View Full Version : Sorry havn't been around much!

Aspen and Misty
05-12-2004, 10:13 PM
Sorry I havn't been around much. We are having MAJOR computer problems. Plus I've been totally busy with a Geo report (school) and other school stuff. All my pets are doing well exept Peaches, who is right now hanging on to life just barly. We are working 24/7 to keep her alive. We are spoon feeding her (we are VERY blessed to have a Chameleon who loves to come out and will acctually climb onto your hand) She can't see any more and has lost about 25 grams in weight (she can't see to hunt)! We aren't sure what has caused this, either is our vet, We think the vitamins we were giving to her, weren't enough, so now we are working hard at getting vitamins, good fattning food and lots of sunlight/UV light to her. If she makes it through this it will be a miracle.

So, thats it for now, O, for those interested my two new baby rats are living with there adult Aunties! Anyway I just thought I would apoligize, I still love you guys! Hopefully our home computer will get fixed soon and I'll be back on and shareing the millions of cute photo's I have!


05-12-2004, 10:18 PM
Hey, we miss you! Sorry you've been having computer trouble, hope everything gets better soon, and good luck with school! Summer's coming ...