View Full Version : Rabies Vaccines in Humans

04-22-2004, 12:11 AM
Wasn't sure where to post this, I know alot of you post in the general so just wanted you to be aware.

This is for all the people who are working in the dog care part that have to have rabies vaccines for their jobs. If you received the vaccines in Oct or Nov of 2003 I beg you to check with the doctor or health department that gave it. I was notified this past week that the vaccines that were given to me had been recalled. It was recommended that I get another series, but do to having severe allergic reaction to them I had to get a doctor's approval and my doctor would not approve until she found out why they just could not do a tyter test. The reason was they could not be sure if I was injected with live virus. so she approved it because of the severety. I started my new series yesterday as they are treating it as if I was bitten by something rabid. I had another allergic reaction to it. Now they are scared for me to continue. I have to talk with the health department tomorrow. Plus call my doctor because all my lymphnodes have swollen to marble size masses. I have be poisoned by this and don't really know what my outcome will be. Please if you had the vaccines during this time find out if yours were recalled. I have an appointment with an attorney tomorrow at 4pm. Please do not wait this is a life and death situation.


My Peanuts
04-22-2004, 02:23 PM
Doesn't pertain to me, but it deserves a bump :o

04-22-2004, 03:26 PM
I have never heard of a human needing a rabies vaccine, Oodles of Poodles, only those who had to be treated for rabies. I do hope that everything will be ok for you. I'm sorry that you fell into that group who had to vaccinated and for all the bad results that you are receiving now. Best wishes to you.


04-22-2004, 06:35 PM
Yes most of your animal control employees are vaccinated every two years due to dealing with wildlife and stray dogs that are not vaccinated. A lot of vets will require their techs also due to dealing with animals. A raccoon can have rabies its entire life and never show signs, also a person infected with rabies may not show any clinical signs for up to 10 years. I have done a lot of research on this in the last few days. The manufacture of the vaccine was Aventis Pasteur only 4 lots were distributed to the us the lot numbers are X0667-2, X0667-3, W1419-2 and W1419-3. I have had to contact the U.s. Department of health and human services Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Systems and having to fill out all kinds of forms. I just wanted everyone on Pet talk to be aware because I know alot of you are in the rescue organizations and some of them require workers to be vaccinated.