View Full Version : A whole bunch of news, some good, some bad

06-05-2004, 12:13 AM
Hey everybody. If you were wondering why I wasn't around, its because I went to a camp called A.M.P.O. for a week. (5 days) We just got home today. I think I am quite sick because I have a runny nose, sore throat, cought and I feel really warm.

Major went through a little episode on Monday but I can't really explain it on here... PM me if you are interested.

Other than that Major is doing quite good. I am so glad my parents (mom) took good care of him while I was away. I think my mom is really getting attached to him! She is also doing her best to follow my "rules" on training him.

I might have said in a different post, but we bought another bag of Ol' Roy. He was running out and I didn't have enough time to do any research, but I'm hoping next time it runs out I'll have a good food in mind.

He sure is getting big! I am sorry I can't post any pictures because the internet on the other computers isn't up and this is just my plain, old mom's computer.

I also got my hair cut by my mom. We went to the little hair shop here but the person said my hair was not long enough (12 inches in a ponytail) My mom saw her measuring and said she was doing it wrong but didn't really want to say anything. So we went home and my mom cut it for me. It is really short and I think I got about 14 inches off in total. I don't like it much.

I bought a Halti for Major (it was $20!!!) I am having some trouble getting it on his head though. I got it on and gave him some treats but the moment I stopped he started pawing rapidly to get it off.

It is a tiny bit big but it was the smallest size they had. And they were the only store who had it too. That was all before I went to A.M.P.O.

Well I got back tonight and I was trying to put it on him so he could eat with it on at supper. He was being pretty good but I couldn't get it on because he was squirming a little. Then he started yapping because he wanted the food he knew was coming and so I went inside.

I came back out in a few minutes and it was just kind of messy because he spilled his food (he didn't have access to it but he pawed the dog house so much it tipped) Then I just decided not to get angry and put him to bed (thats the routine) I didn't want him to get too confused on my first day back home for a week.

I just kind of need suggestions for him to get used to it and think its a good thing. Am I doing anything wrong, you guys?

06-05-2004, 06:28 AM
You sound like you're doing just fine with him, Maria. He is a cutie, for sure! I think I would like to see you be able to get a little better quality food if you can. I'm glad you're planning to change foods. Just make sure you do it gradually so his tummy won't get upset. Puppies are very sensitive that way. Big dogs are too! :)

Welcome back. Hope you had fun at camp.

06-05-2004, 08:38 AM
For the Halti, you just need persistence, patience and time I think. Keep associating it with treats and praise and good things, keep working with him every day with it. Don't ever get angry with him regarding it or he'll sense that and associate it with the Halti. If you feel you are losing patience, just stop for a bit and try again later. It will take time. Dogs dont' like feeling things on their face, it's totally natural for them to try to swipe it off.

It's hard to suggest foods for you because I'm not sure what is available to you and what you can afford. You mentioned Pro-Plan before and I think that would be better than Ol' Roy if you can afford the price increase. :)

Keep up the good work and keep trying. Puppies can really try your sanity at times. They take so much persistence and time. But it pays off 100-fold in the end. :)

06-05-2004, 11:46 AM
Thanks Logan. Camp was OK lol but I missed Major. It rained the first day which really sucked but the rest of the days were nicer.

I'm not really sure about Pro-Plan. I haven't seen it in the store at all, that I remember.

I went to Peavey Mart and they had Eukanuba (that was the first place I saw it) and a couple other brands...looked sorta like no name but I'll check again next time we go. I really can't afford a whole lot, maybe $30 for an 18 kg bag at the most. I am trying to tell my mom about dog food so she can be more knowledgable in the subject and agree with me.

I'm doing my best though!

06-05-2004, 12:47 PM
Pro Plan is good. I used to feed it before I had to start feeding Duke special food. At Wal Mart, they have their own version of it and it's a little cheaper. I'm glad you're wanting to get him off of the food he's on. He needs to get all the nutrition he can because he's growing. Sounds like you're doing a good job with Major.

06-05-2004, 12:49 PM
Pro Plan is good. I used to feed it before I had to start feeding Duke special food. At Wal Mart, they have their own version of it and it's a little cheaper. I'm glad you're wanting to get him off of the food he's on. He needs to get all the nutrition he can because he's growing. Sounds like you're doing a good job with Major.

Do you know where they sell Pro Plan? And is it called the same at Wal-Mart, or is it called something different? Thanks!

06-05-2004, 12:53 PM
It's different. I can't remember the name but it's in similar packaging, just like Pro Plan.

06-05-2004, 12:59 PM
I have only seen these at Wal-Mart (that I can remember) Ol Roy, Kibbles and Bits, Iams, Purina Beneficial, just normal Purina puppy and dog chow , Alpo, Pedigree and I think thats all. I saw Purina One I think at IGA. I have seen Uukanuba at Peavey Mart. Those are basically the only brands I have seen available, but I am going to check out these other stores. I never though Peavey Mart would sell dog food, so I am going to check out other stores like that.

06-05-2004, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by MariaM
I I never though Peavey Mart would sell dog food, so I am going to check out other stores like that.

Ah, Peavy Mart! What a great store. I wish we had one up here. I have many happy memories of going to the Peavy Mart with my Dad when I was a kid. :D It's still his favorite store.

Course I think it's a Canadian only store--might even be a Saskatchewan based chained, so no one else knows what Maria and I are talking about!:p

06-05-2004, 01:15 PM
Oh well... its like...has paint, garden stuff, cow halters, stuff like that. Kind of a farm store.

06-05-2004, 01:48 PM
Maria, I'm going to make a couple of suggestions.

First of all I think the Pro Plan (which is a Purina product) is available through Pet Stores or places like Feed and Seed stores (at least my Feed and Seed has it). Maybe yours can order it if they don't carry it.

Secondly, I have a friend, Missy, who has compliled a lot of dog food information, critiques and ingredients so that you can use them for a basis of comparison. Keep in mind that she also sells an excellent food, but it is VERY expensive and I do not buy it. I do think that just using her comparisons is helpful though. If you think it might help, check out www. greatgoldens.com . She also has cat food comparisons.

Even if you can't go with one of the "premium" foods, I'm sure you will find the right thing, within your budget, for Major! How about give him a little kiss and hug from me!!!! :)

06-05-2004, 11:16 PM
Logan: Ok I'll see what we have in Yorkton....

I have been to the website you suggested, but found it confusing because i did not know the good and bad foods. I now know a little bit about it, but am still off to do research. Thanks for reminding me about it though!

I'll give him a kiss and hug....if I can get him to stay still! He likes to lick my face now, if I let him have access to it. I don't mind, but when my little cousins come over, I think they might. I don't really want to say "NO!" though because I've taught him licking is ok, biting is not. :)

06-06-2004, 02:25 PM