View Full Version : Going to Utah in 2 1/2 weeks!

05-16-2004, 08:06 PM
Yay! Hehe..

I'm going to Utah to visit Amy for a week - and I'm looking foward to it! I can't wait to see Nebo and Reggie, and Sydney if she still is living with them. :D

Had to share! I'm excited.

05-16-2004, 08:37 PM
I'm glad you're excited. I hope you have loads of fun and take lots of great pictures to share.

05-16-2004, 11:10 PM
Thanks Fallon. :) Gee I can tell everyone else is going to be soooo excited for our pics...:rolleyes:

Lol that's ok I'll take a million and post them anyway! *evil laugh*

05-16-2004, 11:28 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Thanks Fallon. :) Gee I can tell everyone else is going to be soooo excited for our pics...:rolleyes:

Lol that's ok I'll take a million and post them anyway! *evil laugh*

Yeah you better post a million. ;) Can't wait to see the pics! :D

05-17-2004, 04:38 PM
I want a million and 2!!!!

Have fun!!!

05-18-2004, 08:07 AM
You better take lots of pictures and post them (not just of dogs either:p ).
Hope you have tons of fun!

06-04-2004, 06:35 PM
I want to see tons of pics also! I am envious. I want to go to Utah and see Amy and furkids also. When are you going? Have you left yet? When will you be back? I want to hear all about it! ;)

Can you bring Nebo back with you? ;)

Robin :p

06-05-2004, 08:34 PM

I haven't left yet.. ;) I leave on the 10th - - - and I'll be back home on the 18th.. and OK! I'll try to take Nebo back with me! Haha.. I can't wait - I have like oh, 4 rolls of film.. (That enough, Amy??)


06-05-2004, 08:37 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Thanks Fallon. :) Gee I can tell everyone else is going to be soooo excited for our pics...:rolleyes:

Lol that's ok I'll take a million and post them anyway! *evil laugh*

Better not be any BAD pics of me.. :P I'll have revenge with my regular camera, hahaha..

06-05-2004, 09:20 PM
I want to see lots and lots of pics of the both of you! Please!!! don't be shy. Plenty of doggie pics and some of that gorgeous Utah scenery.

Can't wait to hear from you both...Robin :)

06-05-2004, 11:40 PM
No stealing Nebo!! Ok you can sneak us BOTH on the plane though, I'd love to visit Ohio again. :D

Robin you're welcome to come and visit me any time! ;)

Rach, you need more rolls of film! I have 8 rolls plus the digital camera lol.

06-07-2004, 01:29 PM
Ok I'm offically NERVOUS!

Today's Monday and I have 3 1/2 days before I leave to Utah..