View Full Version : More geckos!

04-26-2004, 12:29 PM
Inochi laid 2 more eggs last night, and though I've lost both eggs from the first clutch, I still have 4 incubating...

To add to that, I just ordered two new adult females - one is a normal phase, the other is an Albino phase.

I thought up two names

Akira for the albino - it means "Bright"
Chitsu for the normal phase (Meaning is undisclosed at this time)

What do you think?

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-26-2004, 12:48 PM
I love geckos!!

*now where are the pictures!!!*:D

04-26-2004, 12:50 PM
Well it'll be a while - I just ordered them today, and they're not even here yet.

I'll be sure to take pix as soon as they get settled!

04-27-2004, 12:48 AM
I like the names you have picked out - Akira especially.
Good luck with the eggs! How long is their average incubation period?

04-27-2004, 06:31 AM
Well, depending on the temperature, the incubation period can range anywhere from 8-10 weeks.

:) I'm incubating at a lower temperature to get females, so it'll be closer to 10 for mine.

04-27-2004, 06:40 PM
Thanks for the explanation. Looks like you may have quite a few female geckos coming your way! Is there a reason you prefer females?

04-27-2004, 07:18 PM
Well I already have 2 males, and I intend to breed the females and sell the hatchlings.


04-29-2004, 01:16 AM
MORE?! *Bounce* When I get a place, will you ship me a little one? :)

04-29-2004, 09:03 AM
Yup they just came in today, and Chitsu - whom I purchased thinking she'd be a normal phase, is most definitely Snow-Phase. Akira is an albino for sure.

I've got 4 eggs incubating at the moment, WolfChan - and I'll be selling them for 50.00 each. :)

Chitsu is BEAUTIFUL, and so is Akira.


04-29-2004, 05:53 PM
Ok, I swapped the names, because the normal phase actually wound up being a snow phase, so I named HER Akira instead, since "Bright" fits her better than the albino

The albino's name is Chitsu.

Oh and there's some pictures of Inochi and Otomodachi as well!

Here is Akira:
Akira (1) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Akira1.jpg)
Akira (2) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Akira2.jpg)
Akira (3) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Akira3.jpg)

Here's Chitsu:
Chitsu (1) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Chitsu1.jpg)
Chitsu (2) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Chitsu2.jpg)
Chitsu (3) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Chitsu3.jpg)
Chitsu (4) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Chitsu4.jpg)

Here's Inochi:
Inochi (1) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Inochi1.jpg)
Inochi (2) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Inochi2.jpg)

Here's Otomodachi:
Otomodachi (1) (http://www.caicos.org/linkedpics/Otomodachi1.jpg)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-30-2004, 08:04 AM

They are soo cute!!!!

Inochi is really cool looking!!!:D

04-30-2004, 01:19 PM
They are all beautiful!

05-03-2004, 02:54 PM
Hello Reptile;

Geckos are my constant companions here at my house. the Greeish Geckos live mainly at sea level it seems, my Geckos up here at 2000ft are grey, small, about 3 inch maxium.They lay their eggs in the trees outside. I hear their loud call throughout the day, and they drive my cats nuts trying to find them. They eat bugs, and are a welcome addition to my animal family. I'm looking for another Jackson's to come around. They are hard to see. We have had a lot of rain, so they should out, it's just hard to find them. Do you have any tips on how to locate these elusive guys?

Lat19 from Hawaii

05-03-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by lat192004
Hello Reptile;

Geckos are my constant companions here at my house. the Greeish Geckos live mainly at sea level it seems, my Geckos up here at 2000ft are grey, small, about 3 inch maxium.They lay their eggs in the trees outside. I hear their loud call throughout the day, and they drive my cats nuts trying to find them. They eat bugs, and are a welcome addition to my animal family. I'm looking for another Jackson's to come around. They are hard to see. We have had a lot of rain, so they should out, it's just hard to find them. Do you have any tips on how to locate these elusive guys?

Lat19 from Hawaii

Hmm - locating a Jackson's Chameleon in the wild is going to be tough. I'm afraid I don't have any tips on how you'd do that... They usually only eat live bugs, so using bugs as bait would be difficult at best.

I do know that they will only drink water droplets that are on leaves or that are falling (rain) - perhaps a little dixie cup with a pinhole in the bottom of it that's always dripping water would draw them out?

05-03-2004, 03:33 PM
Hi,and thanks for the reply. Do you know what their water need in a 24 hour period would be? The reason I asked, is usually we get some amount of rain during a 24 hour period, and if not that the very heavy dew that forms overnight will be heavy enough that I can catch very small amounts of water to my Water Catchment tank...I did catch one about 6 months ago. I was in back of my house with a flashlight, and I was almost face to face with the guy! They hardly move, and blend in so good it's almost impossible to see them. Jackson's are so strange. Like looking back millions of years.. I edited this, found out what I wanted o from a search engine:)

05-03-2004, 09:10 PM

05-03-2004, 10:11 PM
I just love lil leopard geckos! I just got mine about a month ago and I'm just smitten with him!

Good luck on raisin lil ones!
Very pretty!

05-03-2004, 10:16 PM
OMG, they are so cute! How big are the eggs? Are you going to take pics of the babies when they hatch?

I can't wait to see the pics of them, if you make any. How much longer before they hatch? You must be so excited!

I never knew they were so cute. I guess I keep seeing the little Geico one and thought they all looked like that. Those pictured are so beautiful!


05-04-2004, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by trayi52
OMG, they are so cute! How big are the eggs? Are you going to take pics of the babies when they hatch?

I can't wait to see the pics of them, if you make any. How much longer before they hatch? You must be so excited!

I never knew they were so cute. I guess I keep seeing the little Geico one and thought they all looked like that. Those pictured are so beautiful!


:D The eggs are rather large, given the size of the geckos - I'd say close to 1 inch long, and 2 are laid in a clutch. And yes, I am going to take lots of pictures! :) I'm psyched for them to hatch, I've been checking the eggs daily, and I even bought one of those special lights to direct a beam through the egg so that I can see the developing gecko! It's so cool... One of the clutches is due around June 16th, the other should hatch sometime around June 30th. She's been laying eggs every 2 weeks so far - and she will be until August.

Both my males are normal phase, but Inochi is a Tangerine, Akira is a Lavender, Chitsu is the Albino, and Otomodachi is a Jungle. So, any hatchlings I have will probably be het for these phases. :)