View Full Version : Foster Ratties Arrived *PICS*

Desert Arabian
06-01-2004, 10:40 PM
Today we went down to Illinois and picked up the three girls. We left around 5 o'clock and got back around 9:30. They are doing pretty good, Frisky Whiskers is the most stressed out. She is extremely skinny, I have never seen a rattie this skinny. Her owner says shes always been like that. I am going to see if I can plump her up- she needs to gain weight. Ellie Spots and Luckie are beyond adorable- their little dumbo ears just make them extra cute. :p Ellie Spots looks to me like a dove varigated, Luckie looks like a russian blue hooded, and Frisky Whiskers is a patchwork hairless. They are incrediably cute and I am so happy that I can be their foster mommy. I think they will be going to their real home in Minnesota July 4th weekend.

Here are some more pictures. I didn't want to stress them out further so I didn't take too many pictures.


Little Ellie Spots:

Frisky Whiskers:

Their new taj mahal:

I will post more pictures as they settle in and get used to me. :D

Everyone welcome Ellie, Frisky, and Luckie! :D

06-01-2004, 10:45 PM
They are so cute! I'm in love with Little Ellie Spots

Aspen and Misty
06-02-2004, 12:59 AM
ADORABLE!!! Such lil cuties!!! Your so lucky to have such lil babies!! AWWWWW

Ash :D

06-02-2004, 06:11 AM
Welcome Ellie, Frisky, and Luckie!!! They are adorable, and I can't wait to see more pictures!!

Desert Arabian
06-02-2004, 03:48 PM
They are doing pretty good today, they are still really nervous. They get really freaked out by sudden movement, so I have to make sure I move slowly and quitely. Hopefully as the days go on they will settle down more. I will take more pictures ASAP.


Desert Arabian
06-07-2004, 09:33 PM
I took some new pictures of Ellie, Luckie, and Frisky Whiskers the other day. I have been to lazy to load them to the computer, re-size them, and upload them. As soon as my laziness disappears, I will post the pictures- they are pretty adorable!! :p

06-07-2004, 09:46 PM
Out comes the magic wand, and *poooooooof* away with the laziness! For, I, Malone's owner, will NOT post any Malone pictures 'til pictures of dem Ratties are posted!!! hehehehehehe :D