View Full Version : my guinea pig needs a friend!

06-03-2004, 10:35 AM
I was wondering about getting my guinea
pig Squishy a friend!
He seems lonely and I want to get
him a rabbit.
Since I want one what breed do you think
I should get?
And if not a rabbit what else would be good
for him as a companion??
I read that guinea pigs live less stressful lives
if they have a companion!:)

06-03-2004, 11:57 AM
Guinea pigs and bunnies can get along, but it can be dangerous for your pig, since a bunny could unintentionally hurt or even kill your guinea pig with his powerful legs.

I'd recommend getting another pig (a male) to keep him company. How old is your pig? Sometimes male pigs can be territorial, especailly if they're older, so be careful introducing another pig to him, to make sure there's no fights.

Good luck. I hope Squishy will like a friend. ^_^

Aspen and Misty
06-03-2004, 11:59 AM
I also agree, get a Male guinie pig, not a rabbit. Your rabbit could accidently kill your guinie pig. For the lil Piggie's safty I would say go for another piggie and read up on how to introduce them.


06-03-2004, 02:15 PM
ummm to late!!!:(
My cousin gave me his rabbit it's a
little netherland dwarf mix!!
I named him Brownie!!

Aspen and Misty
06-03-2004, 03:16 PM
Just don't put them together. It is very risky for the Guinea pig. I would NOT put them together, it's risking the life of your Guinea pig.


06-03-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by animal_rescue
ummm to late!!!:(
My cousin gave me his rabbit it's a
little netherland dwarf mix!!
I named him Brownie!!

I had a rabbit and my guinea pigs together before. But i sold the rabbit. Rabbits can be dangerous for guinea pigs if the cage is to small. My rabbit had no cage, she jump in the guinea pig cages when she wanted food or whater :p

06-03-2004, 04:06 PM
But that's not what I heard I have books
on guinea pigs that say rabbits go great with them!!:confused:

Aspen and Misty
06-03-2004, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by animal_rescue
But that's not what I heard I have books
on guinea pigs that say rabbits go great with them!!:confused:

You must have older books. Here, don't listen to me, listen to these web pages........


Scroll Down to Rabbits and this is what it says

Rabbits Often guinea pigs are housed with rabbits, especially at pet stores.
It is a common practice, but the advice from most expert sources is - DON'T DO IT!
If kept outdoors, they are often considered as company for each other, as the guinea pig can get warmth from the larger rabbit, but a rabbit has very powerful back legs which often does great harm to the more fragile guinea pig!
Also, they are different species, and in general terms should not be kept together, their dietary requirements differ.

Rabbits will burrow, and if placed on grass outdoors will soon escape by burrowing under the hutch. Guinea pigs do not have this burrowing instinct, but will be quite happy to use any tunnel provided by an obliging bunny!

http://cavycages.com/rabbits.htm says

Despite how it seems in the cute and fuzzy Blockbuster commercials, guinea pigs and rabbits do NOT make ideal companions. Such pairings are often disastrous, both for the guinea pigs and the rabbits; so before you attempt this, please give serious consideration to the following issues:

(and you can read about the issues on that page)

http://www.rabbitrehome.org.uk/care/friend.asp Says

What about a Guinea Pig?
Keeping guinea pigs with rabbits is not recommended for several reasons:

Different dietary needs - guineapigs require a diet higher in vitamin C than rabbits. Rabbits require a diet higher in vitamin D than guineapigs.

Different language - Guinea pigs and rabbits communicate with each other in very different ways, they're both better off with a friend that talks the same language.

Injuries - Rabbits have very powerful backlegs and can injure a smaller guineapig friend by mistake even if the do get on most of the time.

http://www.bobtailsrescue.org.uk/about.asp Says

We do not recommend keeping rabbits and guinea pigs housed together, sometimes it does work, but we have had many animals brought into Bobtails with often serious injuries (usually the guinea pigs) inflicted by an amorous or frustrated rabbit, even an accidental kick can kill a guinea pig. The best pairing is “rabbit with rabbit”, and “guinea pig with guinea pig”.

http://www.houserabbit.co.uk/rwf/articles/BondingRabbits.htm Says

Contrary to popular opinion, rabbits and guinea pigs do not make ideal cage mates. Although some rabbit/guinea-pig pairs get on well, many more end in disaster, often with injuries to one or both animals.

