View Full Version : Feeding our dogs.

05-31-2004, 08:06 PM
We have 2 dogs, a year and 6 month old boxer mix named Rex, and a 11 year old black labrador mix named Brandy.

They are both in the 45-55KG range (We're going to have to weigh them soon) and Brandy seems to be obese. I was wondering how many times we have to feed them in a day. I give them both 2 ½ cups a day at around 6:00 Pacific.

I have a feeling that this may not be enough for Rex...

05-31-2004, 08:57 PM
I suspect you should be feeding Rex at least twice a day and as much as he likes to eat, since he's not fully grown yet...

But I'm afraid I can't tell you exactly since I'm between flats and all my dog books are at my new place.. :rolleyes:

Hope someone else can give you more specific advice.


06-01-2004, 02:04 PM
Hi: when our love Tawny(lab, they love to eat) started to put on the pounds, it was suggested that we start feeding her twice a day and reduce the amount of food by 1/2 cup per day but supplement with veggies, the kind that don't give you gas. Apparently doggies can eat veggies all day long and it doesn't bother them. Tawny has lost the 10 extra pounds but it was over a year. I give her cooked frozen veggies no sodium added and she loves them. Fresh baby carrots are a treat for her now, and being raw, she just loses them the next day if you know what I mean. A lite buscuit for dessert is really appreciated.

06-01-2004, 05:53 PM
or are ruled by their stomachs.

My previous puppy was 1/2Golden - 1/2 Yellow Lab where the Yellow Lab was from the maternal side and dominated. Her best summer weight was 72-74 lbs and her winter weight was around 80 lbs (she stayed outside during the day in a straw stuffed dog house).

In the Fall when I wanted her to gain weight, I would feed her 2.5 cups. She would gradually add weight. It the Spring I cut her back to 2 cups. She would gradually lose weight. To maintain the summer weight she received 2.25 cups. This was with using a maintenance dog food (brand Propet) of I believe 18% protein/12% fat. She received her food as two feedings. Usually 1/4-1/2 cup in the morning, with the balance at night. Some dogs will have stomach acid buildup if fed just once a day (i.e. eat a lot of grass in between times in order to purge themselves).

You should probably continue with a performance or puppy formula for the little Boxer the next few months. Some folks switch their larger breed dogs to a maintenance diet at about 7-9 months to slow down the rate of growth. The dog will continue to grow to its full size, but will just take a little longer to get there. The claimed advantage is that it might help avoid hip problems experienced by dogs that have grown too big, too fast.

I'm very close with my 13, and 9 month puppies to going off of "free choice" to a scheduled feeding. I'm waiting for the younger one to catch up to the other. I imagine the smaller one which is part Lab is going to think his world (of eating) has come to an end when I cut down on his rations. :(