View Full Version : I'm sad

05-28-2004, 12:35 AM
:( It feels nobody really talks to me here and I'm just 13. Whenever I post a reply nobody posts one after mine :( :( I just very I don't want to not be a member of Pet Talk because I love the conversations but I'm not in any of them. Well please someone knows how I feel.

05-28-2004, 12:46 AM
I'm sorry you feel left out. :( I try my best not to let anyone feel ignored, but I'm very busy these days and haven't had much time to post on PT as much as I usually do. Its the end of the school year for many, so a lot of us are busy with finals, etc. I remember feeling ignored when I was new here too. Stick around, and keep posting. Once people get to know you, I'm sure things will change. Please don't feel that way. I'm sure no one here wants to ignore you, or anyone else.


05-28-2004, 12:49 AM
thanks okay I'll try

Ally Cat's Mommy
05-28-2004, 03:36 AM
Don't feel sad, sweetie! The best thing to do is keep posting, and reply to loads of other threads - you will soon feel right at home!

Also sometimes some areas of the board get quiet for a couple of days - hardly any new threads are started, so once people have replied to the existing threads, nothing happens!! Also due to different time zones it sometimes takes a while for people to see yout thread any reply. I am in the Middle East, so sometimes when I post it is the middle of the night in some parts of the uSA!!!

I have children your age, and it would make me very sad if they were feeling left out. But AGE is not the important thing here - we are all here because we love animals. Some of my best friends on this site are young enough to be my kids, and we have great fun PMíng each other.

Just keep chatting away, and you can always PM me if you like!



05-28-2004, 06:04 AM
Yes, Alma...I agree with the others. Just keep posting. Soon you will find that others will start posting and talking to you. sometimes it just takes a bit of time. I know I am one who doesn't always post as much as I should. I get busy and don't always have time. I do always try to stop in and see what is going on here at Pet Talk. I'm also trying to be better about posting to other peoples threads. Please don't feel ignored it will all happen in time. Just hang in there!

Robin :)

05-28-2004, 06:14 AM
Oh Almamee don't feel ignored - PCB, Julie and Robin's replies just seem to cover everything. We're not ignoring you on purpose - hnestly. Keep chatting and people will chat back.


05-28-2004, 08:14 AM
Hi almamee and welcome to Pet Talk! I'm sorry you have been feeling left out :(. I'm sure it wasn't at all intentional, there are a lot of very kind and caring people here! I think the advice others have given is good.

You see, I think a lot of people have a tendency to talk more to people they have come to know and not say as much when they don't know someone as well. I have caught myself doing that and I try not to because it makes the newer person feel left out and alone! I think the best way to get over that is to post lots and lots and after awhile people start feeling like they know you and they start replying more!

I know it took awhile when I was newer before I started getting more response to my posts. You might notice that the people who have the most posts under their name tend to get the most responses too. :) Just keep posting!

05-28-2004, 08:25 AM
Just keep posting! :D

05-28-2004, 08:36 AM
Alma, you need to visit all the different sections and start responding to other people's posts, too. You'll have friends here in no time. :)

Aspen and Misty
05-28-2004, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by almamee
:( It feels nobody really talks to me here and I'm just 13. Whenever I post a reply nobody posts one after mine :( :( I just very I don't want to not be a member of Pet Talk because I love the conversations but I'm not in any of them. Well please someone knows how I feel.

Hello. I feel the same way sometimes whenever I post a thread it gets pushed to the bottom with only like 2 replies or when I reply to a thread no one post after me. I am the thread killer (Muawh Muawh Muawh) Anyway, just keep posting, ALOT...it gets better. Any thread you open rember, I need to post. Even if it's just you saying Aww to cute pictures. People LOVE it when you compliment there animals, it's a quick and easy way to make friends. Also, join in on the game threads, most people in those threads are friends so try to get friends with them (see I have all these weird ways no one knew I had) Just keep posting and repling and I promise (or your money back) that you WILL have TONS of freinds here soon!



05-28-2004, 09:21 AM
Don't worry people will talk to you. I am ignored somtimes too. I just jump right in a conversation! I'm 13 also! I can be one of you buddy's on PT if you like!

05-28-2004, 10:02 AM
Oh, don't feel sad sweetie! Just keep on posting and jump right in and before long, you'll have lots of friends here:) I'ts always tough being the new guy on the block, even for us "older" ones;) Your furkids are adorable! Please tell us more about them and share more pictures if you can! Welcome to Pet Talk, almamee:){{{HUGS}}} Sandra

05-28-2004, 10:21 AM
I have had that sad feeling before too Alma! And I am 49:D I am *usually* in Cat General but just now poking around in other forums. There are LOTS of forums here!!! Everyone has given good advice! Post post post!!! Pictures are always a hit;) oh and yes, ooo's and ahhh's and other pets are always appreciated!! Not hard to do with all the cute ones we have here!!!

05-28-2004, 10:40 AM
Don't feel sad. I'm probably the most ignored person on PT lol. Just keep posting, people aren't ignoring you. They read but maybe just don't have the time to reply

05-28-2004, 10:55 AM
thank you all that is making me feeling better:D

05-28-2004, 11:20 AM
almamee, sweetie, you just start posting and keep posting! Pretty soon we all will know you. I know sometimes, I feel like a thread stopper too! The more you post in other threads, the more we will know you. So don't stop posting, stick with the posting.

You really have some cute and beautiful pets. I love your new sig, it is just beautiful, and really shows your pets off. That is a good way to know you, by seeing your beautiful pets.

I seen your picture in one of the threads, and I think you are a very pretty young lady. You hang in there, and get to know us, and by knowing us, we will know you too.

Hang in there sweetie,


05-28-2004, 11:59 AM
Almamee, first of all, WELCOME to Pet Talk! By the way, have you been taking thread stopping lessons from me? I thought I was pretty good at that! I'll echo here the other PTers have been saying. Keep on posting and answer someone else's post and you will usually get a reply. I forgot, what kind of pets do you have?