View Full Version : More Worries

06-17-2004, 06:30 PM
We've had a lot of heavy storms. I got a slight flood in my basement from the last one and spent the day cleaning up the murk and muck. EEEeeeeeew. I tried to use kitty friendly cleaning colutions, but ran out somewhere halfway through. It was a bigger job than imagined, so I ran to the convenience store across the street. All they had was Mr. Clean. Of course there was a huge warning "hazardous to humans and house pets."

I used it because I needed it, and I must say it did a great job cleaning things up and getting rid of the musty smell. I let is dry as much as I could... but since its still incredibly muggy, there were a few damp spots when Pouncer somehow got to the basement. I don't think he stepped in any of the puddles. I picked him up and his feet didn't smell at all like the Mr. Clean. I took a rag and dried off the remaining wet spots as best I could. now I'm worried about a residue. I HAD to leave the basement doors open so that Allen and he could have access to their litter boxes. We have one upstairs but Allen prefers the one in the basement. We tried moving it before but he wouldn't use it in the "new" location.

Should I worry? Even though I wiped Pouncer's feet, he'll get bakc downstaors and run through the basement. He LOVES the basement. He'll hang out down there all day.

06-17-2004, 06:40 PM
I think it'll be fine. Most of it dried up and what's left is not enough to cause any harm. I'm not sure but I think the hazardous is more for if they try to drink it. Pouncer and Allen don't lick the floor do they? :( I'm sorry about your basement and having to clean it, yuk! But I think Pouncer and Allen are safe from toxins. They say thank you Meowmie for being so concerned :)

06-17-2004, 06:55 PM
But what if he walked in a big puddle, then licked his paws? Then he's be licking the Mr. Clean almost as if he'd been licking the floor.

I did another sniff testa nd his toes still smell like Pouncer, not Mr. Clean! :D

06-17-2004, 06:58 PM
I picked him up and his feet didn't smell at all like the Mr. Clean. I took a rag and dried off the remaining wet spots as best I could.

You did just fine.;)

06-17-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by catnapper
But what if he walked in a big puddle, then licked his paws? Then he's be licking the Mr. Clean almost as if he'd been licking the floor.

I did another sniff testa nd his toes still smell like Pouncer, not Mr. Clean! :D

Oh I didn't think of that. Do you have those cat bath wipes? Maybe just rub his feetsies down with that or soap and water, just to put your mind at ease :) Do Pouncer feet smell like Frito's, lmao :D

06-17-2004, 07:23 PM
Well sicne you asked, they do have a Fritos-esque smell to them! LOL

06-17-2004, 07:37 PM
I'm sure Pouncer is fine, try not to fret about it! ;)