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06-15-2004, 11:11 AM
Hello fellow cat lovers! I'm new here but I've been watching your posts for several months now and just decided that I would join. My computer acts weird sometimes so I'm not sure how well this will work but I'll give it a shot^_^
Here's a picture of one of my calicos: Ping Pong. Not a very good pic but enough for now.
Thankyou all!

06-15-2004, 11:19 AM
Oops didn't work with the pic part, but you've found a wonderful place of cat lovers. My Mitzi is a calico/tortie. Welcome to PT! How many cats do you have? (giggle - us PT folks almost always assume there's more than one cat) :D

06-15-2004, 11:26 AM
:D Oh, yes there's definetly more than one cat^_^ All of mine are calicos and I love them dearly.
There's Carlotta who is about 2 yrs old and her daughter(the piccy)Ping Pong which just turned a yr old at the end of last month. Then there's Lain. GORGEOUS face!!! She was dumped of in a parking lot when she was about 6wks and she's almost a year now^_^....OH! and Ping Pong currently has three 5wk old kittens(I will send piccys ASAP!!!):a tuxedo(M), an orange tabby(M), and a blackish one(F). We're wanting to keep the orange tabby but I'm not quite sure what the pet limit is here (hehehehee)

06-15-2004, 11:29 AM
Hi CalicoLuver and WELCOME to Pet Talk. I think you are going to find this is a very fun place to chat and share your pictures and stories.

My name is Meg and I have 5 furkids...you can see their pictures below in my sig.

If you want to find out more information on how to post pictures go up to the top of the page and do a search for posting pictures. I don't remember who it was that did a really go tutorial on the in's and out's of posting pictures.

Welcome again!!!!! :) :) :)

06-15-2004, 11:36 AM
Thankyou every1 for welcoming me! Ummm....I went to the search thing and typed in "posting pictures" but didn't really find anything...do you know what I should type in?
I have LOTS of pictures of my cats(Dad said that all he could ever find on the camera was cat pictures!)and if you all like looking at cat pictures as much as I do I'm sure you'll like the MANY pictures I can supply you w/. There's lots of kitten pictures(I even have some of my oldest cat w/her litter!). We have lots of beautiful neighborhood cats that-invade our territory-so I'll send in piccys of them too......I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay here. Finally a group of ppl that I can talk, and talk, and talk, and talk, about cats to w/out them telling me to shutup!:D

06-15-2004, 11:39 AM
Hi, and welcome to Pet Talk, Calicoluver! My name is david p from Pittsburgh. I hope you like it here, and post OFTEN! I am the manservant to two kitties, Nikki, a 3 year old tuxedo, and Daisy, a 14 month old tortie. I'm sure you decided to join!!

06-15-2004, 12:05 PM
Here is the link for the pictures....

06-15-2004, 12:24 PM
Welcome! Yes, we love to talk about our cats and we love to see pictures of each others cats! The more the merrier!

I have two cats - Allen and Pouncer, and they love wach other dearly. I also have one dog, Nicki. All three are in my signature below. :)

06-15-2004, 12:55 PM
Wow! Thankyou....I will look into that picture posting instructions^_^
My computer was acting weird...again so that's why I got off so fast.
I did start up a picture of rainbow bridge cats. I will try and get that up when I can get piccys to display properly. I must tell you....I loooove art and drawing so I'm always drawing something(usually cats-I tell you...they're all I think about:rolleyes:
If you all would like I can put some of my drawn cat pictures up....I haven't seen anybody do that but hey...it's cats!
Thankyou all again for your warm welcomes!>^.^<

06-15-2004, 12:58 PM
Welcome CalicoLuver! You feel free to talk all you want about cats! We love it!
I lost count...how many cats do you have?
I have ten as you can see below. They're a mess but I love them all!:D :D http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-15-2004, 01:22 PM
Well, I have 3 cats that are mine for sure-the calicos. We live in the heart of the city(quiet street though so I don't have to worry about them getting....well, you know). One of our cats has kittens right now but we're thinking of keeping one of them. I'm not sure what the pet limit is around here but I'd hate for the city to take all my kitties away. So I have either 3-4 cats....say, I see that several of you have multipal cats...4-10 range.... do you all ever have annoying ppl call up on you...? We haven't-yet...but we've been asked how many cats we have. I wish there was no limit...I could take in every cat I see:D

06-15-2004, 01:28 PM
Welcome! I have only one cat...although I will add to my cat population one of these days. For now, I am afraid one cat around the house is all my elderly pooch and my skinkid can handle. Julie is my brown tabby girl and she is my heart.:D

06-15-2004, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by nibblets
Welcome! I have only one cat...although I will add to my cat population one of these days. For now, I am afraid one cat around the house is all my elderly pooch and my skinkid can handle. Julie is my brown tabby girl and she is my heart.:D Nibblets, I thnik Julie is GEORGEOUS!!

06-15-2004, 03:38 PM
Hi and Welcome to PT!!! Your kitty in the picture is very pretty. I look forward to seeing the rest.

I have three cats and a dog as you can see in my signature below.

06-15-2004, 03:59 PM
Hi and welcome to PT! I love calicos too, and have always wanted one... I got my chance when Katie, my buff tabby, had kittens about a month and a half ago. The only female was a gorgeous little Calico we named Cleo. We started with 3 cats, now we've got 7, 3 dogs, and 2 ferrets! Quite a zoo! :) Your girl in the pic is gorgeous! Post more pics when you can!

