View Full Version : New Picture's of Tigger

05-21-2004, 08:45 AM
When I left for work yesterday I found Tigger in her favorite poppie (bed) so I snapped her picture because I just thought she was too cute to pass up.


I came home from work to find her in the same spot....and almost the exact same position I left her in that morning. Obviously I had disturbed her from a hard day at work....


and I just had to share a picture of her cute little paw....note the hint of pink on one of her pads.


I just love my little girl. Little Miss Tigger Lou. :)

05-21-2004, 08:58 AM
Tiggeris a Great cat , and we know that he will be there for The Cat Mall Invasion , and Partee! Tremendous Tigger , our Pal!

05-21-2004, 09:01 AM
I just love Tigger .... she has the most incredible nose markings!!! Gotta love all of her pawsies too!:D Too bad she leads such a harsh life! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-21-2004, 09:43 AM
Oh my, what a hard day at work she must have had! Such a big yawn! :D :D

And such an adorable little pawsie. :D

05-21-2004, 10:01 AM
Obviously you are a such a slave driver to poor, beautiful Tigger!http://petoftheday.com/talk/images/our_smilies/biggrin.gif

She is so cuuuuute! I love her nose stripe and I adore that paw!!

05-21-2004, 10:07 AM
Awwww how cute!!

I didn't even know there was another Tigger:o

05-21-2004, 11:53 AM
Aww! What a hard life :) and those speckled feet! So cute!

05-21-2004, 12:07 PM
What an adorable paw!! And a very adorable kitty is attached.

From the looks of it she would be right at home here with my three sleepy heads.

Laura's Babies
05-21-2004, 12:33 PM
Tigger, you are so CUTE!! Love your pawsies!!

05-21-2004, 02:15 PM
Kissies for your pawsie and your adorable nose with that white stripe, pretty Tigger:D

05-21-2004, 05:26 PM
She is very pretty and what an adorable paw.

05-21-2004, 09:20 PM
Tigger looks like a very sweet little girl!:) Cute little paw.

Lisa & Sash

05-21-2004, 09:26 PM
What a dollbaby! I don't think I have ever seen a close picture of Tigger before!! She has that similar white nose swipe that Abner has. Omegosh - it also appears that she has not even budged the entire day!:eek: She must be exhausted, poor baby.:D :D

Now if I am wrong about not seeing Tigger before - shame on me:o But if I am right - shame on Meowmie!!!:p

05-21-2004, 11:28 PM
AWWWWW!! Hehehe.. you guys make me want a kitty soooooo bad.

I love the one of her yawning. :D