View Full Version : EEK! I Almost stepped on a....

06-11-2004, 10:21 AM
RAT!!! My roomates rat is a little escape artist. He figured out how to open his cage door last night sometime and proceded to go exploring. Luckily we have "Rat proofed" the house for just this kind of incedent. I was getting ready for work and I saw him wadle wadle wadle right in front of me!! Almost stepped on him!

The conversation went something like this

Me "Skyre, what are you doing in my room?"

Skyre rat "I dunno, I think I'm lost. I found the rat food and spilled it on the floor though!"

Me "Naughty rat! Go home!"

And he went into my roomates room and proceded to climb onto the bed and onto his face, waking him up

roomate "Skyre, what are you doing on my face at 6:30 am?"

Skyre rat "I dunno, I think Im lost."

He didn't get hurt and the house was unscathed *except for the pile of rat food all over the floor lol* I think we need to invest in a locking cage for Skyre...

I hope Cleo *my rattus* doesn't get any ideas!

06-11-2004, 10:50 AM
:) I had to laugh when I read this. We had a hamster that was a terrible escape artist, in fact, we had a couple of them that were bad. The worst part was that with 2 cats and 2 dogs in the house at the time, they were not safe!!! :eek: I remember one night, my little girl came into my room (she was little when this happened), and she was crying. I asked what was wrong and she said "Rusty's in my bed". I said "Helen, there is no way that Rusty could be in your bed". And she said "but he is". I asked where the cat was (Mimi always sleeps with Helen) and she said "In my room"! :eek: I went straight to her room, and believe it or not, there was Rusty Hamster, standing up looking around in the middle of Helen's bed!!!!! Whew!!!! I got Rusty a new cage the next day!!!!

06-11-2004, 11:20 AM
Hee hee hee! I love that, when in trouble, he climbed up onto his owner's face! ;)

Naughty rattie! ;) ;) ;)

06-11-2004, 11:50 AM
He knows where to go when he is being naughty! He's too cute to be mad at though lol