View Full Version : Cicadas

04-30-2004, 11:16 PM
I had read earlier this month about these insects, and I just saw this news story on Yahoo.


It says to keep dogs indoors to keep them from eating the bugs--I'm wondering if that means all day, or do they just come out at night?????

05-02-2004, 08:21 PM
but the outer shell or exoskeletons are not digestible by dogs. So a few eaten won't hurt, but if enough shells pile up in the intestine it might cause temporary problems. In another words the bug isn't poisonous.

Given my two coyotes preference for killing bugs, and eating shrimp tails (yummy) it might be an interesting summer with them in the pen during the day. An interesting thought is that maybe greasing the tract with fish oil might help? Of course too much fish oil and all kinds of things might slide out too quickly. ;)

05-03-2004, 09:44 AM
I think they come down at night mostly and that they are suggesting that you watch your dog when it's outside.

Kia shows no interest in eating the cicadas in years past, but I still keep an eye on her. :)

05-03-2004, 10:42 AM
Day or night the cicadas will be everywhere, all the time. No way I can keep 6 dogs in the house for 6 weeks so I'll just try to keep them lubricated (the dogs, not the cicadas :D ) and will try to let them out to do their business but not for hours a day the way they are used to. Unfortunately the 5 cats like to go in/out as well and they obviously have smaller digestive systems. Oh yes indeed, we are in for a lovely 6 weeks here in the Mid-Atlantic :rolleyes:

05-03-2004, 07:36 PM
lbaker, You have six dogs? I had no idea. Have you posted
pictures of them before? I am a little supprised that I didn't
know that. :o

Smokey will probably scarf these bugs up if I don't see them
first & remove them..:D