View Full Version : lol happy almost did not get a prize..

06-14-2004, 03:07 PM
well at the flyball tourny elsie was like "shayna does not get a prize because someone else handled her dog" ok that makes sence, exept that the prizes were dog toys and dog treats and she said "the prizes are for the handler not the dog!":rolleyes: really now, happy did all the work, the prize is not for me, I was not there the prize is for the dog lols o my mom was just like "the prizes are for the handler eh?" holds the rope bone to elsies mouth "fine then get chewin!" lol I mean really happy did all the work, that dog ran under 4 seconds, she had darn well better get a prize! :eek: lol if I was in my mom place I would be like "reaaaddddyyyyyy seeeeetttttt *throw the rope* GO GET IT!" lol

06-14-2004, 04:03 PM
Aww well she DID get the prize at the end, right? :) Did you guys win the tournament?? You should take pics some day! :D