View Full Version : camping with your cat?

06-02-2004, 01:42 PM
Just wondering if anyone here takes their cat camping w/ them?

Now that Meko will be spayed I am thinking about bringing her along aometime this summer.

She is used to being on a leash, is current on all vaccines, will have a collar (harness) with tags, she LOVES to go for car rides & does not seem bothered by strange places (I bring her places often).

I know the common sense when camping, goodness I have camped before with my ferrets so this should be no biggie at all, just curious if others did it.

06-02-2004, 01:46 PM
I haven't, personally, and *wouldn't* with my two. But the last time my hubby and I were out backpacking, we passed a fellow camper who was walking along with a cat curled up, happy as could be, on top of his backpack! It was very cute, and somewhat amazing. May you have as much luck with Meko! :D

06-02-2004, 01:59 PM
Ditto what Twink said. Just asking for too much trouble.

06-02-2004, 02:02 PM
Meko is not the average cat, I swear she is a dog trapped in cats body, she'll tell ya the same.

She already goes on walks with my dogs, she even attempted to swim in the stream with them! She goes for car rides all the time, she goes visiting to friends all the time, she comes when called, sits, sits pretty, shakes paws, lays down, knows "no begging" She truely is an amazing cat.

I know there are other cat-dogs out there that go camping.

06-02-2004, 02:55 PM
A long time ago, I used to keep a boat at a marina. A few docks over, a couple always brought their himalayans (2) with them every weekend all summer long. The cats would either lounge around on their boat or on their dock. Amazingly enough, they never wandered off away from their area and they were never chained. I always thought that was really cool. I would think that if a cat was used to something (like camping), it wouldn't be that big of a problem. Maybe just never leave them unattended even if caged in case of a wandering dog or worse (bear!).:eek:

06-02-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
I know there are other cat-dogs out there that go camping.

My sister swears her cat, Angel, is a cat-dog...he he he. Angel begs for food like the doggies, lays on the floor with the doggies, greets people like the doggies...he he he

06-03-2004, 09:20 AM
I would be concerned for The Found Cats safety , as they would wander, and maybe get lost , or hurt! But My late Aunt , and Uncle use to take Mr . whiskers and sheba , to the Trailer Park , and they were fine! And I have seen cats , at the Local Drive In!

06-03-2004, 09:21 AM
Of course , it was a That Darn Cat Double Bill!

06-03-2004, 09:58 AM
I can't condone it because I had a horrible tragedy in 1989, taking my precious Shrimp Boat camping with us so that she wouldn't have to stay at home. I did everything wrong. We didn't do "crates" back then or cat carriers, nor did we do harnesses. She was an indoor only cat and I transferred her from the car to the camper while we unloaded. It was pitch black dark outside. She shot out the door at one point, never to be seen again. :( :( :( It is painful to think about to this very day. Leaving that campground, 3 days later, was the hardest thing I ever had to do. We exhausted ourselves, asking everyone in site, offering rewards. Shrimp Boat had a collar and tags with our name and address and phone number on it. We never heard a single word about her again.

Please leave your kitty at home. You would never forgive yourself if something happened. I never have forgiven myself.

06-03-2004, 11:44 AM
She would always be harnessed & leashed, or in a carrier, if for any reason she did get loose (very doubtful) she has a great re-call. She rarely leaves my side, & when she does it is to be by my dogs side. (My dogs always come camping with me)

I am sorry to hear about the problems that people have encountered, & not to be rude, but the same problems can occur right at your own home.

I think I am going to try it in a couple weeks, I'll let you know how everything turns out!

06-03-2004, 01:02 PM
Shortly after adding Chance to the family, we went camping. We didn't want to leave Chance home alone with the 'big mean older kitties', so we took him along with us. He had a tie out for when we were all outside and he was just enchanted by the chipmunks (some were nearly as big as him!).

I'd take him for short walks around the campground and he loved the attention.

My family has a 5th wheel camper trailer. Chance was never outside alone and spent most of the time bouncing around the inside of the trailer.

Friends of ours that camped with us always took their cats with them when they traveled. :)

06-04-2004, 09:19 AM
Cat Angels Love Camping , thay have been to all the State Parks!

06-04-2004, 09:19 AM
And The Grand Canyon TOO!

06-04-2004, 10:50 AM
I knew a trucker that takes his kitty with him all over the 50 states! He got this cat on the road actually and the cat has been trucking for most of his 15 years!! The cat has a special seat harnes in the passenger seat so he doesn't get hurt (or a no seatbelt ticket lol) a catbox that can be attached to the floor of the sleeper cab (the cat has learned to potty when his owner stops for fuel or whatever) and sleeps curled up at his owners feet at night. It is SO cute!! Not quite camping but...

06-04-2004, 11:11 AM
This whole idea still scares me to death, given the bad experience I had. I wish you the best.

06-04-2004, 12:00 PM
This is something that I've actually considered. All my girls are used to being on leashes, and as long as you had a crate for them I think it would be fun! :) The only concern I would have right now is mosquito bites with the whole west nile thing... and also make sure they are taking a flea medication! :)