06-15-2004, 07:03 PM
Oh yay! I didn't think that pic would display but I'm glad it did. That kitty is really much prettier than that! That girl is my Carlotta and I think that pic was taken about a year ago when she had her kittens *shudders* She's a bigger kitty now and is enjoying the free life. She's my oldest cat and I adopted her as an older kitten from a newpaper ad. The people that had her didn't realize that it was inhumane to keep many cats in a rabbit hutch for their whole life. She was practically feral because she had never been held and was about 4mo. old when I got her. Then one day she just immedietly became my little love and is jealous when we get more cats(not to fond of her own grandchildren either!). We got her fixed after she had her kittens and found loving homes for her 3 other kittens(while keeping her daughter, Ping Pong). She hates being inside(mom and I think it reminds her of being enclosed in the rabbit hutch).
Well, that's pretty much her story....! I've got great recent pix on the camera that I'll post here as soon as I can! I'm sure you all will love them(so much better than the pic I have up but I was new to the camera when I took it:rolleyes:
I'll try and put one of Ping Pong up now....she's a sweety. Nice to all the kitties in the neighborhood and isn't at all territorial(only cat I have like that!). Doesn't look like her mom at all except the eyes.

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-16-2004, 04:13 AM
Hi and welcome!

I'm Julie, I live in Bahrain and have two cats:

Ally, a Bahraini Dilmun and
Connor, a DSH who is deaf.

I'm sure you will love it here!

*ABYCAT* Alice
06-16-2004, 05:14 AM
Hi and welcome! I'm sure you'll love it here. Great place for us catlovers.
I'm Alice and I live in Sweden. I have two cats: Costello who's an Abyssinian and Tess is a Tabby.

06-16-2004, 08:12 AM
Hi! My name is Autumn and I live in Michigan. I have Chihuhua named Nina and a cat named Chuck. I love pet talk! It is always so interesting to see everyone elses furbabies and enjoy their stories. A big welcome to you!

06-16-2004, 08:47 AM
I hope this piccy shows up. The kitty on the left is Lain and the one on the right is Ping Pong just a little before she had her babies. I thought this was really cute cause they actually cooperated long enough to take a cute piccy. Ping has a very pretty face but the flash bothers her eyes so all pix taken w/flash look like this. Not to worry....I figured out how to turn it off in the pictures that are now on the camera. I'll try and get them up tonight:D
I'll share another cat story w/all you.
A few months ago a grey tom that had been hanging around(Carlotta's "lover" and Ping Pong's daddy)had been practically stolen by my neighbors. He has stolen previous cats being an eleged "cat lover" but he only feeds the bunch I have now(when they are PURRRFECTLY well fed:mad:
But anyway...turns out...he had this cat tested and it had both of those contagious cat diseases. FIV and FeLuk. The vet begged this guy to put him to sleep(the guy already has three indoor cats and you can't really let a tom w/2 contagious diseases run around). So he keeps him alive and lets him run around the neighborhood(the vet neutered him but he still attacked neighborhood cats). This made me furious but I was scared to death that maybe my cats had it. They hadn't had their shots at the time(I can't drive and I don't have a job yet, so unfortunately, it's not up to me when the go to the vet:(
We took them to the vet and got the darned expensive testing on all three of them(Ping being PG at the time). I was scared to death. My cats are closer to me than human children ever could be...I love them so much I just couldn't....hey, ya'll know what I'm talkin' about!!!:D
Well, turns out none of them had it!!! I was praying like CRAZY and I'm so thankful to God now....there's no doubt that there's a God because my babies should've had it...especially Ping Pong. My folks still aren't great about taking them to the vet but once I got a job and can drive they'll have their shots all the time.
I have read that cats that spend most of their time outside and around lots of other cats have a high tolerance immunsystem and are less likely to catch the disease than fewer cats spending most time inside. Good to know!

06-16-2004, 08:51 AM
All TRhe Found Cats , Stray Cats Angels and Feeder , welcome You, andYour Lovely Calicos toPet Talk , and you do have some Cosmic Calico Cats!

06-17-2004, 02:45 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk :D

Yes, you had a very lucky escape from that tom. Stupid owner should keep him inside or rehome him to an inside only cat home or have him put to sleep. Letting postive cats wander the streets is not acceptable behaviour. :(

The best thing you can do is get Ping Pong spayed asap when the kittens are starting to wean (check with your vet for right time)

As cats can go into heat as early as 15 days after giving birth and can get pregnant again at that time.

I assume that Ping Ping and kittens are inside only at this time, as kittens are very prone to picking up illness.

So keep the kittens inside until they are 6 months old & spayed/neutered to avoid any more kittens and keep Ping Pong in until she is spayed.

Here is an article on how to introduce kittens to the outside world.

Have you got home for these kittens or are you keeping one ?

PS. All inside/outside cats should be vaccinated against leukimea as part of their yearly vaccination course. If your cats are not already getting this vaccine I strongly recommend that you ask your vet about it.

06-17-2004, 05:09 AM
A Big Welcome to Pet Talk CalicoLuver - you're cats are beautiful and very lucky to have such a caring, loving Meowmie to care for them.

I'm Lynne and I live in England. I have three cats called Bagel, Ketchum and Dan who rule the house like good furries do!:D

Look forward to hearing more about you and your sweetie-pies.
