View Full Version : Sophie and Tito update - introductions this week!

06-14-2004, 09:11 AM
Hi everyone!!! I have asked you all for tons of advice about moving with my Tito and intoducing him to his "sister" Sophie, I thought I'd give you a little update.

I will post some pics too, and please know my camera batteries are dead but I am going to get some today and you will see more pics soon!

I am moving in with my boyfriend and his kitten Sophie on Thursday. I haven't packed a thing, but I am sure when I do Tito will have tons of fun in some boxes! He's doing great, looking older every day! He's 7.5 months now!!

Sophie is doing great too - completely littertrained. We got her a new litterbox - a "booda dome" that seems to have done the trick! She is getting so big! She's going to the vet this morning to get her second set of kitten shots. She's 2.5 months now and doing so great! For those of you who don't know, Sophie was rescued - orphaned, flea-ridden and underweight when we got her on May 8th...she's really filling out and getting cuter every day! She doesn't meow - she squeaks!! I have never heard her meow. Just high pitched squealing!

I can't wait for the two of them to meet. I know they're going to get along great. I am going to keep Tito in the spare bedroom until we get settled, and then see how long it takes him to comes out! Knowing him, not long I am sure!! Then I will hopefully be able to post some pics of my babies TOGETHER!

Thanks to everyone who has given me advice....I appreciate it so much!

Pics coming in next post....

06-14-2004, 09:21 AM
Tito when I got him at 11 weeks...

Tito last week...
I will post more pics very soon, I know this one isn't that good and I posted it recently! :) he doesn't look that much bigger, but in the pic at the top he was 3.5 pounds, and now he's almost 8! My big boy...

I think I have posted this pic before too...but I just love her nose!

More pics ASAP...hopefully tomorrow! :D

06-14-2004, 10:07 AM
I hope your move goes well. You are right...Tito has grown so much. He is such a handsome baby.

I love the picture of Sophie....her eyes are so big and beautiful.

06-14-2004, 12:31 PM
Thanks! My boyfriend just got back from the vet's with Sophie - in his words, she "went ballistic" when the vet tried to give her a shot. My boyfriend said she "screamed" and freaked out and tried to bite the vet several times! They had to put a cloth over her head just to calm her down enough to give her the shot, and apparently she squealed so loud the secretary and some vet students came in to see what was going on. She did so well the first time she went, I can't believe she was a squeak freak this time! She just wasn't having it today, I guess. But, the vet did say she weighs 2.85 pounds now - she only weighed 1.12 pounds four weeks ago! Our baby is growing fast!!!! :D :D :D

06-14-2004, 12:55 PM
Aww Tito is growing up so fast. He is such a handsome boy and little Sophie is such a sweetheart.
I'm so sorry she had such a hard time at the vets. Poor baby.
Give her lots of love and kisses to help her over her ordeal.

I'm sure with the two of them being so young, you shouldn't have too hard of a time in the introductions. Good luck though anyway and keep us posted and of course, PICTURES....LOL

06-14-2004, 12:58 PM
Tito is getting to be such a big handsome boy!

Poor Sophie at the vet. Can't blame her, poor girl.

How exciting for you and the changes coming up. Can't wait to hear how they are getting along together. They will soon be the bestest of friends!

Miss Meow
06-14-2004, 05:35 PM
Cute cats :) Tito hasn't lost any of that cheekiness!

Good luck with the move. I actually think moving is a good time for cats to bond, as they are together in a stressful situation and may turn to each other for comfort and confidence.

06-15-2004, 05:57 AM
They are going to be adorable together!! I think they will get along great. You are going to have lots and lots of fun times ahead. Two youngsters will get into everything and it will be so funny! Keep that camera handy because we will want pictures!!

06-15-2004, 07:02 AM
Two kittens= tons of fun!! Bet we will see lots of funny pictures and looking forward to the funny stories too!!

06-15-2004, 04:06 PM
They are both adorable. Good luck, I'm sure it will be fun. I look forward to more pictures.

06-17-2004, 09:58 PM
Just a quick note to say Tito is enjoying his new surroundings! I have a little "sanctuary" set up for him in the guest bedroom with his food, water, toys, litterbox, etc. It's nice and clean and quiet, and he's been sniffing every surface. I figure we'll let him hang out in here for a while, then let him explore the rest of the house with Sophie shut in the master bedroom. Tito's being good, I left his carrier open sitting in the middle of the room and I found him sitting in there a few times, just hanging out - guess it smells like home! Anyway, more updates and pics later.

06-17-2004, 10:09 PM
I love kittens my friends babysitters (they're roomates) just recently bought a kitten and they culdnt leave it alone so when theyc ame over to watch us i got to see it it was so adorable she didnt get along with my friends cat to well at first but you shuld have seen them earlier the kittens name is Shadis (shade-is) and the cats name is tigger (originally tiger) Shadis and Tigger were sleeping on the same chair and Shadis was using Tiggers arm as a pillow if my scanner was up i wuld show u.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
06-18-2004, 09:23 AM
Sounds like things are going well. Please keep us updated and let us know when they finally get to meet each other.....and please have your camera handy. ;) :D