View Full Version : Men!

04-29-2004, 10:32 AM
Hubby just called me. He's asking me if I could run some errands for me.... yeah, yeah, ok. No problem :rolleyes: Then as he's about to hang up he says, "oh we might be going to the hospital tongiht." I thought maybe one of his students or fellow teaches were sick, so I asked, "Whats wrong, who's sick?"

Grant: Everyone's fine. I think I broke my finger in the car door this morning. Its all swollen and I can't move it.

Me: Well do you want me to call the doctor and set up an appointment so that you don't have to sit in the emrgency room for 5 hours?

Grant: No, I'll just go

Me: Seriously, the doctor will most likely just wrap it in a splint. There's nothing else you can do to a broken finger.

Grant: No, I think I'll go to the hospital

Me: The doctor will be cheaper because all we would have is the copay... the emergency room is like $100 out of pocket.

Grant: Nope. I think the hospital is better

UGH! He's got to be in some serious pain to even suggest the hospital! And he's not going until AFTER school and AFTER my daughter's soccer game tonight! :rolleyes:

04-29-2004, 10:40 AM
LOL that sounds just like my dad!

I agree....men!:p ;)

04-29-2004, 01:17 PM
I shouldn't condemn my dear hubby because now I'm sitting here thinking about the hospital for MYSELF!!

I decided to take a nice loooong hot shower and as I was getting out, I flung my hair over my head to wrap the towel around it and I collided with the corner of the bathroom door! Talk about stars!

So here I sit, barely focusing, with my head throbbing and for some reason running a temp of 102 that wasn't there this morning (is that a sympton of a consussion??) and shivering on what has turned out to be a beautiful warm day.

Not a good day for the people in my family:rolleyes: :eek:

04-29-2004, 01:53 PM
Catnapper, maybe you should go to the doctor or hospital. That just don't sound good at all.

The temp started after you hit your head? I really think you should go and get looked at by a doctor.

Call your hubby, and you can both go together.
