View Full Version : Our Murphy (long)

05-13-2004, 08:42 AM
I'm going to apologize in advance for this long, detailed message. It's on my heart, and I just need to share the details of what I know, now, because later, I may not have the emotional stamina to do it. You are all so caring and so good with your prayers that I felt like I needed to share. :(

Murphy just isn't right. She is agitated easily, coughing, frantic, at times, and the wetting problems have gotten even worse. Yesterday morning was especially bad, even though she did eventually calm down. I made an appointment for her with Dr. Robinson at 4 so he could look her over, carefully, and see if there is anything we can do for her to make her more comfortable.

Scott and I talked with him about lots of things that we (mostly me, since I am here all day with her) see happening with her, especially the dementia and the bladder issues. The medication she is using now is doing nothing to help her in that regard (the bladder). Her "waterproof" bed is not so waterproof......had to take it out yesterday morning to wash the cover again, and I think that is part of what upset her. The good news is that her appetite is good, as always, and she is drinking plenty of water. We just want her to have a good quality of life and to be less agitated. I think we are at the point that we need to try some new drugs to help with the dementia. He had told me that they are available and I tried to avoid them for as long as possible, but I think it is time.

Dr. Robinson's office was packed and I had to wait quite a while to see him. Thankfully, before I even went back with Murphy, Scott and Andrew arrived. Helen and Andrew kept each other company and came in and out. Murphy was obviously agitated as she doesn't sit easily at all due to her arthritis, so she is usually standing or plopping down. I wish I had carried a bed for her to use while we waited.

She has lost a considerable amount of weight, but it has been gradual, and we didn't really even realize the severity of it until today. Her alltime high was 77 pounds, last July. She was 61.2, yesterday. Dr. Robinson explained to us about how their kidneys stop functioning properly as they get older (I hope I'm telling you this correctly). He said it actually dehydrates their cells, causing weight loss and lack of absorption from liquids and their food. I shouldn't even try to repeat what he said because I know I'll get it wrong. Anyway, he said that the weight loss was minor compared to other things.

She has a lump on her chest, right at her left leg, which we have been watching for many months now (Dr. Robinson had seen her about that too). The lump has hardened and grown larger, something we already realized. What we didn't realize is that there is a second lump on the inside of her right leg. Murphy is not one to "roll over" and let you prod like my other dogs do. We simply never saw it. We keep our inspections, brushing, bathing, etc to a minimum with her to avoid upsetting her. Dr. R told me to quit beating myself up over it because he would never had suggested surgery on her at this point in her life, anyway, especially after the horrible recuperation period, last year, when we had major surgery on her ear. Both ears were mildly irritated, but he said they actually looked pretty good considering her history with ear infections.

She is old and her body is showing the signs. To tell you the truth, I think he saw and heard more today than he was willing to tell us with the kids standing there. When I asked him if he was trying to "protect" me from bad news, he admitted that he was "hedging" with me a little bit until he could give me more factual information. He told us to take it one day at a time, and he did some blood work which he is sending off for a more complete evaluation. He also added a medication to try and help with the incontinance problem, plus one for the "dementia" (I'm sorry I don't have them in front of me to tell you what they are). We will try this for a week. He is going to call me when the blood work comes back, and he said that depending on what he sees there, he might like to do the 24 hour withholding of liquids to get a concentrated urine specimen for further testing. But before he does that, he's going to sit down with us and discuss her whole situation more thoroughly. He actually said to Scott and me that he knows how I am about my animals and he knows I want him to do all he can for her, and he will, but when he thinks "enough is enough" he's going to tell us. I have to tell you that I felt that he thinks it will be soon. And then later in the evening, as we were cleaning up the kitchen, I asked Scott if he said anything else to him when they were alone, and he did. Dr. Robinson told him that he needed to prepare me and the kids as he did not think that Murphy would be with us much longer, nor would we want her to be if she is unhappy and in pain. Remember, this is the man who walked with me through 11 months of pure Hell with my Kaycee, five years ago, and he hasn't forgotten how hard that was for me. I am better able to handle it now, although it still hurts like crazy to think of losing her. I do not want her to suffer and I don't think she is, right now, but I am here, constantly, helping her get up and down, cleaning her bedding, calming her when she gets so frantic. Scott actually sees very little of it. Neither do the children, thank goodness.

