View Full Version : Fish Tank Ornaments (decorations/plants) Turning Black!!

06-03-2004, 07:49 PM
What is that? The columns and the plants and even the rocks are turning black! We just did a water change a few days ago, and the water is really clear.

The Chinese Algea Eater is only on the glass now, opposed to "eating" on the ornaments.

Anyone know what that is?

EDIT: Here are two pictures showing what I mean...


Cinder & Smoke
06-04-2004, 10:45 AM
Don't have a clue (not a Phissh Purson) but here's a suggestion:

Take a "sample" to either a Swimming Pool Dealer
or a Water Softener Dealer -

BOTH do "water testing" - usually right there "as you watch"...

Might be best NOT to mention "what" they're testing... :p
You could "mention" that if a "spoon" sits in the water for a while,
it turns black... but kinda hard to say your plants turn
black - not many folks leave their house plants *underwater*
for days at a time! :D

You need to deliver the sample in an UN-contaminated container -
most places will give you a lil plastic bottle to carry the
test sample in.

/s/ Phred

06-04-2004, 11:27 AM
I would take the a sample of water to your pet store, they can test there & know what levels of what is safe for fish & aquariums.
I would not take it to a swimming pool place or water softener place as they do not know what is safe for fish.

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, Im not a fish person either.

06-04-2004, 04:49 PM
Have you reciently added fish or plants? Sometimes I know that algae spores or fungi can come on plastic or live plants. Since the algae eater is completely ignoring the plants, it might be something other than algea afecting your tank. Algae usually isnt black like that either. I agree, go get the water tested, that will tell you the PH, amonia level etc. However, that wont tell you what the black stuff is. Perhaps you should scrape some off or take a column or plant to a fish store (a pet shop that only deals with fish, chain pet stores generally don't have fish "experts" like the exclusive stores do). Id have the water testing done at a fish place too. Hopefully you have a fish shop in your area. Later, I'll ask my dad *Mr fish breeder expert* and see what he thinks.

Good luck!!

06-04-2004, 10:57 PM
Cool! Thanks! :)

We haven't added fish, in fact, we just lost our oldest Molly. We had her for about a year...maybe that has something to do with it?

I think we do have a fish store, we normally shop at Petco or PetSmart...I'll check that out more.

06-05-2004, 11:37 PM
black algea, we have that in a big talk, you have to replace everything in the tank, it cant be eaten, or cleaned, everything with the algea needs to be tossed and replaced.

06-07-2004, 10:51 AM
Cali's diagnossis is more than likely correct *so says my dad*. There is a small chance that it could be something else but that is slim. That stuff is gross, and it doesn't go away with cleaning. It keeps coming back for some reason. I'd still have it looked at to be sure.