View Full Version : Hopefully a new addition coming soon!! *pic*

04-30-2004, 04:21 PM
After the escape of my dear Nelly, I have been longing for another bird's companionship. I miss waking up to the whistling of a birdie voice.

I went to a pet shop that is about 2 hours away from our house, and look at what I found!!

Isn't he/she gorgeous :eek: It is a pure white cockatiel. I couldn't beleive it! So pretty!

I have been hinting to my parents, and they understand how horrible I feel about Nelly, and how much I want another bird in my life.

Also, I have a question for luckies. How much is a rat ususally sell for?
(No, I am not looking on getting a rattie, but I have something to ask after that question is answered. ;))

Wish me luck!!

04-30-2004, 04:31 PM
:eek: She/he's absolutely GORGEOUS!!!:D That's great that you're allowed to get another bird.
Good luck! and Keep us updated!

04-30-2004, 05:26 PM
Oh my gosh!!!! An albino baby! Sooooo precious!!!! I want my third tiel........whenever I get one, to be an albino. I just love them! He/she looks like a cockatiel version of a dove! :D Oh Emma, I would be sooooo happy for you if you got that little bird. SO happy. Keep us updated, and good luck!

Popcorn and Muffin say go for it. :)

04-30-2004, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Oh my gosh!!!! An albino baby! Sooooo precious!!!! I want my third tiel........whenever I get one, to be an albino. I just love them! He/she looks like a cockatiel version of a dove! :D Oh Emma, I would be sooooo happy for you if you got that little bird. SO happy. Keep us updated, and good luck!

Popcorn and Muffin say go for it. :)

Then I can tease you before you get one! He he he! :D

Ahhh, I am in love with this baby. *sigh*

Yes! I will keep you updated.

Thank you for the support Popcorn and Muffin. I say go for it too. ;)

04-30-2004, 06:58 PM
OH! He/She is BEAUTIFUL! :eek: You're making me want another tiel friend for Piper...thanks. :p

Good Luck, Emz!

04-30-2004, 08:15 PM
What a beautiful bird! I love all white tiels. You know, when I was 18 the man down the street from me had a cockatiel hybrid. I do not know what other bird it was mixed with, but the bird looked just like a tiel except all black with orange cheeks. ALL BLACK! :eek: It was the coolest bird I had ever seen in my whole life!

As far as rats go, it depends on where you get them from. Breeders can charge anywhere from $7 to 50 dollars depending on type. Pet shops anywhere from $3 to 25. Rescues usually either give them away for free or charge a very minimal fee. Why do you ask? hehe :p

04-30-2004, 08:38 PM
Originally posted by luckies4me
What a beautiful bird! I love all white tiels. You know, when I was 18 the man down the street from me had a cockatiel hybrid. I do not know what other bird it was mixed with, but the bird looked just like a tiel except all black with orange cheeks. ALL BLACK! :eek: It was the coolest bird I had ever seen in my whole life!

As far as rats go, it depends on where you get them from. Breeders can charge anywhere from $7 to 50 dollars depending on type. Pet shops anywhere from $3 to 25. Rescues usually either give them away for free or charge a very minimal fee. Why do you ask? hehe :p

Wow, too bad you didn't take a picture! (I don't know if you would still have it anyway. :p) That would be very neat!

Okay, well, I was looking at the hooded ratties, gosh they are so doggone cute! I got a picture of one, but the reflection of my camera ended up in it.

Well, I had no clue what the price range was, so I was sort of surprised when they were only $4.99.

I hope that the ratties don't go to bad homes, since they are so cheap, or go to homes where they will feed them to snakes. Yes, I know that snakes have to eat, too, but...

Thanks, Cass. :)

05-02-2004, 06:44 AM
Awww, she looks like my cockatiel "Casper". He is a white-face cockatiel. Casper is all white with a cinnamon-grey stripe on the top of each wing.
I can't tell from the picture, does she have black eyes or red eyes? If they are black then she is a white-face, if they're red then she is albino.

05-02-2004, 11:34 AM

Emma! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL! Well... it could be a boy I guess. But man oh man! I really hope you get her/him! What would you name him/her? OOOH! IM SO EXCITED!

05-02-2004, 01:01 PM
I'm excited too, Megan! *grins* Well, I might get him/her on Tuesday! We have to go that way anyway.

I am thinking about the name "Soda". It would depend on if it fit. My friend thought of it. I thought ti was pretty cute!

KBlaix- No, he/she did not have red eyes. I am pretty sure they were brownish/black. :)

Thanks everyone!

05-02-2004, 08:57 PM
Oh good luck, Emma! I hope everything works out for you. I'm staying tuned, and can't wait for more pictures!! ;)

05-04-2004, 11:34 AM
Beautiful bird! Don't think I've seen one like that before. Let's see, today is Tuesday so you can let us know soon!

05-04-2004, 02:20 PM
What a beautiful bird!! I sure hope that you can get him/her!