View Full Version : Man on Fire

05-02-2004, 10:54 PM
I know I just posted a movie thread a few days ago, but anyway. Maybe there should be a general movies thread??? To post which are good and which are not..then again, I'm sure most people don't watch as many movies as me :rolleyes: Besides my mom. I'm suprised she doesn't know the names of the people who work at the movie store XD

Anyone see the movie Man on Fire? I think that's what it was called..lol. I saw it tonight, it's really good :D It was a little long, but it might have been becauseI was tired...not sure. I liked it a lot though :)

05-02-2004, 11:26 PM
I haven't seen that one. Not sure if I will. I don't get to see many movies (they are so expensive to see in the theater and well i just don't rent many for some reason).

That being said I did take my sisters to see Mean Girls this weekend. It was pretty funny, I laughed a lot. It's a silly brain candy type movie so it was fun. :)

05-03-2004, 08:00 AM
I LOVED Man On Fire !! I never miss anything with Denzel Washington and I think this one is my all time favorite! I had no idea how things would turn out until the very last minutes!! Was it long?? I did not really notice because I was hanging onto my seat!! The young girl actress was also excellent I think! The movie was TERRIFIC!!! I do not normally like *action* movies as a rule, but this one had everything.

05-03-2004, 09:47 AM
It was over 2 hours I believe. Then again, like I said, it was probably because I was tired that I thought it felt longer. I still enjoyed it a lot though :)

05-03-2004, 02:41 PM
Honestly, I didn't like it. Justin and I saw it saturday night. The girl was so precious, I loved her. Denzel washington is hot, so thats a plus, but other than that I can't say I enjoyed much. Too much violence and killing for me. Justin did like it.