View Full Version : Arrrgggghhhh!!!! Rant About Dog Next Door!

06-18-2004, 05:30 PM

Ok, we moved in here on 05/28. The morons who live in this neighborhood alll have pits or rotties....alll FREAKING UN-FIXED, UNTRAINED, AND TIED UP OUTSIDE!!!!

The neighbors on the left have an American bulldog and chow that they leave in these sad "dog houses" all the time. But, we have a privacy fence on that side, so it's sad, but not that bad.....as bad as our right side neighbors. They have an unneutered pit and rottie. The pit got the rottie pregnant. The pit is DOG AGGRESSIVE, but people friendly. The fence is only 4 feet chain link on that side. He is tied to a tree less than two feet from the fence.

He jumps the fence!!!!! With his chain and nasty chain collar still attached!

You have to understand, I am not mad at their dogs. I just won't touch him cause he's bigger than my pit bull and he might bite me if I pick him up to go back over the fence. You just can never be sure if its not your dog.

I JUST HATE the way all the people in this place treat their pets like disposable, like a possession, as if the dog is a bicycle to leave laying about.. Leave them out in crappy doghouses, feed crappy food, no vet visits.

Now I can't let my dogs outside cause they might go over to where he is and he'd attack them. On top of that, no one is home at their house to get him back over the fence and he did a big poop in my yard. I swear unless I take the initiative and put another piece of privacy fence where he's at, I'm gonna come home and find that dog dead hanging from the fence by his chain and they'll just go out and get another one.

I wanna call Animal Control, but I don't want to start something and have him taken away. I don't want to get them all riled up and them try to take out their anger on me or my dogs.

Sorry if this seems mean or something, hope I don't get flamed or anything, it's just this is REALLY making me mad!!!!!

06-21-2004, 11:35 AM
Sevens.....any life, even being humanely euthanized, has to be better than the life those dogs are living. I'd call Animal Control.

Situations like that make me so mad. :mad: :(

06-21-2004, 11:49 AM
Thanks for the reply Ramanth.

(BTW, I just started looking on Dogomania...nice to see Kia's cute face over there too.:) )

As far as the pit bull is concerned, we got the situation kind of taken care of. The neighbor's nephew (15 years old) lives in the neighborhood as well and came over to check on the house. He was able to get the pit bull back over the fence.

I also spoke to the neighbor's cousin (he's about 30) last night. He was unaware that the pit bull jumped the fence and had done it multiple times. I told him that I was thinking I would put up another piece of fence to prevent the dog from doing that (and possibly hanging himself on the fence) and he said he would talk to the cousin about it to see if they could place the dog elsewhere in the yard, put up a better doghouse, etc.

I already know that nothing is gonna change their minds about those dogs being outside. I have a friend and her husband that live one street over from our house. They've been in that neighborhood for 3 years and they've tried to change minds about the whole dogs being tied outside thing. They said it's really no use and I shouldn't get worked up about it cause people around there don't change.

I'm not sure what to think, but in the meantime, I am trying to give the pitbull as much attention as I can get away with. I petted him for almost 2 hours the day after while we were putting up a back gate and also gave him a new tennis ball to play with. He is such a sweet heart after all.

06-21-2004, 02:34 PM
I'd still call animal control. If animals are chained to something all day, I think it could be considered abuse (I know we all think it's abuse, I'm not sure about the law's definition. Just a thought. I know you want to keep the peace, but......I don't know I guess I think it's worth it.

06-21-2004, 02:37 PM
Happy to hear someone is listening to you. I'd be mortified if I came home to find a dog hung to death by it's own chain. :(

06-21-2004, 02:54 PM
As far as the pit bull is concerned, he is a good weight. His eyes look bright. He had a problem with engorged ticks in his ears (five at least in each ear), but after I talked to my neighbor about it, he took care of it. I checked Paul's (the pitbull) ears out when I was petting him on Saturday and all the ticks were gone. I also ran my hands over his sides and there didn't seem to be any ticks there either. He's just realllllllly dirty. He has food and water and a doghouse which is in the shade under a holly tree.

Animal Control would not do anything about it. They would say he has food, water, & shelter and that is all that the law requires.

I told the cousin that the reason why I wanted to put up the privacy fence was to protect Paul cause he is such a sweetie. I told him I would completely be upset if Paul got hung up on the chain link fence. So, hopefully, they will listen, maybe put him closer to their deck or something.....inside with them I wish, but I doubt that would happen. If he was a pomeranian, they would let him in the house, but "They are too big to be in the house"...was what I was told by the neighbor.

Too big my arse!!!! There are people who let their Great Danes in the house, what's wrong with a 70 pound pitbull?

06-21-2004, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by Sevens
Animal Control would not do anything about it. They would say he has food, water, & shelter and that is all that the law requires.

I know where you are coming from here. A few weeks ago I called Animal Control on a neighbor's dog that spends 24/7 chained up outside, barking incessantly. I couldn't really blame it for barking all the time, it had nothing else to do, got no attention whatsoever. I couldn't really see it well because of a privacy fence around the yard between us, but I went ahead and called Animal Control, telling them the situation. The officer said she would go and see if it had shelter and food/water, and that she would tell them they couldn't just leave it to bark all the time, but other than that there was not much she could do. The barking is much less now though sometimes I still hear it. I hope and pray they are taking it in some now but I can't be sure. I had hoped they would just find it a new home when they learned they were getting reported to Animal Control.

It is very frustrating, and in your situation frightening too. Like the Animal Control officer told me on the phone, some people just have no reason to have a dog. :(

"They are too big to be in the house"...was what I was told by the neighbor.

This would make me angry too, and it is BS in my opinion. In fact mature big dogs often lay around more in a house more than small dogs do! With that reasoning, how about kicking some people out of the house for being "too big." :rolleyes:

06-21-2004, 04:57 PM
I'd call animal control, too. If you don't want to get involved, give me the number and info and I'll call them! However, they might not like 3rd party info and probably wouldn't take it seriously. And, since you've been civil to the people next door, I don't think they would suspect you. Like it's already been said, being put down humanely would be better than what he has now.

06-21-2004, 06:53 PM
Sevens I hear ya,we have a few chained up around here! I hate it. Why even have a dog? Have you ever been to www.dogsdeservebetter.com ? Maybe they can help!

06-21-2004, 07:37 PM
Thanks so much for telling us about that link! I'm going to try and get some posters. I want to see if they've got any summer ones because it obviously is the opposite of winter here in Florida. Maybe some grocery stores and other places will let me hang them.

06-21-2004, 07:48 PM
You're welcome. I bought a t-shirt from them and they will send you pamplets too and I believe they'll give you more if you want.

06-22-2004, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the link, chocolate puppy, I will go check it out at lunchtime today.

More not so good news. The rottweiler mix had her puppies yesterday morning. 5 total. He has a big plastic kennel (I refer to them as "airline crates") on the deck for her. I could hear the puppies while I was sitting on my deck. He doesn't know which are boys or girls because Kia (the rottie mix) will not let him get near her or the pups.

He's already promised away one of the pups. I remember speaking to his wife about it once and she said "If any of the pups look like their daddy (the pitbull), then I will keep it and give the mother and the rest of the pups away.":mad: :(

06-22-2004, 10:41 AM

Hope the pups are doing okay. They need that human socilization. :(