I was able to share a lot of this with Helen on the way home this afternoon. I don't think Andrew understood what was going on, and we aren't going into great detail with him at this point. There is no need to. Helen and I shared a few tears and I cried ino the phone when I called and left a message for my friend, Sandra, but otherwise, I still have to move on, as if she's going to be fine. Now I know that there probably wasn't much, if anything, that could have been done if I had really pursued it earlier in earnest. Dr. Robinson and I had talked at length, before, about whether I ought to be bringing her in more often to be checked, and his conclusion, which I concured with, was that poking and proding her and getting her in and out of the car, which is very upsetting to her, every 4-6 months was not going to extend her life, and that if I saw any dramatic change or felt she was ill, I should bring her in then. I appreciated his candor then and appreciated it again, yesterday, when I felt she needed to be seen. He's all for extending life for any animal, as long as it is "quality" they are getting. He repeated to me yesterday that he has seen many animals be "saved" because the owner can't bear to part with them. I was that way with Kaycee.

I'm just glad that our girl is able to be comfortably at home, with us, and loved every minute of every day. Funny how this sweet girl, who I haven't even known for 2 years yet, has become such an important part of my life. As you know, she turned 14 years old in February and has been with Scott since she was a tiny puppy.

Sorry this is so long, but I needed to get it off my chest and let you know what was happening around here, right now. I'll keep you posted when I know more. I would just appreciate your remembering Murphy in your prayers, if you will. I ask that you pray for her to be comfortable and that she will let us know when it is time for her to leave.


Edwina's Secretary
05-13-2004, 10:58 AM
Logan...it doesn't take long to fall in love with an animal! They give so much and ask so little.

Know that my thoughts are with you and your family -- furred and furless alike.

05-13-2004, 11:45 AM
Oh Logan, your post brought me to tears. :( :( I'm so sorry to hear about Murphy.

Cinder & Smoke
05-13-2004, 01:44 PM
Hi God ~

Lil Help down here onna ole Durt Ball, paLeeze!

We're gonna be sendin up a Buncha PT Prayers fur our Buddie -
Miz Murphy.

She's having a WUNNERFUL Life down here wiffa Kids an Mom & Dad -
We'd like to ask if she could stay a while longer?

Pleeze do Your *best* to help Doc Robinson make her feel
comfortable an secure in her "senior yearz" -
we think she deserves dat.

An could you Wrap Your GodsPawz round da whole Fambly -
includin Miz Murphy - and give em all sum Comfort?

THANKS fur You Help, God!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

05-13-2004, 01:52 PM
Aw, Logan!
I know what you are going through. I went through something similar when I had to make the decision to let Leroy go. He developed heart trouble. After two weeks of love and cuddles he got to where he couldn't breathe. I decided to let him go. I couldn't let him suffer any longer. My prayers are with you and your family and Murphy! Enjoy every second you can with her. She knows you love her.

05-13-2004, 01:57 PM
Oh Logan I can't say I know exactly how you feel, but I do know the thought of loosing one of the furkids to old age.

I'm sure this must be weighing heavly on your heart and I will keep you, your family and Murphy in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope that your girl still has quite a few fun days ahead of her.

Your friend

05-13-2004, 02:35 PM
Logan, after having been in your position with my Rainbow Bridge kitties, I know all too well that painful tug on your heart as you give everything that you have in you to make sure they are as comfortable as possible.

You can count on my prayers for Murphy but for you as well. I know the "look" that they give you and it is filled with love and devotion. When they are younger, we take it all for granted and revel in their youth.

When they become seniors we stop, take extra time with them and wish for all our might that we could stop old age.

Let me send you a big hug, please - and know that I feel for you.

