just to walk) to make sure she has quality time to herself. She has plenty of toys that smell like me and unfortunately I can't get another cat at this very point in time. She is sleeping on the bed atm so I have closed the door and will check on her later.

I am hoping this is just a phase *fingers crossed*

I didn't post that I was ill btw - mainly because its taken me all this time to recover enough to sit for more than 10 minutes :)

Thanks for your concern :)

06-19-2004, 07:08 PM
I also hope it is a phrase. :)

I think cats pick up when we are unwell and are extra attentive at those times, it is nice to have a concerned kitty nursemaid. :D

06-19-2004, 08:25 PM
Does she like toys or is there someting special she likes?

I would distract her with that when you need in the shower.
Only give it to her at that time.

I have a trac ball (turbo chaser) that I use with the kittens. Usually keeps their attention for a half hour!

06-19-2004, 08:26 PM
It probably is just a phase. As things get back to normal with your routine it will probably get back to normal with her routine as well.

06-19-2004, 09:01 PM
Maybe you can time her snack time or meals while you shower to keep her busy. Or try giving her some catnip to occupy her time for a while. Glad to hear you are feeling better. That sounds like quite a scare. :eek:

06-19-2004, 09:32 PM
I am so sorry to hear that you were so ill:( That must have been so scary!!!
I agree with PIF in that our some of our kitties are SOOO sensitive to our moods and illness that Bastet is likely been scared, is trying to take extra care of you and probably also senses even this concern you have about *this* problem. I believe it will resolve with time - that it is a temorary phase that she will get over as she knows you are fully recovered and can also relax more herself :) My only suggestion would be to do *nothing* differently, but to try as much as possible to resume life as it was before you were ill. It just reminds me of a small child who has had separation anxiety over her mommy!! It will pass eventually once she knows mommy is better and home to stay! Do you think so??
SHEESH - I sound like I am trying to be a kitty shrink-just my thoughts!:rolleyes:

06-20-2004, 03:24 AM
*laughs* Ok I think I will try the toy occupation thing though so she doesn't scratch the soor but I will play with her before I go into the shower so she doesn't think I am *leaving* her as such. I tried the food thing but she expects food before I cook dinner so that messes up her routine and I wanted to stick with routine as much as possible.

Thanks for all your help will keep you posted :)

06-21-2004, 09:18 AM
A Stray will be over affectioante , as you arethefirsyt peron , that has shown kindness!

06-21-2004, 09:19 AM

06-21-2004, 10:35 AM
Boy that must have been real scary for you. Blood clots are nothing to sneeze at. I'm so glad to hear that you are better.
I'm guessing that you were away from Bastet for a bit while this was being taken care of. If so, then she missed you terribly and is showing it. As others have said, once you get back into your regular routine, she should settle down.
Hope you continue good health.:)