View Full Version : Connor Got A Bath!

Aspen and Misty
06-16-2004, 04:01 PM
Connor took a bath today because he STUNK!! LOL So I took some pics... I swear sometimes he looks like he has Terrier in him!

O mom, no pics!

Ok, I'll let you take ONE more, just so the PT people can see me when I look like a real Terrier!

So, what do you think PT? Hee hee, Mom calls me her lil Terror now :rolleyes:

LOL, I know it doesn't matter what he has in him. And really I just wanted ya'll to see his CUTE bath pics!

LOL, here is one of Wyatt Sleeping on the Towel I used to dry connor off.

"Boy mom, giving a dog a bath is HARD work."


06-16-2004, 04:04 PM
Yup, Terrier with a capital "T!" lol! What a cutie! And now, a sweet smelling one:D What a doll baby you are, Connor!:)

06-16-2004, 07:52 PM
Connor's a doll! :) So, we're keeping Connor "Connor"?