05-13-2004, 02:54 PM
I was so heartsick when I got your message yesterday Logan. You know how I love that sweet Labbie girl. It's so hard to see them age and begin to fail, especially as we feel so helpless. You've been the best mom to Murphy these past 2 years. What a loving and caring home she married into:) I hope and pray that following the blood work results, Dr. Robinson can come up with a course of treatement that will allow her to be with you all, enjoying a decent qualilty of life, for a while yet. There are Rx foods for dogs with comprised kidney function and more than a few drugs to treat the dementia too. I'm not going to give up on her just yet. I just wish I were there to give you a hug and a little comfort in person., because I know how heavy your heart is right now, how sad you are. I know what you're going through friend, just as I know you've been there before yourself, with your precious Casey. Me and Cody and Star are sending all of our love and prayers to you, Scott, the kids and of course, to dear, sweet Murphy. I love you friend. Sandra

05-13-2004, 05:37 PM
Logan, my heart is so heavy for you -- going through what every person absolutely dreads. I can feel your love for Murphy through the lines on the page, and I wish there was something that I could say or do that would make you feel better.

Please know that we will keep you and Murphy and your family in our thoughts and prayers!!

Alana (Lonnie) Oelschlegel
05-13-2004, 06:15 PM
Dear Mrs. Pillar,
I'm so sorry to hear about all of Murphy's prolems. First off let me tell you our prayers are with you, and Murphy.
I agree with you that when her quality of life goes then she should be gently put to sleep. I worked on, and off for 12 years for different Vets., and boarding kennels. I worked mostly in the back doing the kennel.
I wanted to tell you about something that might not only offer her some hope, but an oppertunity at a really good quality of life again. The fact that we feed our pets such enzyme-less food over an entire lifetime only contributes to the growing list of animal health problems we witness today including: Osteoarthritis, inflammation, joint pain, hip dysplasia, shedding, hair loss,digestive disorders,pet food allergies, and many other stress related symptoms contributed to by a weakened immune system.
Remember every pet needs more than processed foods.
Enzymes make all life possible. They are needed for every chemical reaction occurring in the body over the course of a lifetime.
Without enzymes, no metabolic activity at all would take place. Neither vitamins, minerals, nor hormones can do any work without enzymes.
My oldest cat started having problems recently. He had a drastic loss of weight, (he was already skinny by nature). Also he lost the hair just above his tail, & his tail got sort of ripples at the top. Also his rectum was starting to protrude. It was very scary!! I bought the Bac Pac Plus as he is a finicky eater anyway. He's only been on it for about a 11/2 weeks and his fur has grown back above his tail. He's gaing weight, and the best part is that his rectum no longer protrudes! I liked it so much I decided to become an agent so I could try and help other peoples animals. I believe it will help Murphy. It comes with a full 30 day money back guarentee from the company. They are also very knowligable on how to help your pets. I'm not trying to talk you into anything I just wanted to let you know how much it helped Joey. If you should decide to try it if you give them my name Alana Oelschlegel or my ID# 12203 if you order Oxydrops, or the Antioxidant treats they'll send you a second bottle for free so you can double up on her dosage for the first week or so to get maximum benifits!
I wish Murphy, and your family all the best during this horrible time.
Lonnie Oelschlegel

05-13-2004, 08:12 PM
My heart is breaking reading your post.
Sending many hugs and prayers for you and Murphy.


05-13-2004, 09:38 PM
I'm so sorry to hear about dear Murphy, Logan.

While I have never been in your situation exactly, my heart breaks knowing how hard it must be.
I know just how wonderful sweet Murphy is, and how much you both mean to each other.

I will keep your family in my prayers Logan, and I'm sending you big hugs.

05-13-2004, 11:14 PM

Know that I am in tears, and also know that you and Murphy are in my prayers ...........


05-14-2004, 08:00 AM

I too am in tears at your trouble. You and your whole family are in my thoughts and prayers.

I know it takes just a moment for these wonderful creatures to sneak in and find a place in your heart. How wonderful that Logan found the right person to care for her. Unfortunately it puts you and the family at risk for heartache, but from reading your posts I think you are the kind of person who would not ever want to miss the joy that comes from a life with these loving, forgiving animals. Rest assured, she knows that she is loved and cared for and that she trusts you to make the right decision, if need be.


05-14-2004, 10:42 AM
I am sorry Logan. :(

I will keep your family and Murphy in my thoughts and prayers.

05-14-2004, 06:00 PM
Oh Logan the tears are falling as I read your heart rending tale of Murphy.