Need more proof?


06-03-2004, 05:01 PM
Oh Well!!
Then I won't put them together besides
I wasn't planning on putting them in the same cage
I was just going to let them play together.....

06-03-2004, 05:30 PM
that sounds like a good idea. :)

06-03-2004, 06:56 PM
Your horse is beautiful!!
Is she an Arabian?:)

Aspen and Misty
06-03-2004, 08:51 PM
Yea, I don't think play time is a good idea either. Only takes a moment for the Bunny to kick the Pig and kill it.


07-25-2004, 07:50 PM
hes an Arabian/Welsh Pony mix

07-26-2004, 11:58 AM
Well... I dont think you should let them live in the same cage... just for safety reasons... but you already said you werent going to. I think that letting them play together INDOORS ould be OK if YOU are watching them. But OUTDOORS... may not be such a good idea. ESPECIALLY if you arent watching them. Like it said on that website, rabbits may burrow and your piggy will escape and be gone forever! :eek:But if you got another guinea pig.... (male would be best) then they would be fine living together. I once owned 2 male guinea pigs... and they could not be taken away from each other. One time we tried to see if theyt would like living apart... but they cried until we put them back together!!!:D

Well... hope that helps...


07-26-2004, 03:20 PM
If you do let Brownie and Squishy play, make sure to keep a good eye on both of them!


07-26-2004, 05:22 PM
I don't think you are getting everyones point, here. We want your pig to be safe, so we are telling you not to allow them to be together. Don't listen to us, whatever, but all we want is whats best for the bunny and the pig, and so should you. SOME bunnies can be good with pigs, others not. From what everyone else is saying, it seems like you shouldn't. Up to you, but I believe these people have more experience in this area, and you should make take their advice into consideration.

07-26-2004, 07:21 PM
umm this is an old post and I'm not getting a rabbit.

07-26-2004, 07:43 PM
Originally posted by animal_rescue
ummm to late!!!:(
My cousin gave me his rabbit it's a
little netherland dwarf mix!!
I named him Brownie!!

I'm a little confused. I thought you already got a rabbit.

07-26-2004, 08:27 PM
*smells the air* *smells a hint of troll*

I don't know what's going on and who you think you are going to fool, but you told us you have a rabbit now.

Desert Arabian
07-26-2004, 08:37 PM
She could have given it to the humane society or something. I do not see her being a troll, she just needs to explain herself better. I don't smell troll anywhere, just someone being unclear.

07-26-2004, 08:46 PM
Look not that it's any of your business my cousin wanted his rabbit back ok.
ok to be more clear, My mom wasn't to happy about the rabbit deal but she was going to let me keep him anyways, well when my cousin found out that my mom didn't want me to have him, he said he would take him back.

07-26-2004, 08:52 PM
Okay, YLL and animal, I apologize. The whole number of trolls lately made me jump to conclusions.

I'm sorry I didn't understand. You said you had a rabbit, and then you said you didn't. I just got confused. So you gave the rabbit back?

07-26-2004, 09:57 PM
yea, Maybe in like a month or 2 I'm going to look into getting another guinea pig from the humane society, what i think I'm going to do it take Squishy with me and let him pick out the one he wants.

07-27-2004, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by animal_rescue
Look not that it's any of your business my cousin wanted his rabbit back ok.

Ok... I think that was a little rude... but thank you for explaining yourself more clearly. But It is sort of our business becaause you asked us about it in the first place!!! \

But I think its a good idea that you take squishy with you when uyou go to the SPCA! :D

07-27-2004, 07:38 PM
I was rude to her at first because she called me a troll