View Full Version : My mice are breeding...ooops

05-17-2004, 01:06 PM
My Ex roomate pawned a pair of mice on me when I moved...no big deal mice are pretty un-intrusive critters and they are REALLY cute *silky mice*. HOWEVER what my roomate told me and what actually happened are two different things. She told me they were both females...Immagine my suprise when I came home last night to find a litter of 13 pinkies in thier cage!!! Oooh brother! They are heathy though and the momma mouse is taking real good care of them. Sigh, anyone local want a mouse lol? I really don't have the space for them...I might adopt them out when they get old enough to eat on thier own...make some kid happy :) I dont want to feed them to snakes and I know my scaredy cat leo won't eat one...groan. Mice...

05-17-2004, 06:30 PM
I hope you removed the male? They can get pregnant right after birth, which would be very taxing on the females system. Good luck with the babies. Make sure they are socialized at a young age so they would be easier to place. :)

Any pics?

05-18-2004, 01:01 PM
I separated them already because they were littermates *I guess thats why my roomate thought they were both female* and I didn't want them to breed in case they weren't both female but I was too late. Should I watching out for problems with the babies? I dont know what kinds of problems might come up due to inbreeding or if any will at all.