I'll just pray and keep this much loved girl in my thoughts.
I know how hard it is - and whatever happens may you receive the strength to go through and deal with things. xxxx

{{{HUGS}}} across the miles to you all.


05-15-2004, 02:04 AM
Oh Logan. I'm so sorry I didn't read this earlier. I alwas forget to check the dog/cat/pet health forums.

:( Your post brought me to tears. I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you. Please know that your Murphy, and your family, will be in my prayers. If you need to talk, just let me know.



05-15-2004, 07:30 AM
So sorry to hear this Logan. Our hearts and our prayers go out to you and Murphy.

05-15-2004, 03:05 PM
Just hoping that each day will be a *good one* for the Murphy girl until it is her time to travel on. Sometimes I think this is harder on us than it is on them.

05-15-2004, 05:30 PM
your dog is in a terminal stage of cancer where the weight loss is a condition known as cachexia. The blood work may show anemia and a drop in platlets.

You may wish to ask your Vet for the antibiotic Doxycycline. One of the main problems that may occur is secondary infection by bacteria due to a suppressed immune system. Opportunistics infections can become serious quickly. The Doxycycline is a wide spectrum antibiotic, and has some minor anti-infammatory properties. At this stage there is no reason not to give antibiotics as a preventative.

It's always a good sign the appetite is still there. A good opportunity for you to pamper your puppy with whatever it wishes to eat. You might consider addiing fish oil to the diet. Try 2000-4000 mg per day (for a large breed dog). The Omega-3s in the fish oil are ant-iinflammatory, and might help with any lactic acid imbalances. Besides most dogs will relish the taste of the fish oil- yummy. Speak with your Vet about administering Prednisone. It could make the puppy wee wee problem worse, but will make the dog feel more comfortable, especially one with arthritis. Also discuss with your Vet the possibility of administering low doses of Torbutrol (a doggy narcotic) to relieve any possible pain, if puppy seems restless. Doses as low as 2.5 mg can be effective. The less the better due to the sedating effect. It still puzzles me why it isn't precribed the first night after neutering or spaying, but that's another subject.

Miss Meow
05-16-2004, 04:37 PM
Logan, I'm so sorry to hear about Murph.

I hope there's some good news to come about your dear old girl. Will be sending lots of positive thoughts to Murph and your family and hope they help her get through this {{{hugs}}}

05-16-2004, 05:28 PM
Oh, Logan ... I know how it hurts. Prayers, positive thoughts and love on the way for your Murphy girl and you.


05-16-2004, 05:37 PM
Miss Murphy will be in all our prayers. She's a grand old dame, and we hope her remaining time with the family will be as happy and comfortable as can be.

05-17-2004, 03:02 AM
Logan, Logan, Logan.........
Please understand that there's absolutely NO reason for you to apologize and say sorry.

We all know how deep your heart is, especially for your animals. Please, please keep us updated and i'll let you know that we're all here for you whenever you need us.

I am, however, sorry I didn't see this sooner. I'm afraid of looking in the Health and Memorial sections just because reading about heartbreaking stories such as yours... tears away at me.

Murphy, you pretty lady you, please comfort mommy, Scott, Helen, Andrew, and the rest of the family. They love you, as well as the rest of us do.

{{Hugs from the pups and I}} are being sent your way, Logan...:)

Canis Amicus
05-17-2004, 07:41 AM
I am heartbroken. I understand you saying only two years, and loving her so much. Rex is with me just one month now, and when I do not see a smile on his face, I flip out.

Murphy and you and your family are in my prayers.


05-17-2004, 08:30 AM
Just wanted to let you know that you and Murphy are in my thoughts constantly. We are keeping her in our prayers daily. We love you Murphy girl. {{{HUGS}}} Sandra, Cody and Star.

05-17-2004, 12:29 PM
I am sorry I came into this late. I will keep you and your Family and Murphy in my thoughts and prayers.
Never apologize for long posts! That is what we are here for!

05-17-2004, 07:39 PM
Your whole family is in our thoughts and prayers

05-17-2004, 09:17 PM
So how is your dear sweet Murphy getting along? Good I hope.
Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you both.

05-17-2004, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by Rachel
Just hoping that each day will be a *good one* for the Murphy girl until it is her time to travel on. Sometimes I think this is harder on us than it is on them.

