View Full Version : Do your cat(s) have a special smell?

06-12-2004, 07:52 PM
Most of my cats just smell kittyish, but Phoebe smells like water. I know water isn't scented, but that's what she smells like.

Do your cats have a certain smell??

06-12-2004, 08:14 PM
To me, Dylan has a very sweet, clean pleasant smell that is sort of like baby powder - that is how I got into kitty huffing:D It is especially noticeable when he has been in the sunshine. The other two do not have any particular smell.:)

06-12-2004, 08:23 PM
Squeekers smells really nice...like flowers :D

06-12-2004, 08:23 PM
Tibby smells like kitty litter.

06-12-2004, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Tibby smells like kitty litter.
:p Is that good or bad? Fresh or used? Scented or unscented?:D

06-12-2004, 08:39 PM
I hope fresh and scented :D

Thumper sometimes has stinky butt and food breath. She would be so embarressed knowing I discussed this with you all. :rolleyes:

Skinny doesn't have a smell. Eleanor to new to gang so I cant make a comittment so far she doesn't smell either. :)

06-12-2004, 08:42 PM
Originally posted by sirrahbed
:p Is that good or bad? Fresh or used? Scented or unscented?:D

Kind of a powder fresh type of scent. But she doesn't smell like poop, just the kitty litter itself.

06-12-2004, 09:05 PM
Oh definitely! Both of my kitties smell sweet and clean, and I especially love to bury my nose right behind their little ears and take a good whiff! The sweetest smell in the world! :)

06-12-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Uabassoon
Kind of a powder fresh type of scent. But she doesn't smell like poop, just the kitty litter itself.
Glad you...uh....clarified that, Laura;) afterall, they don't call me the *roving toilet reporter* for nothing. Toilet things just can't seem to get by me:rolleyes:

06-12-2004, 09:09 PM
BRB going to go and smell my kitties.:D

06-12-2004, 09:11 PM
Allen doesn't tend to smell like anything special. But Pouncer... whew that boy can smell! He usually smells like the damp basement! :eek: Yep, that nice musky, damp smell. Why he loves to hang out down there is a mystery. Then when he's bored, or perhaps just for fun, he likes to roll around in a dirty litter box. So then he smells like litter. yum. Needless to say, he gets bathed quite often! :D

06-12-2004, 09:12 PM
Sash always smells sooooo good and clean.:) I say that all the time! I don't think his breath ever smelled, he's always had such pearly white teeth. Oh, my boy smells like heaven to me.:)

Lisa & Sash

06-12-2004, 09:17 PM
Okay i'm back.

Had to laugh though, Mooky, Chipper and Sades thought, "What the heck are you doing maw" and of course my Katie girl just loved the attention and started purring her head off.

Anyhoo, they don't really have any destinctive smell to them that I can describe except clean smelling I guess.

06-12-2004, 09:26 PM
LOL, I remember it was here that I read that someone said that kitty and doggy feet smell like Fritos. I ran and smelled my cats' feet, and THEY DID smell like Fritos! Hilarious.

06-12-2004, 11:59 PM
Peanut Butter has the sweetest smell! I can't describe it but it smells good. Maggie Sue also has a very fresh and sweet smell. the others just seem to be totally odorless. I can't speak for Mr. Magoo since I'm not brave enough to huff him yet!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

06-13-2004, 12:15 AM
Our Bubbles has the scent of baby powder too. Mango is just clean smelling - no specific scent. And Peaches gets a regular bath so she has the scent of the shampoo & conditioner

Ally Cat's Mommy
06-13-2004, 01:53 AM
Ally has a special "Ally"smell - don't know how to describe it but I LOVE the way she smells - I could HUFF her all day.

Connor is another story:o He is a bit of a stinky-butt, but that's OK - he still gets his share of luvvies!

06-13-2004, 02:06 AM
This is the funniest thread, I'll have to go smell Stubby and Grover too!

Okay, Stubby smell kind of like perfume, Hmmm, where the heck has this boy been?!! I haven't smelled Grover yet, but I am pretty sure she smells good!!

Laura, and Lorraine, you two made me Laugh! Thanks, that felt good!

Good thread, Kelly!


06-13-2004, 03:19 AM
hee hee, great replies! :)

I really should go smell the others....BRB.....

They all smell like cat food...I just fed them. Oh well. ;)

06-13-2004, 10:33 AM
Good job Kelly...what an excellent thread. I hadn't actually thought how to describe their smell...Hobbie doesn't smell like anything but Calvin has a sweet clean warm smell. He cuddles with me every night and my favorite thing is to snuggle him between his shoulder blades. He love that too, And he doesn't have frito feet!! My sisters dog does! So I know what it means!! LOL

06-13-2004, 12:14 PM
Ah love this thread as I love to huff my two. Mishi has a sweet kitty smell - can't describe it, but I love it. Mitzi mostly just smells clean, sometimes she has a slightly cinnamon spicy scent to her - that's when I call her my little spice girl. :D