View Full Version : Somewhat URGENT Cockatiel breeding/nesting question

My Peanuts
05-18-2004, 03:59 PM
I have had Alex (a female grey) since she was a baby and now she is about 7 years old. I got Danny because my boyfriend found him in a friend's yard nearly 2 years ago. I have no idea how old Danny is, but he has been in love with Alex since the first time he saw her. They now live in the same cage and I have seen them mate several times. Alex has never laid eggs, but now she is starting to act funny. I haven't seen it yet because I'm at work and my brother just called me. He said Alex is walking around on the bottom of the cage and is bunching up things in the corner like toys. He said she doesn't appear to be sick, but he wanted to call me "just incase."

My questions are...
Is she trying to nest? I know a lot about how to care for my cockatiels but not much about breeding.

Also, if I buy her a nesting box, will that encourage her to become pregnant? I don't want her to become pregnant, but I can't separate them, they are best friends. If she becomes pregnant I am willing to care for the babies if she doesn't (I know this means feedings every two hours!) If she needs a nesting box I have to get it for her.
Thanks for any input.

05-18-2004, 05:16 PM
What a tough situation. Breeding is a HUGE responsibility.

It is hard to tell if it has already *happened*. I don't know much about breeding either, but if she is going to have her chicks, yes, you need a nesting box.

I would advise to bring your female into the avian vet, to see if the vet would be able to tell.

When the nesting part is over, I would take the nesting box out. I think that it may encourage her to nest again.

Please keep us updated.

P.S. I have heard many times that breeding is VERY stressful. My friend's tiels (she had them quite a while ago.) bred, and she did have her babies. Sadly, none of them lived. They think that they did everything right, but they did not disinfect the feeder that they used in between chicks. She said that after the last chick died [it had been a while, also] she was so stressed out, and sad. To this day she wonders what she could have done better.

Make sure to research a LOT.

Good luck!

{{I am sure that PCB can help you with this situation, too.}}

05-18-2004, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by Dogz

{{I am sure that PCB can help you with this situation, too.}}

Actually, I don't really have much knowledge on breeding because my birds never laid eggs! :p

I have caught them mating several times, but they do it very, very rarely......like once a year and only during spring. I have seperated them every time they showed interest in each other because I was not prepared to breed them.

From what you described, it does seem like she's getting ready tp *nest*, but I really don't know if that means she is pregnant. She may not be at all. Keep an eye on her, make sure she has cuttlebone in her cage and is eating it, so she gets enough calcium. I really don't have much advice because I haven't gone through the egg-laying situation, but I know Logan has. Maybe she can help you.

A friend of mine, who has bred birds many many times, told me that if you provide them with a nest box, they do get encouraged to mate and lay more. They still do it without a nest box, but she said they do it ALL the time, if you provide them with a nest box. Maybe that's why my birds aren't really into breeding like others. I refuse to give them a nest box. :p

My Peanuts
05-18-2004, 09:37 PM
Thanks for the advice. Here's what I did today. I went to the pet store and got a nesting box because of Alex's strange behavior. I'd hate for all those babies to die because I didn't. I bought extra cuddle bones and I crushed them up and put them in the food.

Danny is checking out the box like crazy. He went inside and started singing. As soon as I attached it he started doing this call he does right before he tries to mate. Alex is interested in the box, but she is more stand-offish about everything new. I'll keep you updated if anything happens. I'm trying to get some pictures, but photobucket is down. When it goes back up I'll post the pictures

BTW, I have a job that would let me bring the little ones if I needed to and I'm fully committed to my pets. I wouldn’t mind hand raising the babies if Alex wouldn't. This wasn't planned, but I will do whatever I need to do. :)

05-18-2004, 09:39 PM
You sound like you have everything pretty well planned out. I know that you have a good plan, but still research, just so you know all of the little details! Keep an eye on them both, and keep us updated!

Can't wait to see the pictures! (I don't remember ever seeing any. :()

05-19-2004, 10:46 AM
Diana, I read your questions and yes, I think she is definitely trying to nest. After two years of being together, mostly in the same cage, Milly did the same thing, starting in early January. She laid 16 eggs between January and March (a very stressful thing for her little body). Every time, even after I bought the nest, she abandoned the little eggs, which were fertile, we found. (Thank you, Roger, the "stud muffin" :o ). I had to separate them (their cages are side by side), but when she laid that first clutch, I let them remain together, and he would sit on the eggs, in the nest, when she was out to eat and drink.

I have researched and researched and I will try to find you some of the helpful articles I read that helped me.

Milly is now sitting on 3 new eggs, so we have started the whole thing over again! I had removed the eggs and the nest after she laid that first clutch and abandoned them, but she is diligently sitting, right now (almost a week now).

Make sure you give her plenty of things with calcium. The cuttle bone is a good start. Fresh veggies, pellets, etc are good sources as well.

I had no plans to breed and they never gave me any reason to worry, then "bang", I had the same thing going on that you do!

Don't hesitate to PM me or email. I am no expert, but I know where those experts are now!!! :D

My Peanuts
05-19-2004, 12:52 PM
Thanks Logan, I may NEED to PM you and get the names of those experts in the furture!

Here's a little update... Danny is in the box all the time now. He is getting inside and "calling" Alex. Alex now sits at the opening and sticks her head in. She looks bigger than Danny, which is something I never noticed before. However, that could be my mind playing tricks on me.

I'm at work right now, but when I go home I'll try to get those pics up and going again.

Thanks all! :)

My Peanuts
05-19-2004, 01:37 PM
OH I ALMOST FORGOT! At the pet shop that I bought the nesting box they had baby tiels! They were born at the beginning of May (I think) they were being hand raised in the store and were not for sale yet. They looked like helpless little chickens or something! They had down and new feathers coming in everywhere. I know this is unplanned, but I have to admit I am getting a little excited about becoming a grandma at the age of 23 ;) :p :D