Well said.

At least you know that Murphy looks to you and Scott as her parents, and knows that you will do whatever is best for her, and she , i am sure, in her times of pain, is ever so comforted to have your presence beside her each day...hope your doing well today...both mommy and doggie :)

05-17-2004, 10:00 PM
Firstly, I'm sorry that I did not respond to this thread sooner. I was taking a much needed break from Pet Talk.

Secondly, I wish I had the words to comfort you and your family at a time like this. I can't imagine the pain you must be going through. I know that I will have to face this one day with my geriatric kitties.

Hugs to you and kisses to Murphy. Embrace each day and know that Murphy loves you very much and trusts that you will make the right decision at the right time.

05-18-2004, 08:49 AM
First of all, I want to thank you all so very much for your kind words of support for Murphy and for our family. :) You are all so sweet and understanding of my concerns.

Secondly, I wanted to give you an update on Murphy. I just talked with Dr. Robinson and he got her bloodwork back. It was perfect!!! :) He thinks that we are just dealing with an older dog who has many issues, but the bloodwork didn't indicate anything out of the ordinary! Thank God!!! :)

Her wetting problems have stopped completely with the addition of the new medication. That in itself is a huge relief for Murphy and for me! The Anipryl, which was given to her for the dementia does not seem to be helping at all, sadly, but we can deal with these periods of barking, etc. It is not always easy, but this is not new at all, and is not constant. We're going to watch the lumps, but as long as they are not making her uncomfortable, we're leaving them alone. She's eating, drinking and mostly sleeping.

We don't know how long she will be be with us, but we're just going to take it day by day, as I told you before. I'll keep you posted if anything changes, but wanted to let you know what I know right now.


05-18-2004, 09:50 AM
I just read your email and all of us did a HUGE happy dance when we heard the good news! What a glowing report she got on her blood work! It's hard to imagine she could be suffering from cancer with such perfect numbers! Licking the wetting issue it a huge relief, I'm sure. As I told you, it was the combo of DES and Proin that did it for Cody. Bless you for being such a wonderfully caring, patient loving mom to sweet Murphy. It's not easy dealing with senior issues and your know, we're all here for you to lend our supprot! Give the cutie a BIG hug and kiss from me! Love you Murphy:)

05-18-2004, 10:39 AM
Oh, Logan, when I read about Murphy, I cried, too. Their lives are just too short.
I am so glad that some of the meds are working for her. She will live out the rest of her days in a wonderful household of caring people!!! Hugs.

05-18-2004, 06:25 PM
Oh Logan. Your update made my heart leap with joy! :D I'm so glad to hear Murphy's bloodwork came perfect! Thanks for the happy update!!

05-20-2004, 05:03 AM
Oh, yes!!! Great news about the bloodwork! :D :D

Sending big hugs and kisses for sweet Murphy girl. :)

Holly's mom
05-20-2004, 07:43 AM
Hugs to you, Logan and Murphy!! I'm so glad his blood work came back o.k. I know what you are going through, the taking one day at a time is so hard. Freckles, my RB springer, had so many health problems the last 2 years of her life, and that's what we were doing, taking one day at a time, with MANY visits to the vet. But it was so worth it, we got to keep her a little longer.

Prayers and hugs to you.

05-20-2004, 12:10 PM
Bless your heart Logan...........what a huge relief it must be for you to have some of the problems under control.

They do not live nearly as long as we would like and as they grow older it is so hard to see some of the signs of old age set in.

Please give Murphy a big hug for me and save a little of it for yourself too.

05-22-2004, 12:25 AM
I'm glad Murphy is doing much better. What a wonderful pick-me-up uppie-date!

Our well wishes are still being sent your way, Murph-girl! :D

05-22-2004, 01:31 PM
Logan, I'm glad to hear that everything is going well for Murphy and you.
Please give that sweetie a little kiss from me:)

05-22-2004, 03:11 PM
That is wonderful news about the blood work.
I like to hear good news.

Sending more hugs!

05-24-2004, 12:29 PM
Great news Logan - happy dances on this side of the pond too!!

Sending lots of {{{{Hugs}}}} to you all - especially Murphy xxxx
